~Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!~
new year

2009 is a great year. it was really really awesome yet as shitty as hell. in a few hours time, it'll be 2010 and everybody will sing the song Auld Lang Syne happily. i've been blogging for a year. AN ENTIRE YEAR. which is AWESOME. :D

A new year, A new start.
What i wish for next year is that it will be way better than 2009. As it also marks a brand new DECADE. :D

epic coolness.

I loved 2009. it was one of the years thast represent the best time of my life. Sec 3.

I dislike sec 1, coz everybody was so immature and super hostile towards each other.
especially the first time i got to know 1h. but as time go by, many of us has became best of friends. I HATE my sec 2 life. it was one of the most lousiest time, the time of total LAZINESS outta me. i was one helluva ass, i didn't attend MANY cca's and i hated MRS JEAN HO. the only thing great of my sec 2 life was that i met a really pretty girl, and the funfair for my class was ran by me. :D

I'm really proud of myself in 2009. And my sec 3 life, Brilliant.

- I made many many new (and close)friends.
- 3H, one of the best class i will ever be in, was formed
- I met 3 awesome bubbly girls and their friends.
- I got the main role in drama & even won SYF gold. i attended more NCC sea trainings than before.
- I went to Vietnam with the best friends on earth to go with.
- PRSF(power rangers swine force) was formed in Vietnam.
I was promoted to 3rd sergent in camp(hell)
- GreengreenRedred was formed.
i was devoted to almost everything.
- I passed the whole of sec 3 final year exam.
- I found out MANY awesome friends that i love.
- I found out not many people can be trusted.
Learnt to appreciate.
- I found out the cruel reality. and that our expectations may not be reality.
I MET TUMBLR! (through Yun.)
- Marilyn came back for three times. :)
I walked almost the whole of TOWN(orchard and it's suroundings)
- Liked someone, Hated someone.
- Annoyed someone, hated by someone, loved by someone.
- My family managed to go through the whole year healthy and strong.
some of my relatives died.
Got MW2.
-kept this blog alive till now coz my hope still hasn't faded out
- I Shared the Love.

(all those in bold have a greater impact in my 2009 life)

All this happened are all significant, engraved on my heart and memory forever till i hit the grave. I love the people that brought all the emotions to my life, be it negative or positive, Coz these people have taught me to become a stronger, and a better person. god bless you guys.

of course, i'm also blessed with readers of this blog. :DDD

So, how is 2010 gonna be? Bad? Good? Better? or way better? I honestly dunno. but i think it will be the BEST.(just saying.)

new year
Blogging will still continue next year i think. but i think lesser. like 3 times lesser.
Coz i wanna just focus on my N levels and pass everything. next year, NC16 & sec 4!!! :D

Looking forward to 2010, better not fail me! :D


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, December 31, 2009, 9:56 PM


OMG! my first dollar earned through nuffnang! XD so queer. dunno how did i even earn it.
But it took what felt like a decade to even earn a dollar, i wonder when i will collect 50 dollars from them man.

So thats all, i'm rather stoked by the find, but anyway, will blog later about 2009!! title's even ready! :)

until then, see ya! :D


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 9:38 PM

'Girls; Demons from hell that feed on the souls of men. Always get what they want. Are known to be nice to men only in myths. Play evil tricks and commit evil acts. Girls contain the emotional stability of a rhino on a unicycle balancing on a tightrope made of fishing string. They can be sweet and loving one second and ...become hostile and filled with rage the next second. (their true identity).'

-via Alexandra Fabian Yap 's facebook.

EPIC TRUE MANZ OMG. But not all lah, some are angels.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 8:36 PM


This is so awesome, i dunno who could it be but i guess one of them from the united states should be... @thingsgohazy

@Anyway, getting really busy, starting the new year, I may... get a haircut tomorrow at a salon WOOOO. better than a damn barber that cuts bullshit hairstyles.

This made me LOL. XD

The new years starting, hope that it'll be better than 2009, coz 2009 was one helluva shitty year. I must say that my sec 3 life is the best and most enjoyable of all time, so i hope that sec 4 would be better. yeah.

Bye. will post again.

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, December 30, 2009, 8:24 PM

I'm battling myself with decisions. should I, or should i not?

I have a precious jewel. but now it's broken. but i still love it and tresure it.
Throw it in the rubbish bin or keep it as it still has a value, (memories?)?

Shit happens, so i'm gonna take a poo. :D

(All these are not literal, but just a figure of speech. I is not me.)

view my updated Tumblr here.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 8:15 PM

Generally it's an...
Wassup Chaps! another time i can update my blog, coz my dad gives me time tables for using computer, which  i felt that it was really really unnecessary. So, i have usage (5 am- 12pm). VERY REASONABLE EH? ME DAD? -.-
Any way, had a great Christmas, but the holidays wasn't that good, i'm sure i gained a few kgs from all the food, didn't do much exercise, Very unhealthy.

Got school coming up, which really sucks, i gotta prepare uniform, shoes, books, stuffs, all the boring shit. but still was happy , coz my mom went out with my to get a  pair of school shoes, it really looked great, then we went to get some burmudas, which i really really lack.

@ and yeah, i kinda fell in love with indie fashion, except the scarf part. so i'm aiming my fashion orientation to INDIE. but have you ever seen an indie FATASS? no so i gotta lose some damn weight.

i sometime wish i can manage life like how Earl does it in My name is Earl, doing up a to do list and make sure it is done. it's really good actually, though it's looks simple. i can put my mind at rest and not worry much as i got it on paper. :D

but it'll be a really long list anyway. :D N levels will be an EPIC one.

I found out my Uncle, the outsider who married my aunt is a madman, seriously. i wouldn't lie and joke about stuffs on my blog. I once hated one of my little cousin so much. but now i sympathy him. it's really sad to have a Lousy, and shitty and voilent and robotic and miserable and crazy man as your dad. my heart goes out to you lil cuz.

Random post coming up, Things i want to say to people but i'll stay anonymous. great idea to vent anger. :D


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 5:44 AM

'Know what she Hates & you'll know what she Loves.'

- A random thought that came to my mind while i was cooking spaghetti during Christmas. tried remembering it till now, i succeeded. :D


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Saturday, December 26, 2009, 1:56 AM


-although its late but still, WISHES TO YOU FAITHFUL READERS hahah. :D

@ I've got lots to blog about but no time. :( so next time ! :D

All i want for christmas

This is Awesome!!! I wouldn't mind! :D it's found on random in Tumblr.

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 1:47 AM

Updates and happenings, Y'all.
Hello there again chaps. i'm unhealthy. :(

@ well, i changed my stuffs in my tunes box, And ain't it cool? Mixpod now has the ipod touch skin fo the player. Woo! so i choose it, and cause it's like an ipod, it's more convienient to put more songs inside. now, it even supports VIDEO!!!!

WAAAA! no need to put youtube shitzzz. :D
Also, i have stopped the autoplay on that thing, coz i got feedback, and i found out that not many people like coming to a blog and suddenly music plays loudly on thier computer (when they least notice it and has their speakers on full blast) I know how you feel friends. it shocks me and i'll turn it off immediately. :D so now, you can just choose whether you wanna listen or not.

@ I'm currently addicted to many AAR songs, i don't know why, it's just so relative. and nice to singalong. Also, Michael Buble's Haven't Met You Yet. Maybe it's cause both songs are astoundingly similar to my relations to Joyce Cooper. :D

@ I'm gonna slowly take one step at a time at doing up my blog. the next thing i'm gonna do is to update my profile box. but i need to get some inspirations to make it perfect, hehee.

@ Also, Was Just back from GreengreenRedred's Christmas Stayover! It was great. the whole stayover was like stayover at a holiday inn with your close friends. We played my XBOX 360 there, the games, MW2 and Simpsons. HAHAA! i can't believe between this two, they prefer MW2. coz MW2 is rather violent.

@ went to gym to workout, i must say i'm extremely disappointed with my fitness performance. i think roughly, i only burned 600-800 calories. coz, i runned 480 calories on the treadmill, and the rest on weightlifting i think.

@I'm looking forward to lovely christmas.

@ I am more and more active Over at Tumblr nowadays. so remember to head there to see updates. i also post some of my 'things' ther already so it's better. :D Check it out Here.

To end this off Beautifully, i'll ~~

post a pic of Taylor Momsen. this picture of her is proof to every girl that over-applying Eyeliner and Mascara sometimes doesn't make you look prettier. only a little... hotter. :D
Coz She look so much more beautiful without the black stuffs around her eyes. No offence though, those girls reading, if you put on makeup to make yourself look more appealing, go ahead, it's a good thing. We boys love it. Just not too much though, coz sometimes, 'Natural' is still the best. :D

That's all, stay tuned!

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Friday, December 18, 2009, 2:21 AM

'Nothing Lasts Forever.'

Really. no matter how long relationships can get, one day the feelings will erode. Unless both parties know how to forgive and forget, Give and Take and Understand each other, it wouldn't last long. Same goes for everything. One day it will Rot and Decompose. unless something strong is an element.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 12:12 AM

Either she's an evil, emotionless, miserable human
being, or... she's a robot.- Tom Hansen from (500) days of Summer.

Believe it or not, I swear i thought the same way. I keep asking myself whether Joyce Cooper is a Robot or not. Cause i suspect she's a robot made by those asshole scientists to experiment on kind and nice but easily confused guys. Really. I speak from my heart. :D


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 2:07 AM

Reality is a bitch. Dreams are what we really really wish.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 1:39 AM

HelloGoodbye Tinkerbell!
Met Marilyn Yestersday night. I must say i was TOTALLY OVERJOYED. it's like, seeing someone that has been missing all this time. the feeling is like having a lost puzzle piece fixed back into your life. She seemed really really busy then though. like she needs to sent and fetch people. but we managed to sit down properly and talk :D

When i saw her i was like OMG!!! inside. i felt like i had a bomb inside that was about to go off, but never did. like the urge to scream WOW TINKERBELLLLLLLLLLL.


She looks the same, sounds the same,(haha!) and was like totally flourished with Auzzie-ness. and i must say she's different from the last time she came back. Really. this time it was awkward and stuffs, but at that time i really didn't want that to happen coz i wanted to make best of the time we have (3-4) hours.

I don't know how she felt. but i'm sure she's happy to see us, although she said she felt 'wierd'. I dunno, i can't point out Sarcasms. :D

Anyway, we took lots of photos, some with instant film, and some through DSLR. I SOO regretted that i didn't take a personal pic with her with the POLARIOD!!! i had one with Yun Xin in my wallet. but it needs another one. :D

but taking pics after that Was super fun. :D

Well I will definitely just miss her again. and this is when Internet comes in handy.

Loysius & Marilyn. :D
Peter Pan & Tinkerbell. :D

Here's my wish: I wish Marilyn was in Singapore, and just as close as i am to the GreengreenRedred Clique. (trust me we're really close.) and even better, being a member of it.

But i understand. if she had a choice, she would. Anyways, i think she's living a great life in Australia & i'm really glad.

Good Luck and take cares in Whatever you do Tinkerbell! and remember that i'll never forget you and the times we spent. even though you are SO FAR> haha.

See You next time, Best Friend! :D

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 2:36 AM

Drastic Changes. Savvy?
Well hello people.\i'm blogging live from Abrams House. HAHAHA.

I got some fedbacks from people since September saying that my blog is:

- TOO LONG! so we all like ,too long, didn't bother reading. :D
- It's all wordy! and all so CHIM english. (WTF)
- Freak, pics please!
- your fonts arh, DAMN SMALL! (wtf)
- Y you never change Blogskins one, slowly it gets boring.

@ just in case you haven't notice, my posts are MUCH MUCH shorter nowadays. you may even notice more Pictures too. Amen to that whiners, i don't write too much already. I'll just put all my Joyce Cooper stuffs aside for a little while, Everyone needs a breather once in a while.

@ I don't wanna change this blogskin, coz I have a reason so suck it up, if you wanna read my blog, you want to know about me. not look at flashing lights and fancy stuffs as backgrounds. It's the contents that matters, people. :D

@ I love tumblr now, and will try my best to access it anyhow. so i'm more active there. Oh Yeah, i'm more active on Twitter too. Remember the 2 T's? Twitter and Tumblr. HAHAHA\

@ randomly watched a ANTM episode at 3 am, it's an episode which has Tyra banks acts as a homecoming queen.
updated: i just noticed she(that african american girl) modeled for this picture. HAAAHA

So yeah. i dunno what cycle that was. i can't sleep so i watched it anyway. so then they were sent to a room and waiting to be interviewed or something. then this african american girl starts calling another girl a ghetto with a bad tone. then a quarrel starts. then another girl came in and:

Girl 1: I know i'm a bitch.
African American Girl: oh so you're a bitch.
girl 1: yeah i know but....
African American Girl: so can i call you a bitch?
Girl 1: NO you can't! #@!#^%$#%^&$^%*^&$^*$#^%#&^&#%&%#^&^%$%#%$&

A fight almost started lol. then, when that african american came back from the interview, she talked to another girl, and gradually revealed her secret: She's Circumcised.

THen the whole room of Girls that hated her went to hug her. and some cried for her. i wondered why suddenly like that.
I'm amazed at the drastic change in the attitudes between the two strangers. at one time they hate, and another, giving love. which explains my face.
omg Pictures, Images and Photos


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Monday, December 14, 2009, 11:10 PM

The Fishes. Oh.Em.Gee.
YOU SIR, is mad.

@ 1 more day to meeting Tinkerbell.

@ OMG NEW ON DA LISTE - Taylor Momsen. i know i'm crazy. i know i'm rather slow. i know i'm not as updated as all you people are. but HELL THIS GIRL IS GORGEOUS. to my eyes for that matter. I'm in LOVE wit her. :D People can dream can they? and Pretty girls really have that gift of magical magnetism to attract. seriously. this goes to show that Women is the best thing since Men. Lovely. perfecto creation. :D

Taylor Momsen



By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Saturday, December 12, 2009, 11:40 PM

Sign up.
So hello again. i'll try making this a short post. and yeah. i dunno if it's too late or early, but i wanna show you how Joyce Cooper looks like, but before that, let's just say you can just imagine her appearence for the time being. :D

@ My dad just got virus in (his/my) computer, and in just one month it has to be sent for repair. this goes to show that not only I can spoil computers, even he himself. so yeah. he always think that i go to facebook and messenger will attract viruses. HELL NOT, his china websites(dirty) he browse are a HELLUVA Computer killing machine.

@ just signed up for Magma, i heard it from @mememolly through rocketboom, and i tot it was rather fine. :D I'm gonna show the video below.
@ Also, i wanna change my profile stuffs on left the side of the page already. it's just so.... Queer. and i also wanna feature a PIC of me. :D
@ Yes, just to tell you remaining viewers of my blog, my tumblelog is now frequently updated. y? coz i missed it ALOT. so go check it out at the sidebar, or here.

@ and yes, i suddenly feel that i have a secret (pic) crush on a REALLY (well, i think you would agree too if you saw her) really Cute, pretty and petite lil girl that i didn't notice at all during my whole secondary school life. it's like "oh it's _______. yeah. no biggie. hello." BUT now it's like, OMG HOT/CUTE/BEAUTY and stuffs. AHHH fuck it. i'm starting to brag and make this really long. she's my 'Joyce Cooper'. but.... she has a dude... i think. :'(

Heres the video:

Bye! :D


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 12:27 AM

Snow Angels, Make Believe.
Snow angels

OH MY OH MY OH MY. this is a pic i got from Tumblr. Love this pic. Firstly, it immediately reminds me of my days in Europe. Lovely. simply Lovely. especially Interlaken, Switzerland. The snow falling in the streets of Swiss makes it really romantic. My 10 day trip to Europe is actually for honeymooners or couples, and (yeah when i was there there were many lovebirds), i chose this tour package coz it was cheap, and i so so so wanted to go to Europe. So yeah. it was a really romantic trip that i wished i went with someone else that i love...


So yeah, How i WISH i can do this with (Joyce Cooper) in Switzerland! And the right place will be at the top of Mt. Titlis! that would be the most happiest day of my life, like, doing it with her would feel like HEAVEN; And also, to be with her on a Europe trip to France, Switzerland and Germany . coz i know that she would love to go to those countries too. n_n

Heads up! Updated my tumblr like madness! go here to see many cool pictures! :D thanks!

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, December 10, 2009, 11:17 PM

I (lesser than 3) US.
Right, this goes on as a conversation as i remembered, it's about a week ago, i think. Me and Joyce Cooper was chowing at Anchorpoint KFC. i found out that it was a really good time to ask her a question, the QUESTION i have been longing for an answer. But I took it slow, i dunno if you can actually read the whole conversation but, this is how it went....

We settled down on the table and:

Me: wow. you're just eating a Shroom burger? is that really enough for you?
Joyce: yeah. what's wrong? i'm not like you, eating so much. i'm a girl ok, and Cheese fries are so unhealthy.
Me: hey i'm h-
Joyce: and Just thinking of it makes me feel fat.
Me: HAHA okay?
Joyce: erm can we like, talk later and start eating?
Me: oh yeah heh, sure. :D

~a moment later, after finishing our meals...~

Me: Erm, Joyce, i don't mean to be like all PIGLET and ask stupid questions to reassure friendship and stuffs, but QQ, quick question, what am i to you?
Joyce: What?... huh, why are you asking that?
Me: Erm no i'm just curious... you know...

Joyce: You're my good friend! *smile*
Me: heh, nah i just... wait you mean thats all?!
Joyce: mmhmm.
Me: But.. then why do i feel that you're treating me more than just the simple term, 'Friends?'
Joyce: what? what terms??
Me: cause, erm, it's kinda like best friends BUT, you call me out more than your other girl friends, you tell me secrets that you haven't told a soul before, you love the songs i love, we clikc really well, you confide me when you're in trouble with bitches, you also treat me differently from other guys you're around with... and, i can sense that you trust me more than... you know, many people.
Joyce: O.O

Me: what? ain't that true?
Joyce: No... I treat you like that coz i know you can be trus-
Me: i know you don't want us to be in relationships and all but, do you secretly... treat me like you know... a BF?
Me: AYEheh, whats so funny?
Joyce: a BF?
Me: yeah you know, meaning boyfriend-
Joyce: AAH! best friends.
Me: Oh... so i didn't stand a chance, Your Royal Highness. :(
Joyce: haha, NO, when did i say that.

Me: Okay, then why? why ? why all this nice treatment? why can't we just-
Joyce: well, treating you special and or nice doesn't mean we anything out of the norm-
Me: no, hey no, why can't we just say we're in a relationship openly like... okay, i know you don't want to be labelled, you don't like relationships, and ALSO, why are you always treating my like so mean and ICE cold when-
Joyce: Hehh BECAUSE YOU .....jlsihtekliluenkshtrjsojltjl...
Me: Huh? why are you mumbling?
Joyce: Cause you ...lsihtekstlilinenkshKtrjojljl...
Me: O.o?
Joyce: Ah nevermind lah.

i dunno what she was trying to imply, but i continued on...

Me: But Joyce, it's agonizing for me to be like all, it's... it's like cheese fries, the fries will only taste Brilliant and delicious when it is coated with cheese and Mayo, and without it it's just plain and boring. I have lived almost, if not, all the days in total silence, away from you an-
Joyce: Loysius, it's cheese fries not love-
Me: wait let me finish..,And when all the days are added up together, it's like... THREE months, Joyce. or even more than that. i even lost count, and also, i have never been mean or douchy towards you, but you treat me like i'm some invisible asshole, how can a man like me EVER not go SANE?

Joyce: LOYSIUS!!
Me: sheesh! ok. what.
Joyce: Stop being so DELUSIONAL please?! it ain't that complic-
Me: WHAT? i am? i'm not and thats bullshit. I've been driven up the wall and i hope you know that.
Joyce: OK then STOP OVERTHINKING, please! can you just calm down alittle?
Me: shit... okay, i'm so sorry... alright calmiming down...

Joyce: You know what. we should stop doing this all day.
Me: stop what?
Joyce: Look, Loy, all we do is argue!
Me: NO, not all the time... well ok. i'm sorry, i just lost it just now, but seriously i'm confused and stuff you know. I had many sleepless nights and had wierd drea-

Joyce: HAHA. you chill first. and-
Me: ok i'm chilli-
Joyce: SHH.
Me: :X

She looked into her bag and took out a small piece of paper and started writing something on it. i was AGAIN, confused and curious about what she was doing, but i kept quiet and watched her closely.

after writing, she folded it, grabbed my hands and stuffed it in, and closed my palm.

Joyce: read this Loy! and have fun finding the answer. :D and finish your meal. i have to go oreadi, have to go meet my brother. take cares, and bye!
Me: Huh? wait... Bye...

... AND she walked off. i unfolded the paper and read it. this is what it said:

J's Card

well, i obeyed, and flipped the piece of paper. then it said:

J's Card back


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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Monday, December 7, 2009, 11:30 PM

Characters Of Bluetackstickerglue.
Hello readers. I'm BACK! and if you want to hear the way i'm chanting I'M BACK right now, go and listen to Ashley Tisdale's- I'm Back and you'll get the idea. :D

Joyce Cooper
The Mad Dreamer

movie review Loy
Bitchin' Loy
(These are the characters that will frequently come out this December. :D they are significant characters that are Created by the wonderful ME.)
Well that's all for this post, Two more posts coming up, i'll post them together. It's both about Joyce Cooper. :D and also, another upcoming post, it's on my Christmas holidays, and current stuffs.

Also, Updated my TUMBLR!! :D check it out at Swissknifescissors! thank you! :D i love it when people view my stuffs. HAHAHAHA.

and to end off this post with a smile for you people, i'll end off with annoying orange 3!

See YA! :D


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 11:30 PM