L/L/T/C in a Dramatic Scene, epilogue,( part two.) The End.with to be continued.
I looked at my blog.
i remember lots of things. lots of memorable, somewhat embarassing,somehow funny and wierd things.
i am currently laughing to myself at how dumb am i. how mad am i. how stoopid i was to be thinking soooo much. Some things are as simple as 1,2,3.

"Situations, are irrelevent now, she loves the way that i teach, i love the way that she preach." - Situations, by Escape The Fate.

i Actually composed songs, omg lols,for my once oh-so-heavy-crush on a little ignorant girl who i don't think gives a shit now abt every particular thing of me right now.
we stopped toking for like,1 & a half years. And i totally lost every feeling in just like that.
LOLS. as i was saying yeah,i did actually made poems for her HAAA! omg if u are actually reading this, go to the Archives > August 2007.
it was really funny. Look at all those poem or shld i say chunks of words i compiled. Just hilarious.
&&& yeah Archives > October 2007.

Darling,What is going on?
Issit a yes or a no?
Honestly that never happened,
Issit a LOL, or a WTF?
hiding is ure favourite passion.
Issit a OMG :) or a Siao?
Acting is ure latest fashion! - Compilations again,the latest one.

it's just retarded. i'm currently deciphering something that may take superb skills to do so.
Coz some things doesn't need deciphering. it's just like it is.
I Really need SOMEONE to explain everything. i nid to know.
i regretted being a retard to actually admit,blurting out everything.
What for?it would still end like this,but it may be a prolonged one.
& i hate to be kept hanging all the time,like those that keeps u thinking, which could warp to many mindsets that could spoil everything.

I learnt to smile at everything negative, Coz positive can only be found by being positive myself.
Smiling Rox!!!!

Singing too. but i always loose pitch, lmao. XD

School is just as boring, We were like the same, disturbing the chinese teacher, and in physics class Shouting ONG!
LOLS, Ong is the physics teacher's surname. XD
flow is what i like. when everything flow smoothly. today was.
i'm suddenly so excited abt vietnam,but i'm randomly partnered with jerome,a guy which i freaking hell dunno as a roommate. SIAN!!

today Drama was okay.... so-so. I really wanna thnks Jean for coming regularly to train Joey and me.
So, i decided to be serious in drama oreadi. everybody is slacking now, probably given the fact that Carousel isn't as important as SYF, lols,
After Drama went opposite with Indah, Haris, Joanne, Joey.
Toked and chatted like for two long hours on a stonetable beside the dover playground.
found out lots of things, HAHAH. from each party, Haris was damned hyper ,lols, we were toking abt teachers and friends flaws,and laughing abt them.
& Indah. XD My gateway. like an updater. slowly, she's becoming the second Marilyn oreadi,but only more,,,,i dunno,,,,young?lols.

"She's my Driving Force.i feel happy or sad as she does. She's like a motivation,for me to live on life to the fullest. "-Loysius the lovesome.

LOLS! i'm freaking ranting on this blogpost,lols,and bragging too, SORRY for all those emotional parts,this is just not my nature, I'm always super Siao everytime one.
As this is the end to my production, it has to be emotional.
LOLs, excuses. =)

That marks the end of this wordy Ending of this Subject, Hallelujah,


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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, April 30, 2009, 8:41 PM

L/L/T/C in a Drama Scene, Epilogue(part 1) NEW TARGET!
last episode,
with epic parts,XD

before i post anything, gotta wish my super cute and forever Loved sweet Babysister, Trenyce, An enormous ",".:HAPPY BIRTHDAY!:.","

happy sweet six years of your life,And Bro will love you always!(even though u always whack me like mad)

And so, on with me life,
I've been always wishing for Ipod touch, but my dad doesn't wanna sponsor me for it,,,,
i have to save money for myself to buy it...
imagine, hundreds of dollars....Sian, it's really hard,coz everytime i save money,i always are tempted to spend it,,,,

AND, just just now, i saw an advert, it was toking abt something so that the viewer can win a new HAndphone( i think?)
and i saw the phone and fell in love with it.
i've always anticipated for a phone from sony ericsson(i believe in them and love they're phones)
that is similar to W910i, the one i lost two years ago.

what i want in a phone is the phone to have all a basic handphone shld have, music + Stereo speakers + large screen + accessable internet. thats it.

and i saw W705.
i want it. it answers lots of my expectations.
BUTT, i just checked sony ericsson website and found out that W995, an even more LEET phone, is coming out soon.
i checked the specs.WOW. all that i want.
SO, i officially am wishing for a W995 sony ericsson Handphone!!!!!!!!! =)

okay,must update wishlist,

lols, today was totally messed up.
i mean really.
first, for chapel, i was secretly sitting there revising for maths test.
then suddenly,mr owyong came up to speak to us.
he says he will start a SEAL programme.
and he's gonna change our pe t- shirts, imprinting a super wieerd seal with Smart Eating Active Lifestyle below it, at the back of the t-shirts.
Which is super dumb, with that behind we will look like we're from some slimming school like we're so unhealthy and that our motivation is to have a healthy lifestyle,trying to be healthy but CMI.
he says it will be so cool for us to wear it, LOLS, the way he says it,and he's act act facial expression, is pricelessly funny,

got away with a close shave by not completing history hmwk.
i dunno how,but i managed to get out of it, and got 20 mins snack time, (:

Maths test revision the whole day.
and on that actual test, i was actually quite confident,
i think i can pass with 6-7 over passing marks,

ate Macs two times in a row today,one with friends in the afternoon,one for babysis B'dae, i feel so unhealthy, lols, i really nid to attend pt tmr badly,i'm gonna be super serious and listen to Randall like a dog (only this time,)

TMR physics,chemistry, history test.

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 8:40 PM

L/T/C in a Dramatic Scene, Act 1,scene 3
This is the second Last Scene of Act 1,


it's not as it is,but then again,i don't wanna loose my focus,gotta stay Alert ;)

SIAN!, keep me hanging since the start.!
shld have just told me straight in the face after the incident.

I'm always kept Hanging, even now,
and one liners are shooting me like gravitational free fall acting on the stars we see at night.

Well. i'm somehow eccentric, suddenly, i wanna go happy and sometimes just wanting to be left alone.
which is like super gay,WTH lah,

"the day when i change is when i really don't wanna think much anymore," - Loysius the Awesome

Wooooooooooot! i'm not paranoid anymore,FYI, coz it's finally clean and clear,LOLS!
Now I'm An eccentric House Cat singing to any song that pops up in my feline 'Noodles'.


Didn't go for pt againzzz, lols got drama for an hour,

OHHHHH SHIT ,tmr i got a super important maths test omg, shit i shld go and revise much manz! oh craps!
i shldn't get so distracted nowadays by stoopid blogging, lols, sian i goottta go and study for maths and history all together. :(

But before i go i will post a video(s):

This is freaking retarded, and hell funny,if there was this kinda cop,i would really slap him hard,LOLS
Retarded Policeman!
If this was in the streets, the world will be a more cocky place,
BYES! :)


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Monday, April 27, 2009, 7:51 PM

HOLIDAY BREAK : Hell Yeah,I'm on a cruise!

i'm currently on board Star Virgo, in a library, using the computers there.

it's so cool, ;)

ONE thing im'm pissed abt is that they charge my cruiser card $0.23 per minute. and they still say 'only'

This is mad. a few indians just joined me on my surfing marathon,
i've used it for 20 mins now,so its like 20 x 0.23
i feel like jumping again.
the coms are so slow,i wanna just punch it.
this cruise is super nice,and my family seemed to enjoy it uber much.
especially my Dad & my Babysis, this cruise is to celebrate their Birth days,which are two days apart.

this cruise is super luxurious,the cabin is larger than expected,i got balcony class,food here is like Heaven, the swimming pool is madness,with a enormous slide that can impress u in your first 'date' with it.

Simply wonderful. just now, there's this BBq party thing goin on,then this really hot looking singer wearing tights and red sundress waved at me and smiled.
My, Heart Missed a beat.
i waved back,she nooded her head,smiling, and carried on.
OMG,why issit only me? i could sense all the guys around me starting to gt jealous,even my Dad.


Also, saw a late night cabaret with a name called 'In The Land Of Make Believe'
&&& OMG, one of the Dancers looked Extremely like Indah, i mean REALLY. only she's taller,older and has a mordern bob hair-cut.i was laughing at myself mans,
It was so epic, the lightings and sounds were excellent,but the costumes and props,erm, maybe a C... coz, their costumes keep crapping up,a kung fu guy jumped so high that his Chinese Robe Flew over his head,coovering his point of view ,& he was holding a sword,which is so dangerous and funny. another thing,athree actors wanna mimic dream girls, but one of them stepped on a decorative on her shin which made her fall a little. XD

Everything's fine,i guess i'm heading back to singapore now, i think i'm still in malaysian sea.
Took a great amt of pics, Goanna post them up on facebook. so go check it out there, =)

Cannot upload pics here,so sorry, SUPER EXPENSIVE!
so, yeah,

I'm Mad Happy, I wish SOMEONE other than my family was here,with me, coz its super fun, i could picture her lovin this,

WOOOT i drank beer and thought it was shandy,lols,my dad didn't know it.
That's it here ,i'm gonna stop,
SHIT,need to pay 30 bucks oreadi, i think,


i'm back home now,but i gotta say somethin in the cruise that i experienced,especially my last night!
Went for a stage performance, By A Pro juggler and comedian from paris, TERRY PARADE.
he could julggle like no other juggler.
he could juggle with he's mouth with ping pong balls,juggle foour balls using his legs,play a rock song with just juggling ping pong balls,letting the balls create the beat.
He is so talented that no audience is allowed to video or take pictures, to preserve his title,and skill.
i managed to get just the some footage of the start,but nothin else. a sercurity gaurd caught me and threatened me to get out if i didn't stop.:(
you really have to be there to experiencee his talent and excellence,
he's also really, really funny,
here it is,(sorry for the dissapointment,its bad i noe,)

YEAH, just have to feature him,he's the best.

uploaded pictures on my facebook oreadi,u can go check it out there,


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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Saturday, April 25, 2009, 9:05 PM

Life/Love/Tragedy/Complications in a Dramatic Scene, Act 1, Scene 2.

isn't this name so catchy? it the name for our Free Body diagram of Dynamics alien.=)

To you,special one,

"Doubt thou the stars are just airplanes in the sky,
Doubt that i won't move ,
Doubt truth to be a liar,
but never doubt my love."-
Loylet XD

Freakin random yet cool,this is what i call mordern, ;D

I've learnt a skill. A Skill To Stay POSITIVE! from MHO, my psychiatrist.=)

LOLS! so excited, i'm gonna set sail into the deep blue seas on a cruise like tmr after school?
So cool! staying on a boat.and also after that gotta come back and go Vietnam to see little kids.
Sian, we know we got GWH, but must be announced on Monday. :(

Was like dining with MHO and clique no. ? at fusionopolis, then like jean and everyone was like scolding me, i'm so sorry,i just didn't take carousel seriously,coz i was bothered by something else.
well, i can get it,its wonderful, i'm gonna start to be serious abt it again, before ppl start bitchin abt how complacent and irresponsible i am.
I am lead,must prove that Gold with honors is not an easy task.

Brootootpop, look at this hilarious,(OMG,seeing humour in this) video manz, A camel gave way to that not so waistline 0 lady:

I really pity the camel, that lady was so,,...errr, huge it made the camel scream in pain with the load on its back. the camel is like somehow like me now,taking all the stoopid pressure,from all different sides...

Drama.NCC(sea).Her.Schoolwork.Two important tests.
CRAPS, everything is off schedule,and when i say thaat, i mean it,it's true.
Gotta hand up the stoopid kayaking plan tmr,don't plan to do anything,but got an idea.
Truth or dare. When truth doesn't even does a single effect. Dare is just retarded.
Played truth or dare again,with MHO my psychaitrist featuring today, when i'm supposed to go to a parental tok on OSL.with indah,juliana,ellysha.
Was the most random one ever,
So deary me,
i Am addicted to hurricane haley by FTSK suddenly. i tried to put it on me blog,but it says on mixpod.com that my blog has no layout.O.O help plox?Anybody?
i wanna go back to my happy random and cheery self. don't wanna think too much,
have to sing along to the song,
whistle~whistle~whistle ~whistle~
Stay tuned for Act 1, Scene 3, dear audiences.

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, April 23, 2009, 11:29 PM

Life/love/tragedy/betrayal/complications/ in a Dramatic Scene, Act 1,Scene one.
I'm Happy at moments, mad at myself that i made a life miserable.

How could i make someone so happy,bubbly, cheerful,Have such a drastic change? I feel like the cause,but come to think of it,without being truthful,i figured out that dragging it further could hurt or maybe make things get even worse than whats happening now.

well guess life like that, i'm bragging about it,when reality is sinister in its own ways.
i don't wanna to be bothering(being a prick to) _______ much now, perhaps ___ needs time to breathe.
even when ___ is important to me,and i , missing ___ so much.

Well, on the GAY-er side,

And rumour has it that We, our Hamlet Play, HAS GOTTEN
GWH! Gold With Honors!
Wooooooooooooooooooot! i really wanna say great job to every one in drama.
But, it's just a distinctive rumour, distinctively true.
We'll see. we'll see.Tmr Mrs lim may announce the results to the whole school.
and we're all like supposed to stand up and jump?LOL
Feel so proud. and High!

Ncc(sea). WTH. suddenly we got some ncc commitee created by our two lady T.I.C.
lols. me and letitia was in charge of Kayaking section. Which is,honestly, mad hard to think of ideas to maintain.
In fact, right now, i'm chatting with letitia,thinking of what to plan and give a proposal to the Ladies.
Haiz,i'm cracking my brain so hard, so so hard. >.<

was feeling better, alot better than YTD. ytd was like hell. i was like super crazy,super emo.
at least i got to laugh abit today. Ding Quan is the same forever (hot), Physics Class is getting more boring every day,And Ms Ong granted my wish,i'm not sitting next to Rachel Koh anymore,but with another naughty girl, Richelle.

Got highest in class for History test two times in a row. I gotta say again.
I AM NOT A HISTORIAN or Whatever. i'm just plain study and pay attention.

Fusionopolis again, after school, was funn all the way, i found out that Creamy Mango sauce is like Heaven with Cheese Baked Rice. :) Played volleyball in my estate with study clique, we needed to move abt anyway, and sian i found out that i missed pt also. :( i feel unhealthy and want to get healthy again.
Jarrett doesn't know how to play volleyball, he just pushes the ball like some dragonball Z ball.XD

Y put this long Title? my life is so dramatic, XD, its like a play, which in my opinion, Could PWN Romeo & Juliet + Hamlet altogether. really. i could so personalize myself as Hamlet now,i just have to think abt ___, and, it will come naturally.

So, BETTER COME For CAROUSEL TO Watch MY PERFORMANCE! I feel i can do better than what i did in SYF!

"if Only i was a director, and has a grp of actors.i would write a script, =)"-Loysius the awesome

Stay tuned,for Act 1, Scene 2. :)

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 9:58 PM

Whirlwind Situations,

'Some things are so easily twisted when one can't think of anything else to back up with it's doings.'

bleah,Life's a Bitch.

i feel like i'm slowly becoming Ding Quan, only at a slower rate.
Ding Quan is forever hot.
everytime u meet him,he will just be 'Moist'. and he will stand under a fan, lift his hands pointing towards the fan(like when u worship something really great and mighty) and say, ahhhh..... as if he wants to blow air into his armpits to dry himself from the fact that he's always "Moist" all the time.
everytime i randomly get a seat, which is under a fan, HE will Grab me and say,"why you steal my seat? with the FAN ?"
LOLS. he is really funny, as his every move is super comical.

Another guy in my class. that really hilarious little parkour fan kid,Joshuah.
Todday(see how important it is), during eng class,was like doing a project work. to be completed by end of lesson.
Got into a grp fast, and was getting bored as every minute passes. the we joked abt josh, coz he was like a parkour lover,and landed himself in trouble when he did it in the toilet( he hooked his pants into a wedgie,and got a big 8cm cut in his ass.)
So today was like distorting his face,as in really in true life,using our palms. i was surprised that he didn't disagree but went on with us.
we pulled his face to the sides,the front,pressed his nose down/up, twisted his face warping it.
it sounds mean, but it wass really funny.

one of my friend qouted "Wah seh, Just Joshuahs face can make everybody laugh already."
"HAHAA!" as he saw his face again.

got videos to show, as it was 'somehow' Requested by me friends:

Darrell Bluett is the name.Worst Stand up comedian Ever.(if u laughed,i assume u laughed coz of how silly he was)

&, becoz today in lifeskills we learnt abt sports injury,this is one i felt the most disgusted with.X(
Worst Injury Ever(Edgar Andrade)
Had my first drama captains ball. it was Epic. the ball just seemed to be attracted to my hands like magnets. i was the Goalkeeper. :)
Thnks Marilyn and Joey for helping me in lots of things.

i don't like lying. lying is dumb. coz i feel lying to someone only makes u end up with a bigger problem then the first.
There is a 70% that a lie would fail to pull through.
but if that lie does someone good, then i would consider,but in the end, i would feel sorry for lying.

Why would i wanna stalk anyway?Why would i wanna be such a busybody anyway?without a particular reason? And besides that,knowing what i'm not supposed to know makes me feel uneasy.Especially when it's Bigger than ever,as she's important.
I knew it.i Knew it.
Complicated as it is, My conscience is Clear. :)


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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Monday, April 20, 2009, 7:23 PM

My dreams are so clear.(summarized)
Had a dream last night, dreamt that i was lost in a place which resembles switzerland.
Mommy was out to shop,and i was inna hotel. Got boring so i went out,to tour the place. paid for a bike and roamed the place.(it was like jumbled up,but i could put it all together)

rode across the streets, the shops,cafes, then on the roads. then was like riding to another town. i got lost. went through back alleys. fell down a slope,got back up,chased by cops there,which wore helmets,rather than hats,like those in comics,and still used whistles.( something like old british polices.) they chased on foot, i was on a bike.
then i wanted to go to disneyland,which was a castle in my dream. i lost the cops,and asked a passer by. he spoke with a french accent,but knew english.he told by five klicks away.
i was like shocked,and visuallized it. it was really late,like in the evening, and i needed to get back. but i want to head there,as the cops seemed to have gotten my trace.

then,i was woken up by my babysis crying,she was sick.( in real-life.) it was 6 in the morning.

i went back to sleep.
i dreamt of a girl,somebody i do know.i dreamt that we were close to each other,and was like so happy together, like we could never get old.. then it changed.
she became the girl that i've been crushin on.a disaster happened,it was wierd,like all the disaster mixed tgt, like tornadoes to earthquale to anything disastrous.
evacuation was a failure.
i managed to meet her and we got stuck together in debri.i managed to get her out,and suddenly the scenario changed.
i became the sole survivor again. many people was getting killed by a building collaspsing,(probably my school,as all those people was people i know.)
then,i met her again. i wasn't sure what she was now,but we ran away with a grp of familiar faces AWAY from the collaspsing side of the building. i was leading,and many were losing life behind me.( they FELL with the building as they didn't escape fast.)
Slowly,it ended up with me her and somebody else. she fell,with the other guy. they hanged on to a metal stick pointing out. it was 10 floors to the ground,and they would definitely perish. i proned down,stretching my hands to them. the girl held on my left hand. the guy held my right. the building was slowly collaspsing due to earthquake on the other side of the buildingbehind me. i realised i could only save one person, as time was running out.
i pulled the girl up . the guy lost his grip and fell. i think he was my best friend or smthin,coz i rmb myself in remorse. she thnked me,comforted me,i watched her face as she does that.her face was blurred to the point that her eyes were only black spots.

Then, with a jolt, i woke up. it was 10 in the morning. my mom shouted for me to have breakfast.
This is summarised.if not this post is madness.

I've got a problem. i dunno,i recently can rmb my dreams in such detail.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Saturday, April 18, 2009, 3:59 PM

Updates,My PPA.
This girl is SO HOT. i won't mind cheering beside her for Brazil.
Just came back from a workout inna gym.
Sian. i shall go bathe first....
Ahhhhh.much better.
Wah! i found myself weaker that before.maybe this is the consequences of avoiding the gym last time.
BUT now it's different.i devised a brilliant time table for my trips to the gyms,or jogging around my estate.
i would do it on alternate days,depending on how my muscles can take it.
coz after workouts,my whole body would ache like shit. and i have to rest myself for like two days.
i do weights.its damned challenging.i currently can lift 10 kgs on each hand,doing a round of five.
7 and a half,woah. i can do a round of twenty.
Two things i wanna Focus at:
My abs.
My deltoids.
all the other parts are ok,my chest muscles are lean,my arms, my...in fact,i have a lean body.
it's just this two i wanna focus on.
I can do lesser sit-ups then before.i'm positive abtt that. thats y.its like having useless protruding abs. LOL!
so yeah.i can see my top four abdominal muscles, but not the bottom two- sian,i dunno how to achieve those. If any of u who read this post knows,please tell me how throught the Cbox.
I really Wonder how those men get so humongous Deltoids. i tried,And MY ITS DAMNED HARD. Deltoids is my biggest problem. i want deltoids,coz if i have great biceps and triceps,without that,it wouldn't look proportional.
Maybe Swimming would help.
Boys,to ans your Questions,( Especially Ming Keat)
I read Men's Health.I'ts like a man's magazine to those girl's magazines like Seventeen.
I's my magazine choice.
I always listen to their advises and do them.
They say doing a fighting sport is more healthy and better than workout.
And, do not do Cardio before lifting weights.because after cardio, you need gratitious amts of oxygen.sio when lifting weights,which is the time when you muscles need oxygen to work,will get lesser jobs done.
My advice is don't over do yourself in one session of weight lifting. u will regret with pain all over ure body.
so yeah ppl like ming keat, go read men's health.it will do u good.=)


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 2:45 PM

Roundhouse Kick To That hag!
I'm pissed,yet happy always..

whats the catch.
i'm sick of overseas trip oreadi.,first,i'm so mad that japan is taken away from the choice of countries. I want to go to countries that i wanna go, not those that i have went,,so i choose Vietnam,apart from cambodia,which is the other Alpha choice.
i was so interested,anticipating.But thatss it.
i've lost the interest.Why?
A really fcked up act chio teacher is damned irritating,and crapped up. I just feel like cursing her straight in her face lah.
She keep on talking like she is a damned mature teacher,then use stoopid articulate english to tok,act pretty when shes like an old hag.
And i was like damned surprised that she's in charge of my Trip! ARHAFGRH

She called me 'childish',when i'm like asking the real childish one,Evangeline,to return my flexi curve.And she Dao(ignore), not taking me seriously all the time,just becoz of the fact that im in NA,and she thinks i'm those notorious kind.
WTF.it's obvious she discriminates.

And today,i got a smaller change of Ncc(sea) Uniform,so I'm like super overjoyed.Finally,i could break outta the mold and wear something more uncomfortable. =D =D

Drama Was like super Slack, i wasn't taking anything seriously,And i was like a little over high. I'm so sorry if i did something without me myself noticing,and offended anyone. :x
But, it was really fun.Was laughing like nobody's business.
Just that i'm being slapped all the time.one day i'll pon Drama to escape.>:(
Joey,watch out.XD

Wonderful,just wonderful.Thats all i could say.

PS: I LOVE MANGOES! nuff' said.

Picture(s) of the post,

This Picture is so beautiful.

This is Retarded.(Cheena Brand?XD)

Well,That's it &&& I love Calling All Cars,especially the Chorus,so i post it as a song on this blog.=D
I'm so happy thinking of something.=)
Arriverderci,and Stay tuned!

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, April 16, 2009, 8:31 PM

Brilliance is Shown by Bouncing all around!

I finally could go to Vietnam!YAY!
Yeah.M.r Lim allocated me there,after a long period of time.I' looking forward to it! wooot!
Was so happpy after the news.

Everything's fine today,Physics class was good,(provided the 'red sea' created by me to stop myself from injury inflicted by Rachel Koh.)
I a person that doesn't go around disliking people,in fact,i don't hate anybody.
But,to this girl particularly.She made scars on my arms.What voilence.once she's offended,usually by me saying things she dislikes,She just unleash it on me. one word.MAD!

After school,Had a parade rehearsal for this friday,a combined uniform grp thing.
Was like impressed by other uni grps drill skills lah.
CRAp. after a long thought,i'm gonna wear Full U No.4 for one whole day.
I'm gonna be a laughing stock,coz my shirt is so big,DING QUAN CAN JUST SLIP INSIDE.
&&& it looks like some security gaurd uni.
I'm not looking forward to friday. :(

after that,stayed in school with juliana and indah till like 6.30.All i could say is,Juliana,great job with the reaction towards Joey,AHAHA it was Hilarious. XD.
Was waiting for Marilyn. then,went with Marilyn and joey to KAP,then to marilyn's house to Chat.
Chat till 8.30. Learnt lots of secrets,and feeling empty now...XD
Camwhored,i felt that i suck in doing that. :(

Thats all, and i got a vid to showcase!

THAT was Unbelivable. it'll be so fun playing with this all the time. :)

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 11:00 PM

Tag Replies + congrats to Winners + Bonus video.=)
"Hello everybody. Alot of people on youtube,you're calling me a Ho..."

I'm addicted to that video....so funny! AHAHAHA! and the sham woohoo that doesn't do anything useful. What a Joke.
As usual,F&N class is a laughter all the way,i dunno why,We have some problems during that time,like we're high on laughing gas.

MARILYN called back Frm Australia!!=O
i didn't expect her to. after she made everybody wait for her...LOL
like until 6-7 plus? HAHA. the only place we could ______________,coz its like so late.
AMALINA was damned funny.thats all i could say.

was like a waste of time today. all we did was having fun and play a fool.No teachers were involved,execpt a very Enormous and Extra Teacher Came in and Air tok. XD
i'm getting slapped more and more often.Am i that slappable?XD
Joey was good today.she has that driving force.GET THIS,JOEY!=)
i got pimple outbreak on my left cheek again.:(

AHAAAH! i noe how tough it is,so i ponned.. :)
We rock! Totally pwned them,(although according to julie and randal We won due to a fault by TK.)
hahah! i feel so happy and proud! XD

My arm hurts like hell. :(

Tag Replies:
Marilyn:Oh yeah! i totally forget! tmr lah,i give you bear hugzx!

Ellysha Crazy Girl :You know what? you're like the most hyper girl i've ever encounted.before i start,i wanna say,COOL DOWN! XD judging by ure character,i think you shld actually join drama.and drama is fun.when you rehearse. &&&&& LOL? u wanna help that guy?he is damned funny okay! AHAAHAHA! yeah.damned bad right,the community...hahaha~snorts~

Julie-Anna:Juliana! hahah. then y didn't u continue joining? u could like follow my footsteps,join both Ncc(sea) and Drama! Coz They are both equally fun i tell u!
Yeah! let's all say SHAMWOOHOO everytime.XD

(Poor boy tries to kick a ball but failed.)
So cute right!
in a particular view, i'm like this boy.i want to do something so much.but i can't,or i don't have the wits.i try really hard,but i just can'tfigure it out.but when i feel like i could do it,and did my best,the opportunity has already faded away,like how the ball fell to the ground,not kicked.
I'm so smart right,can find wisdom in this.
Trust me,its hard.my mind is in a whirl now.
some time to unwind,i need.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Monday, April 13, 2009, 10:31 PM

Weekend Posts & Vids!
Before i even start, i wanna wish everybody Happy Easter!

ahaha. yeah.this is really cool.I've got great news,(well for myself,maybe..LOL)

'rejoice in the lord always. and again,i'll say rejoice!'
Oh.Em.Gee. finalé .
i was overjoyed when i felt it. the scent slowly detacted by my nose....ahhhhhhhh.
so overjoyed,that after knowing it,i went to smell everything : my toothpaste,pepper,my dad(LOL),pizza,chili......almost everything i could grab.
imagine,for a week.without the ability to smell. :(
Wonder how i regained it?simple.
in the morning,i was like blowing my nose like madness- so loud that it woke my mom up.
lots of ugly and disgusting yellowish goo came out(YUCK).
it was cleared; i could breathe normally,but theres one thing. i still cannot smell.anything.
then my Momma ordered pizza. it came,and i wasn't even bothering abt my sense of smell anymore.
BUT, when i sank my first bite into that pizza,OMG! i smelt it! i smell pineapple with cheese and ham!
then,i announced to my mom.i went to drink pepsi.LOLS.i smell it.
i miss the fragrance of food alot. i dunno why. u shld be able to imagine: eating a steak,only to know that its chewy,and if you ate with pepper sauce,spicy,but no smell ever went to ure nose.

i've read abt my symptom. just got a common cold.XD

well,being so overjoyed,i went to check on some vids:

Order a ShamWooohooo! today! (soaking up not included)

Probably the most annoying toy in the world.(if u mute ure com,it is understood.)

Self Redemption of a homo:(Stop Calling me a homo,world, i am not)

well,thats all for this post.
And yeah,I'm super happy with my 2.4 run results.thank god for my stamina.XD
and,thank god,that my common cold and lost of smell is cured. on this day,the ressurection of Jesus. A Miracle.

ok,back to the loads of homework i have that needs to be done.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, April 12, 2009, 12:26 PM

Listen to it,Like how the Current flows.
Bing Bang Digidigidang!

WOOOOT! as i have said it, i love days like this.days that flow smoothly like a constantly flowing river down a mountains.

seriously. i ate nasi lemak yesterday and it happened. usually,eating it would have a chili fragrance in my mouth,but all i felt was spice in my mouth.&&& my milo.It just taste like plain,sugar drink.
Trust me,it's torturing me. Food without fragrance is like eating energy bars without taste.
thinking that u can enjoy food,but it turns out to be bare,and sinus or mucous is like blocking your nose simultaneously,it can spoil your appetite.HOW i wish it would go away.

"She hit the flow,next thing you know gotta get lowlowlowlow."
HAHA, times like this day must be tresured.

I learnt dynamics.my favourite physics topic.WOOOT!
pe was LOL at ding quan and his pull up. XD
WAS so hyper today.feel like i could jump around like a psycho rabbit.even now,while typing,i feel like i could type 2 times faster. HAAHA! even the waitress at fusionopolis' eighteen chefs was like:
"HA. y r u like so hyper today?"
I replied,"ya huh,i am happy luh,and i'm always like that.ha.i dunno lah."
We both sniggered. XD

After skool, was freakin free. went around finding people to talk and 'hook up'(mind the inverted commas.) people to go out tgt.
failed,lots of them wasn't free,but only abrams and Chiens,who offered me to join them swimming. ALEX WAS FOLLOWING ME EVERYWHER NON STOP.
to be honest,i don't mean to be Mean,but he's like a dog. once he spots you,thats it.he tags along like mad.
escaped him by pretending to do PT with Julie.HAHAHA! it got him tired of following me.
Then was like sian what to do so ran with Juliana for like 6-7 rounds?lost count. it was tiring.
i dunno how she does it,but i felt that my stamina deteriorated like to an extend that i cannot catch up with Juliana sometimes. haiz..so paiseh.

after that had a game of truth or dare.i learnt alot. :)
Bryan that small brat spit on my clothes his half drank water and it was like WTF?
After that,went for Napfa.But,the teacher rejected me,So sad, AND said in 7 weeks then i do the Napfa. I WAS swearing cans?how is that even possible.. -.-

WAs like waiting for Indah and Julie lah,but headed off to fusionopolis to eat with the red cross clique i have.
At fusion,after the food,during dessert,AAron was like want to leave so everybody was mean and pulled his pants down.OMG- till his underwear was like fully shown in public.HAHA. took a vid,but deleted,as i don't wanna be mean.

Yupps. that's what i call a magical flow,a flow of things that happen naturally and ntg going wrong.

I've pondered. GRAPE,is impossible. =)


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, April 8, 2009, 8:45 PM

Randomness,especially at the end.
"I'm DOWN! man Down! i'm finally down!"
HAHAHA.i love to relate myself to Military terms.just sound so cool.
well this post is a little random,so bear with it.
The Weathers SO MAD nowadays.
somedays its super duper hot,that just sitting there makes me uneasy.Somedays makes me regret not bringing my jacket or sweater to school.
in the afternoon it rained.FINALLY! i see water. i was like ,"WOW,It's Raining!"to gerald. & today was uber funny.thunder was so frequent that it came on 1 minute intervals on average.and everytime a bright flash strikes across the sky,a sudden scream can be heard throughout all the floors of the school.
BY GIRLS.lol.and some other gay guys that wants attention.

it was so dry today and so cold that my nose gave away.
it was so bad that i sneezed everywhere i went. i just felt like tearing my nose off, so that i can breathe.Sinus was like leaking through my nostrills non stop? haiz.so embarrassing.
& it was so wet today that at the Central staircase i almost fell down the stairs the butt bounce way.

waited at the bus stop,shovelling the water that accumilated at the sidewalks with my shoe,waiting for 166. to vivo.TODAY WAS BORING OK,the rain destroyed the Drama Captain's Ball,and clarence asked me out for lunch at vivo.SURPRISINGLY,it was Burger King.
Saw mr firhad & for the first time he doesn't show me that sassy girl face and tell me off to go for drama rehearsals.
Imagine.I was overjoyed by this kinda thing.

Trust me,the outing with Clarence Was quite BORING,as we were restricted,we had to go home to rush for work.

Ate the new Topsy Turvy Burger.WOW.it was nice.Burger King nvr cease to be creative and amaze me.it has a nice crispy center plus the meat and sauce...Wahhhh.Heaven.
After CHOW, walked around vivo.i was let down by not meting any fairsians there,let alone my cold and sore throat. Checked out
TOPMAN,NewUrbanMale,Fleshbox,Ripcurl,Adidas,electronical stores.
Clarence bragged abt his life and his girls. me too. we had to do it.

now i got three things to ponder and think.
i've got three fruits,
a really sweet mango,an orange & a grape.
which one should i choose? mango has been avoiding,not trying to be riped,and oranges is so iresistable,and grape,oh so beautiful and pretty,but minds her own buisness.
mangos my favourite,orange is unique,grape is epic.

i've only got One choice. just one.

who'll be the crowned?O.o


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Monday, April 6, 2009, 8:57 PM

SYF selection of videos! FTW!
SyF competition was epic.
i gave my best,and theres nothing more to say.
everything was high after it.
Camwhored like siao the first time.if u wanna see the pictures,go to Loysius' Facebook \ and view it.
Drama outing was great too,saw natalie's play and it was so good!i felt it was hard to understand,but i learnt lots of ways to act from the actors.
the only thing sad was that we didn't hang out much after the play at esplanade.just settled at the pizza place for dinner,walked around marina square and raffles.
K box was too expensive.what a pity. Bowling,Arcade,Bungee jumping,snooker/pool was also not participated.

Some people say my blog has lots of text,(I'm so sorry) so i'll post a little videos to spice text up abit.LOL!

first on my crazy mind,MOLLY!(i like her voice in this! XD )

Sunday lullaby

A pain in the eye stops work

Feeling Thirsty?Feeling down? try POWERTHIRST!

Dirty Mind TEST {best illusion artist}
(if u stopped this video or get horny,ure sick.)

Boys,Don't wish too much,as the results may be more than what u deserve.
I tot she was hot...OMG JINKIES! (dental Commercial)

Well That marks the end of my SYF selection of videos! Hope you enjoyed it,
Stay Tuned!

HAHAHA!-why torture ure self by being emo?laugh and have fun all ure life! join the Getalife club and enjoy a smile on your face till ure cheeks grow numb.
why feel left out?
can't find a good subject to talk and get noticed? Simple! join Getalife club today!
Getalife.the social club for problem people who needs a life.

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, April 5, 2009, 9:40 PM

SYF,you're oh so close,i could hear your heartbeat.
i hate to use Today or Tomorrow in my blogposts,
but i had to say it now.
SYF competition is Just approximately 1 day, 12-13hrs away.

i've tried everything.
from attending every possible rehearsal to acting in front of my bathroom mirror.
watched every hamlet video i could find in youtube.
analyzed their reactions to scenes and their behaviors.

How i just wish nothing goes wrong,and we could give the best we've got and aim for the Alpha- the Gold award.

Butterflies in my tummy is killing me.the feeling is undefinable.LEAD. THE LEAD.
Hope Jesus will stay by my side throughout.
Bless me give me wisdom,Oh lord.

Gotta turn in early and have one more rerun in my head,or mirror.

" L'amo la ragazza, i suoi occhi che mostrato la dolcezza che una ragazza mai potrebbe avere,
Se Shakespeare o Qualunque forma di letteratura,
il mio amore non può mai essere descritto attraverso un loro.
È più grande che il più grand'ed il gioco il più grande.
Parlare, il discorso, per la mamma di evitare e stare non porterebbe mai l'amore nelle sue braccia.
Che significa lei la ragazza? ciò che il suo segno? ha fatto u mai l'ha pensato attraverso la sua mente? Per un individuo di aspettare una risposta è individuo che sogna il biancore totale durante la notte.
Il notte.per di notte.il ciò che fa potrebbe fare un uomo per questo rigetto.
Parlare la sua mente, come farebbe a lei.

Arrivederci, tiene questo messaggio a mente." -My soliloquy, to you, in italian.


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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, April 2, 2009, 8:55 PM

Forever The Sickest Kids!
i found out this band randomly a few months ago.
i've been addicted since then.
I love them! i love the fast-paced electric dance rock feeling when listening to it.
its like waves of techno mixed with power chords...LOL
some songs reflect my life,some are really nice.thats y im addicted,coz i feel...ME when i listen to them.
here are the lyrics to some of my favourites(i've highlighted some parts that i love to sing it out or it reflects me life):
Woah Oh!(Me VS Everyone):
I candy coat and cover everything that I'm still hiding underneath.
It's been a long time. It's been a long time.
A thousand faces looking up at me,
hands are pointing to the ceiling
oh what a feeling!

I've got friends in highly low places

I'll stand up push it and push it up, can't afford to lose now.
I've got friends in highly low places
I'll go inside when I wanna party, grab a girl and dance (don't touch me).

Whoa oh whoa whoa oh

Why do I put myself in these situations
Whoa oh whoa whoa oh
I keep pushing myself even though I can't take it at all

Girl, who taught you how to move like that?

At this pace your at you're going way to fast.
I, I saw you from across the room
It's me versus every guy it's your choice you choose.

I've got friends in highly low places

It's been a long time, it's been a long time
And maybe baby you can rise above the rest and meet me
Whoa oh whoa whoa oh

Why do I put myself in these situations
Whoa oh whoa whoa oh
I keep pushing myself even though I can't take it at all
Whoa oh whoa whoa oh
Why do I put myself in these situations
Whoa oh whoa whoa oh
I keep pushing myself even though I can't take it at all

You're worth losing my self esteem

Your clever words mean nothing more to me than a line I've heard in a movie
You're worth losing my, losing my, losing my self esteem
You're not worth putting myself in these situations

Whoa oh whoa whoa oh

Why do I put myself in these situations
Whoa oh whoa whoa oh
I keep pushing myself even though I can't take it at all(x2)


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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, April 1, 2009, 5:48 PM