Aggiornamenti, :p
WOW. 100th post.
look at my blog. it's hunting season again. MOOSE everywhere.
I'm gonna keep my blog this way from now on, And i will only chang backgrounds and update profile. My previous one looks really Emo, like i was lovesick or something. LOL.

Special and Great thanks to Juliana -Doctor julie, for helping me with the codes for the Blogpost and sidebars and cleaning my codes up Again, Lol, although u did this when u were bored the outcome seems sensible, but i will try to touch it up without crapping it. :D

I currently love soft and slow rock songs, i dunno, songs like Come on get higher by Matt Nathanson, & Swing Life Away by Rise Against.

Just got back from Sakae Sushi, had dinner there, and i ate Mochi's like mad, it came in twos in a plate, i ordered like ten plates, WOAH it was so nice,

I did not try other flavours other than lychee, so yeah. AND Sushis, no need to say. i ate ALOT. like $35 worth.... LOL. :D damned long nvr eat mah.

I've Tuned My GUITAR to the perfect manz. YAY! finally i can play chords and notes properly. I Can strum properly without twanging the high E note, i dunno the terms,and i played a short melody!!!,Although i am still learning, EH don't blame me, i'm learning it myself. :(

i wanna move on to drums, & persuade my Dad to buy me a simple drumset. XD
So gotta get ready for BEATS! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Ipod touch 2G is getting nearer and nearer to me... Muahahahaha, schmanz, i'm persuading and bragging abt things i achieved and many positive stuffs abt me to my mom, and she seems convinced, MUAHAHAHA YAYAY!

AND U KNOW WHAT. W995 will be a phone of my dreams for i think forever. I found out that it's out in other countries, But not in Singapore,& it will only be here in 6 months, that will be like christmas, CHRIST!Jesus,Lord.... its OF an astonishing and crazy price of $1500. Thats over a K. never for an average teen like me.

Haiz. from here i will post a vid i found REALLY funny, it's for a song, called Ya Mama! by Fat Boy Slim,. but it's always mentioned as push the tempo. SRSLY, watching it could make me Laugh. i dunno.if only music could be so infuential. XD


HAHA. thats it, i want to find more media and touch up on this blog. Holidays are here,and i wanna go play some games Already.

Xbox Dear, HERE i COME! :D


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Saturday, May 30, 2009, 11:45 PM

Short could get so long. ;p
This Post may contain spoilers to a really new movie.
WHAT IS Freaking wrong with blogger man. i had my previous post almost finished and POOP, something went wrong and i was back to the first paragraph that i wrote. SO I GAVE UP. it was 1am. so i went to snooze.

TODAY was the slackiest day of all. slackiest time in class. :D
Heard a small tok by some girl abt blogging in i-share, it sets off some controversy here and there, i also do agree to her a little. BUT, i'm not gonna do anything, ;D
GOT some tok abt Theft and Teenage sex by the singapore police. Was so bored. That's it, no use toking abt it.

Then was Hanging around, many things to do, Had to go to Haris to make some vid for dear Joanne going back to mexico(is she disillusioned or mad or something?Back to that H5N1 infested place?) Yeah. so gonna miss her presence, LOL.

Then, went out with Abrams, Jessica, Rachel, Vanessa, Jia Qi.
Night At The Museum 2 !

RATING: ۞۞۞۞ - Must see!

Was Freaking GREAT and Hilarious. SRSLY. Too bad Abrams did'nt get to watch it, Haiz, Becoz of some parents making noise thing, -.- .

This movie features many new characters that are not from the previous show, Night at the museum.

The museum stuffs and artifacts are threatened to be sent back into storage, when Larry(ben stiller, has to stop this from happening as he and those exhibits have an intimate bond since the last show. So, he rushed to the biggest museum in the world and Many things start to happens. he had to save that Tablet thing again, to stop kamunra to relaease the soldiers of some gates of the undead.(?)

& i learnt a super nice qoute : "A little lie is better than the painful truth" -Teddy Roosevelt.

I'm not gonna tell everything here, if not it wouldn't be a good show to watch.BUT i will tell all the nice characters and scenes featured:

Amelia Earheart,a female character (aka as the first woman to fly over the atlantic) met up with Larry to join him in his adventure, and eventually fell in love with him.

The Jonas Brothers voice are the acted for the cherub angels, which Larry met while hiding,Was SUPER HILARIOUS> they sang heavenly, DUH they were angels, even their hairs are similar to the jonas brothers, MY i was laughing at them rather than listening to the song they sang. :D

Ka mun Ra, Ivan the terrible, Napoleon Bonarparte & Al capone, Are the baddies of the show, wanting the Tablet of life for exibits for their diabolical deeds.

Abraham Lincoln - all i can say is, he's huge.

Einstien Bobbleheads- OMG I WAS LAUGHING LIKE MAD EVERY TIME I SEE THEM AND HEAR THEM. they are so cute and funny!!!!!! especially when they bobble. srsly, me and Vanessa was laughing like Maddies at that part. I LOVE THE EINSTIEN BOBBLE HEADS. they make the movie so fun. :D

A new Monkey,.and Many others.

i'll just tell u, in the end, Happy ending. :D

HAnged out in vivo till 645, LOL, it was quite boring, but it was worth it, LOL Toked alot, and Drank A BIG bottle of vanilla coke,

I SKIPPED NCC (SEA) briefing for tioman trip. LOL, actually late. ;D



By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Friday, May 29, 2009, 9:12 PM

Went for the MTP session. was like SUPER BORING. first, my baby sis tagged along, so needed to entertain her while my mom's in the principal talk. my sis was exceptionally well behaved today, so it ain't a problem.
Later went for the MTP.
got good remarks :D
AND i'm so lucky that the teachers we met are Form,Eng & chem teachers. PHEW, HAHAHA, WQZ ain't there to mess things up,YEAH MAN

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, May 28, 2009, 5:20 PM

Trickle down days, :p
June hols are here!
and tmrs parents meeting session, DANG, my mom wanted to Meet the Teachers to ask how i behaved in class. SHIT. i'm so gonna be shot dead and down. If my chinese teacher WQZ is gonna be there, which i think she would.OMG. she's gonna blah and all the angry and negative words will be thrown at my mother. i don't particularly think that mr lum have any negative things to say abt me, as i, personally think i behave in other classes better than in chinese.
All i can do is close my eyes and pray. - pray that WQZ ain't there.

Got alot of things to write while that Riddle thing is still on, but i think some are irrelevant and unneccessary now. HAIZ, and my com haz been failing everything nowadays,
LAGGING like an old uncle. i wish i will have a better computer. WISH.

BUSY, busy,busy. JUNE HOLS isn't gonna be a relaxing one. Just got loads of HMWK from the teachers today. No wonder nobody wants to come to school on the last days before holidays. & also, got millions of things to do, i crapped up ALOT of things,
My IC,
Drama money not paid,
NCC(sea) form not signed...
crapz. BUT, i did better in the second term. my results, all adds up to 17 pts, which could get me to a good JC, and my overall average is 63%.
phew. a close shave,,,

DRAMA. sian. i gotta go back to studying Hamlet's madness & reset my emotions back to EMO.
So,negative things that are gonna shoot me now, i'll characterise myself into hamlet. WHY? what for? as our drama play HAMLET is so good, we have to perform it 3 times in a row for strangers as audience. & we got GWH, so cannot let our school down.heheh,
DRAMA CAMP.shucks.big time STRESS. we're the seniors now. need to take care of all the sec 1's and set a good example and everything. ARRGRHHH.

Ncc (sea).
WOW.ncc (sea) is like A FULL BUNCH OF THINGS ON OUR WAY. i have to really mugg hard for my specialist course,and we got a trip to tioman for an overseas training camp. AND, we GOT NIGHT CYCLING!!! YAYAAY!!!
i'm so gonna look forward to this few stuffs. imagine All the Fun upcoming.

felt like doing & saying something just. but reality seems too fast for a little-too-slow guy for me. HAIZ. i'm actually dissapointed by myself. But learnt a lesson. :)

Everybody boings easily at messy words that comes in the most imperfect periods. Drink Blockaqoute!a drink that releases stress,when it comes!


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, May 27, 2009, 7:31 PM

Ticker Tape Parade ;p
In the midst of the Riddle i gave for the community and readers to solve, LOL, i still gotta blog abt many other things,

Heheh. I love Ok Go - Do what u want
Ok Go - You're So Damned Hot.

The're songs are so happy and great for u to go mad. LOL, just like me, :D

I'm addicted. BIG time.

So you were born in an electrical storm,
took a bite out the sun
and saw your future in a machine built for two.
Now your rays make me kind of go crazy,
shock and awe and amaze me,
just a ticker tape parade and me,but something was wrong
till you tap danced on the air,in the night.
Screaming at the top of your lungs,you said,
"Come on, come on.Do what you want.What could go wrong?
Oh come on come on come on,come on, do what you want.
Oh come on come on.What could go wrong?
Do do do do what you want."Come on.
Me, I was raised amid the trickle-down days.
I woke up numb in the haze
and saw my future in a machine built for two,
but the light gave me some kind of fright.
How did wrong get so right
and lead me stumbling through the dark of night?
Oh something was wrong,
but you tap danced on the air,
in the night.Screaming at the top of your lungs,
you said, [chorus]

love the lyrics,
NOW, for some vids i found really cool and meaningful.

If this really Happened, i wouldn't do it this way. HELL COOLZ, and claustrophobia sets in..

This is always happening to us. We wanna reach something, A goal, but a whole load of things is restricting us to do so.But when we manage to break free, we have already lost the power and will to achieve because of the fact that we still need to deal with the load, the things in life, that gave us life.

i tried living a life of a specky. yes i know, i am wearing specks. but wearing specks sucks. hope my eyes recover. I HATE WEARING SPECKS. it sucks.

Heehee Haahaa Hoohoo, i've got many things to do in the holidays. and many things to purchase. :)
Regarding the last riddle, someone solved it, and actually got every part and parcel right. Amazing. astonishing. i don't know how she did it. congrats,to the winner or the one who solved it, LOL, Juliana.
BUT, u guys can still try it out. it's fun,, ;)


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, May 24, 2009, 7:22 PM

Let's recharge a battery, reignite the addiction.
Friday, was unexpected. Suddenly, we did Footdrills. LOL, can see that we actually sucked innit. & ryan did a good job in coaching us, dang, he got the USM role. and the tag on him was damned cool. gotta follow his example. Now My butt hurts from all those half squats in pt, :(

i'm gonna slowly learn more on my guitar now.And also, maybe the drums. coz i love beats.

Found out many new uncertain things again. all i can say, to avoid suspicions or many other messed up thoughts, i'll keep it like a riddle. if u got the skills of logic and deciphering, know me well enough or passed ure literature, u may understand it or guessed the answer to this.

A secret from a third perspective is told/given/known to the fourth spectator,who rounds up to be the first person.
If that secret's answer is her,I'll go headstrong happily.
If that secret's answer is she, her's friendly opposition, I'll seriously go speechless with horror, shock & awe.
Now that two are possible ans.
I'll go mad if its the first. I'll go mad if its the second too.
Another inference,for the particular answer, is, i maintain communication more to she than her.
to she, knows everything. to her, knows little.
the interests is to her, not to she.
but she leads to her for one's knowledge.
but, she is normal. her, is special.
After all, this information is already 2(y) old already. so it may have changed, which means,information on it may not be accurate anymore. things may have warped, and supporting the fact, her is adaptable to conditions, but she isn't.
Which to one, thinks that answer's possibly she, but at the back of one's mind, wishes the answer is her.
Therefore, the answer is a 50-50 dice rolled, unless its someone else, which is ridiculously uncertain.
NOTE: ( y = 7 days. ) if u know ure maths.

It's solvable. u need to know me really well, or u r freaking smart. this is totally original and not copied or edited. so no other source can tell u how to break it. if u guessed the answer, u can tagg in the tagbox the probable answer LOL, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(Hint: Look closely,notice repetition, notice difference, infer from real life loysius' actions, speech and Randomness.)

I'm gonna leave this post on for a weekend, till june holidays start. Hope it's not that hard ;D


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Saturday, May 23, 2009, 1:04 PM

Springrolls of Silent treatments.
MOST FURIOUS AND MAD DAY OF MY LIFE (well currently,as i think it's gonna get worse)
Seriously. i mean, right now, get ready for another long ranting post. coz i think ure getting bored of all these that i write.
Added a song, a really old song, in my playlist. - Ocean Avenue- Yellowcard.
y? coz it really describes my life now. the one that i wanna see.

Messed up the whole chinese lesson today. got to the LT and aircon was freakin cold. So decided to joke and get HYPER MUCH. i actually brought my handphone along to play some dumb mini game pack game. SO, joked to MUCH, Wong Qing Zhen confiscated my pencilcase,along with my HP inside.
WAH seh, damned scared. so after class use my skills of talking to get it back from her. LOL
Drama really makes u convince ppl much. :D

Try a cup of sufferings,u get a sip of success. - ME AGAIN.

Saw Mr john NG's old army day's photos today, lol he looked so different then from now, REALLY. i was looking at it and wondering, how am i gonna look like when i get old? and when i am old, how will i see myself in past pictures i took?

After school was damned MAD.
ate at eighteen chefs, as usual, And i heard Ocean Avenue. lol, then went for drama, with great consciousness of the time. don't wanna be late. Then got to drama to see a typical Drama room scene, where bags are all left on chairs,everybody around chatting among themselves, ppl on stage...and i got a sudden feel of happiness as it looks like the drama in the past.'
then darerick came in and everybody gathered at the front, i was toking to indah, she was toking abt not toking to me and not knowing me, LOL, what retardedness, and i called her a 1970's Toy Barbie Robot, because she keep telling me that i do not know her.
Then i was called up to tok to the drama ppl. abt stoopid discipline.

Srsly. facing the problems, i do not want to be in the EXCO. it sucks. and i fouund out how drama came to this stage. BECOZ OF THE FREAKIN SEC ONES. THE 2009 BATCH. i wanna put the year 4 reference sake. They are ignorant,immature, rude, crude, disrespectful, vulgar and many more. i don't blame darerick for getting so angry. if we do not have the sec ones,that gave a 1st impression to him that we drama ppl are so outrageous and notorious, we will not even have a bunch of rules thrown at us. Why can't they just behave?and listen? HOW I WISH THAT DRAMA ONL CONSISTS OF SEC 2, 3, 4 & 5's NOW. srsly. i was freaking angry in drama. but i holded it in with a smile.

Why can't ppl just work together in unison? and with love supporting each other? like in the past,when we(me) as sec ones, who were 10 times better? we have to make do with rules that makes everybody hate drama. and Julia & Richelle was being extra in the Auditorium, LOL

When i got home, was pissed and then i saw a girl, who looked like a freakin ghost, sitting there again, at the chair outside my house, looking at her hanndphone like there's money to be won if she stared at it or an hr. WTH. for this whole week, Four consecutive days, i have been seeing her camping there when i got back. one word. Creepy. i feel stalked and i think She's A FREAKING stalker.

Stalkers sucks.STALKERS SHLD GET A LIFE. rather than doing 'research' on someone in secret. disgusting. i don't feel like getting outta house.

Overeacting,i need meditating. SORRY>.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, May 21, 2009, 10:29 PM

Hammers of Prematurity.
AS it goes, days like today gets boring day after day, and i can predict it will get even worst. REALLY. i'm so looking forward to JUNE HOLIDAYS.
Class is now like camping in a room FOREVER. which makes school really boring. HAIZZZ.

Like Pins and nails,Every word is a torture.- Emoticas ahloy's

When to die is to live in her head.- Emoticas Ahloy's

i found out one really great thing about myself. i am creative. srsly, so creative that i forgot what i have created before. ESPECIALLY QUOTES. meaningful or not, i love making them. they're so cool, like full of wisdom innit.

My posts will, from now on, start to get wordy. So, if u guys come my blog for media, i'm so sorry, maybe next time. when i find Uber cool ones.
updated my music playlist, LOL, i just randomly picked those songs.seems nice eh?

AND srsly want to go get some T-shirts from topman. few of them caught me eye ;D AND, online, saw this funny and cool T- Shirt, Which says Sick My Duck on the front, with a cute little duck beside it. LOL, i WANT THAT shirt So much! LOL. cocky.

i pwn my enemies by making friends with them. - Loysius the social whirlwind

it Rock my socks along with my legs off! - High ones LOY :)

If the sacrifice is is bigger, Worse, and more consuming than success,What for sacrifice? - Bloysius.

Change ure Looks.improve ure personality. compose ureself.- Loysius

'before a test' thinkables:
Teacher, if i fail this test, pls tell my mom i love her.- Loysius,with relations to military terms. XD

HAHA, i always say that in class before a test. Especially physics test. coz i know i may pass.
it sounds pitiful though, as though like if i fail this test i will leave my mom or something.
Well, i dunno, this may be the the side effects of being in drama. LOL.

One thing i really wanna discuss. Guys. u probably also know this, or experienced it before.
Have u ever seen a girl, from her back view and go "Woah she's HOT!" and then u start to get really messed up things going around ure mind abt her, and if u look at ure dude beside u (if u got one) he will also go :O and stare.
So then it's like u wanna take a look at her in the front and u start walking to an angle and try catching a glimpse of her face or like call out to her and expect her to turn and answer to ure call and show her face,
when u managed to get her attention, SHE turned out to be DEMONIC and u will go "OMG!!!!", asking yourself why are u actually attracted to her?and then ure turned off immediately.
That happened to me everytime, especially in the malls, Like Vivo and many others.
Don't deny boys. we all experienced it. if u didn't,i suggest u go seek professional advice on how ure hormones are made to function.

So yeah. The Hammers of Prematurity. What a great subject. Prematurity of TEENS. WOW.

Heard from letitia and Alison that they dissected a sheep's heart in Biology class. WTH! SO LUCKY!!! i want to like do that so much.
I LOVE BIOLOGY. Make that my mother tongue. ;D

Stayed back to finish File organizing,Skipped PT coz did not bring PT KIT. WOOOOO!
That's it, i love quoting it's so fun. AND TMR IS DRAMA TORTURE>again.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, May 20, 2009, 8:45 PM

i've warned you, this is another version of randomness from the mostly clever yet retarded and a little wisdom-ned, Loysius. if u hate randomness, i suggest u leave now. seriously.

Oh, and you're still hanging around? u really wanna read this? Alrights, are your seatbelts fastened? here we go. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Hello! this is stoopidmadrandomness magazine.
from here,i got many many many things to write! TEE HEEHAHAHA

OUT Of anger, i will write stoopid stuffs!

Be a cause or cause to be. - Loysius the thinkables.

You know what? depending on evidence on random blogs i've seen, EMO ppl write stuffs that are more relevant to life, relevant to think deeply into it, relevant to the subject of blogs.
So, being Emo actually HELPS!
emotional ppl usually write better work and stuffs coz they always relate to the emotional things that has happened in their lives.
Don't believe? simple! try writing an essay abt ure dad after he passed away.
100 PAGES LONG. of meaningful things abt life.

Realised how a person can be so foolish and retardedly dumb when they have a crush on someone. i knew this girl. she lost 14 kgs for just a crush.
Guess what, the crush actually has a girlfriend. -.-
What a WASTE! i really pity her. imagine all the mama mia she could eat ! haiz.

i am a human i eat chickens and drive a car to live because i'm a human. - magazine choosen: Most retarded qoute of the YEAR!

bish bish bish. A little girl, stood in the middle of an open field,with a flower, a dandelion,beside her.
My oh My Oh my. how could i ever fell for u mango? i mean, ure full of imperfections, u have brown patches everywhere, Seriously. Why do i feel like that? why do i like you? issit something there?whats so good abt u? how am i related to u? ure nothing compared to those sexy and really hot ones, But, after all, whats keeping me addicted to u?are u just an eye candy?
(well, mangoes can also be flavoured as a candy) i can't face the truth. i'm going for u. Everybody thinks the same when they see u. ure lousy. ure empty. i've got nothin to say. Honestly, You are not worth me.
BUT, part of me, AHAH, opens up for u. mango, i hope u'll understand, i'll give u all i can. the BEST OF ME. i have neglected all the other hot sexy ones on the top of the tree. So please, give me a chance. i wanna go for u. u and only u. :)

-.- haiz. this is the problem. sh doesn't answer, or response properly. and i can't predict anything, thinking too much is unhealthy to the brain.

BRINGLETINGLEMINGLE. don't u hate changes. changes that makes everything worst than before.changes that are unesscessary to life, when life, goes on well without that change.
Anticipate change,stay relevant.
WHAT BULLSHIT, when the change is worst than not doing anything.

Authority. Wow. i've got lots of them now. but i don't rule with force. i rule with opinions from the people and the tactical response i giv to them. i rule for the ppl to be happy. i do not rule for them to suffer. BUT, whats needed to achieve standards have to be done. SO< i'm so sorry mates, if i get really BITCHY, i really want things to go well and done.

ppl that crushes lives are ASSHOLES. it's not a joke, seriously. these ppl shld be burnt alive.

enuff said and randomness.. u can take off ure seatbelts. pls stow the cupholders back into it's proper positions. :)

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Monday, May 18, 2009, 11:05 PM

i heart Tag Replies, Jumping Cliques, and New Experiences!
I love it when ppl tag on my blogs. So fun. the social vibe still maintains its purpose. =)

reader: Hello! i'm so happy to have a reader like you, although u stayed anonymous.Great! i like that emoticon u introduced. will use it more often now, WOO! liked it coz it looks gangster. \m/-.-\m/
Marilyn: Nothings Wrong With the awesome and crazy Loysius. it's just that he's been a little bitchy and angry and stuck up altogether nowadays. Dunno. and maybe a little sprinkle of stress, i think? HAHA. i am trying to make myself fit to my age,not stay younger.lets just treat it like an experimental change of behavior, maybe? don't worry abt my down at perth man, i will try to correct things here myself,and stay positive. Thnks for toking to me in MSN anyways, my Beloved BFF and Psychaitrist! X3
Petrina : ERm, Are u the girl in specks? the one that always SMILES? HAHA alrights, matey, will do will do. LINKIES!
Indah: Yeah, i can see that. u don't do that everytime.
Ellysha: YEAH, and i wasn't disturbing faiz and emilyn okay, i was jumping cliques, coz i was damned hell bored and dun wanna go home. u always appear lah, i dunno y, and WTH? 1 am oreadi u still use com? i was asleep leh!!!
Emilyn: i don't mind the extra posts, mate, HAHA, i don't think NCC sea sucks now, its so much more fun than Drama now. drama is really crapped.thnks for comforting me anws. Ncc sea has many new and funny characters that i got to know, LOL, like miss Raj, HAHA she's damned funny. And finally we're like one of the seniors last time and we can lead those sec ones and juniors. one thing i'm damned angry and pissed abt ncc sea is only that the juniors wouldn't get serious when i'm serious abt things.they just wouldn't cooperate with me lah and listen. :( maybe it's just because i'm always joking and hyper. :(

All replied, HAHAH! keep those tags coming guys! i love them! and love replying them too!

I've got more to write, But i got to go meet my dear granny, so i will update this post later. And for now, TATA! CYAS later!

Back from my granny's. It was quite boring there, although there's a computer there.
LOL rhymes.

GOT a new experience. After All my THREE YEARS of Ncc(sea), i have never capsized my Kayak for no natural reason. Well, cross out all those capsize drills lah of course.
THEN AGAIN> what makes me hate hyperness and joking all around.
i was paddling to the starboard side to control my kayak when Bryan, a little guy with evenly shaved hair and joking abt everything, hit me head on from the left side of my kayak. Ultimately, i capsized. the water was hell dirty, and i demanded him to save me from the Cap. but he was laughing away.-.- he got my boat emptied of water and just paddled off, while faiz hold onto my kayak for me to embark on it again.
He was still joking abt the matter after our mini kayaking marathon. like, "oh hahaha sorry lah hahaha aye lets do a capsize drill HAHAHAHa." WTH retard. he was Airtoking.

Was jumping cliques after ncc (sea) yesterday. damned fun. At first it was like i was damned hungry but i do not want to go dover to eat myself. i saw emilyn and Faiz together so i tagged along with them to eat dinner. After that, they went off. i was left there like a loner. but, i still don't wanna get home. Saw ian and huberts gang so went to join them. SRSLY, it's like every place u go to theres something to tok abt.
Then later when me and Ian was abt to cross the road, RCY clique was abt to have dinner. LOL HAHA i joined them i was really we got back to the same hawker centre again. XD
was teasing each other and getting updated for songs from ethan. lol. Jumping cliques is so fun.
GOT Back home with Aches all over. so hit the couch really early.

:) gotta have media again. in progress of searching some that are really nice, ;D


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Saturday, May 16, 2009, 1:15 PM

Media Updates, Cool pictures & Funny videos. + some of my mindvomit.
HEY fellow readers!
i'm back again, with videos that i think are funny and pics that i found wierd and cool. Well, i may even start to post really funny articles and stories on my blog too, Coz some are really, EPIC.
I got an idea in the front seat of my family car one day and i found out that some things cannot be expressed just by words itself. And, that sparks an idea of making this blog currently into something like a Vlog.
I think it will be so fun, but i hate haters and haters shld just get a life.
I feel that Vlogs could make ppl understand things better, coz it's like watching a video, BUT.
i don't think i could bring myself to doing it, i don't even know what video camera to use and what to say.
i just think it's a good idea.
I freaking hate Drama now, Maybe it's because of today, When i was rushing to it and got a dumb punishment tat was unnecessary. LOL i went against the rule and didn't do anything in the end XD
DRAMA is crapped. drama has changed. i miss the old drama, when we're the same and achieved the same stuffs as we did before and after.
We got a demonic, Enormous teacher. but, she doesn't do anything that helps in drama lah. i prefer Mr Firhad,although he Always PMS and have biatch attitude, i can handle him and he still get things going.
This part is changed due to misunderstandings, But i still have to tell her:
srsly. I freaking got no hope abt Carousel oreadi. i think Drama is gonna fall flat on the face this time. All i can do now is get serious myself and work hard for my character hamlet. Coz, someone always ask ppl that are in her same team To mind their own business when everybody could do it as one.
I'm ranting. i know.
I look at myself and realise i'm lagging in every way.
I feel like i need :

  1. A new bag.
  2. A new pair of shoes.
  3. to alter my school pants.
  4. A new phone.
  5. A new look.
  6. A new life routine
  7. Cut my dang hair
  8. Love, and a change of personality and character.

So now,not to keep u reading, the videos and pics:

toss a ball like this without aiming. This is damned Cool.

I dunno about you, but i seriously dunno how he did that.

I may Buy one of these and try the voices out,but not the last one.

That's it, and stay tuned for more! X3


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, May 14, 2009, 9:12 PM

Brootoopop,Updates,Bullshitting And randomness.
back from Wednesday NCC PT. damned tiring. This may be a long ranting post.

still can't Get over Vietnam, still must do the vietnam accent, still must eat COCONUT CANDY, still must tok abt things that happened in Vietnam.

SOOO, got many things to tok abt.

i've found out, or realised, that i was like damned retarded being random all the time. So, i decided that i shouldn't be so childish and mad anymore. i wanna try to compose myself. Don't be ignorant to some things. The only time that i will be Hyper and go mad will be times in Drama. being too talkative and bullshitting all abt just annoys me now, i dunno, especially guys doing that, so yeah. i'm not gonna do that and dislike myself. But, if the bullshitting and joke actually makes sense, i would go along and play with it. Rmb, i got a hyper and happy personality one. it's natural.

Déjà vu :
I always, for no particular reason, always get a sense of dejavu. i always see or do something, then i will say, wait, and i will think that that situation or thing i am in actually happpened in the past. i always see things and think that it had happened before.

Like for example, When i got to the orphanage in vietnam, when i saw Evangelines bunch of blocks in her hands, i suddenly got an immediate Dejavu, a feeling that it happened before. i was disoriented, and went into a daze. but got back on track with life again.
Also sometimes, chatting with friends, i will also get that same feeling.
I THINK I can Therefore confirm that i'n suffering from Paramnesia. :X

i also realised that my dream i had could be related to what's happening now. i dunno, but i think it really does. i got this dream, i dreamt that i was all grown up. like a drama show, i was like some really bad DAD. i had a wife, and i still clearly remember her face,it resembles my last Crush, which i frantically went to find out who she was when i woke up.So, as i was dreaming,i was like abusing that girl, i dunno, it's like the opposite side of me. i shouted at her, and she told me she has a baby or somethin. i was damned irresponsible and ran out of the house.
then i remember i left her crying and feeling really miserable,in that dream. in real life after waking up, i was really mad at myself in the dream, coz, how can i treat a girl like that lah.
and, i can't remember any more of such, and i woke up. the only thing i rmb was the face of my wife. so i went to search, coz she looks like someone i met before. And that explains my last Heavy Crush on a girl. i saw her in my dream.
But, it's all over now, i didn't bother abt her oreadi, although she still looks Wonderful, LOL, and i still can't resist but to take a peek at her even so i think i dislike her.
ONLY thing that kinda strike me is, i would aim to never be such an asshole husband man.
i would STRIVE to be like my DAD. like how he handles things when my mom and him have a fight or argument. he is usually the one who gives in and solves it. so much nicer. the familiy wouldn't get so messed up.
i hated myself man in that dream.
And now, i don't think that wife i got is actually that last Heavy Cush Girl. it's another more imperfect,more hard to get, more Happy, more simply-complicated girl i know.
Well, it does. my mind is just mad. now that wife resembles that current girl. -.-

i got no nice media to show but i'lll try to find, See it in the next post, i'm really freakin tired.

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 9:52 PM

Xin Chao! I'm Back from SWEET VIETNAM! ♥♥
cảm ơn! For reading and telling me to update! I express my upmost gratitude by finishing this post!
Xin lỗi! for taking so long to update coz i know this post will be one full lot of things.!!
Well, do u forgive me? if u did, Lets have CHEERS!! with our imaginary jars of beer, We SHOUT, Một hai ba, yo! =)
HAHAHA. all those words in bold are all in Vietnamese. i've learnt many short phrases that vietnamese people use. the most common one, Xin Chào!.(hello).
cảm ơn ( Thank You!)
Xin lỗi (Sorry,)
Một hai ba, yo!( 1, 2, 3, CHEERS!!)
I've got billions of pictures. Some taken By me, some by my friends.So, to make things easier and not to make this post super long with lots of unnecessary pics, i'll suggest u go to my facebook to see them.

With Regards to the last post, MAN this is hilarious man, Nothin abt swine Flu happened in Vietnam. And my mom asked me to bring the masks.... FOR nothin.BUT, we took it to good use LOL look at this pic :

POWER RANGERS SWINE FORCE!! (named by YANA-that's a good name!) LOL.and this is Yun Xin's Favourite photo. =) we're the coolest right!!

So, I shld start. got on SQ,wich is like my favourite airline,HAHA, was overjoyed. First day was boring,Consist of lots of City tour. this is what i saw on the bus on the actual first day.

StreetSellers. They are EVERYWHERE. Not to mention the traffic too. the traffic there, i declare, SUCKS LIKE SHIT. firstly, motorcycles are EVERYWHERE.every corner,every small gap u squeeze in u can see a motorcycle.there is so much until it seems like a motorcycle is an average vietnamese's most prized posession. SO, back to the Street sellers. THEY ARE so persistent. they can do anything to get what they want.MONEY. We were in the bus when i took these Pics,and these three Vietnamese came up to the bus when it halted to a stop to persuade us to buy. the auntie is actually telling me to buy her three cowboy hat for 50 000 dongs. i pity them, but i couldn't buy them.teachers won't allow. next was the girl. she wanted to sell postcards,but then again,we can't. &&& the uncle, OMG, he was chasing the bus when the bus made a turn at a congested place full of motorcycles. Selling what?? u see for ure self. the third picture.

Move Along, to actually another streetseller. A Flower Girl. She met me at the Vietnam Notre Dame Cathedral, AND MY She was following me everywhere.seriously. Too bad i did not listen to Kenny,not to make eye contact. but i did. and she persuaded me like mad. i rejected her like GAdzillion times but she still perservered in making me buy her flowers and chewing gum. i ran in all directions away from her she still followed. i got sick and jumped into different cliques to loose her. BUT it became worst. when i got close to Isabel, she accused me of some thing That it may go like this!

Flower girl: buy flower..flower can?
me: NO!!! [and i shunned]
Flower girl: please very cheap. {she grabbed my hand}
ME: i shrugged and ran near to isabel, evangeline and Yun Xin.
Flower Girl: AYE buy! buy flower for ure girlfriend! [pointing to isabel]
Me: :O NO! she not my girlfriend!!
Flower girl : yes u walk with her!
ME: NO! {aside} seriously man....
Flower girl: then u buy for her! [she pointed to Evangeline]
Evangeline: shunned with ;O face
Everybody: ~Laughed~
ME: [running away] No, that's even worse! NOOOO!
flower girl: no you no buy flower for ure girlfriend ure girl friend will sad! she will cry.
Me: i no girlfriend LAH! she is not my girlfriend!
Kenny Our Guide: ok lets move on to the next building.

LOL. i lost her in the post office building. XD

she looked like this.

Its that little girl. not yun xin ( with the DSLR slinged on her.) its that girl with FLOWERS!!!
She got Yun Xin to buy a flower on the second day, when we were going there to take a picture or pass by there for A Cyclo Ride. i dunno.
BUT--------- see this, i bought it in the end. :(
this is me and her, after me buying it.Yun Xin was teasing the her that i'm her Boyfriend(it starts to get lame) and that explains her face -u can actually see her saying no halfway. wanna know why i bought it? this picture was taken when i was about to go on a Cyclo ride ( a ride in a trishaw around Vietnam Ho Chi minh.)U SEE? She's EVERYWHERE!!! i actually dunno that she was behind, it was a guy who took this pic not me myself (DUH)
and i abandoned her before the cyclo ride. she couldn't follow me mah around HCMC.
BUT then when i got back, after like, 2 hrs of ride or more, SHE WAS STILL THERE!!! like waiting for me. I slapped my forehead and couldn't take it.coz she accused me of having a girlfriend again. so, i bought it for 20 000 dongs. -.-

SHE never appeared again after that.

After this went to this rice making thing,
SAW THIS REEALLY funny words inprinted on a lighter sold in a shop:
Words, that seriously,don't make sense at all. XD i was cracking up like nuts. XD
Then,got to the Cu Chi tunnel. i don't want to write anything academical here so as to not make this post boring. LOL, i bet ure getting bored,:X
THis is a pic of me getting out of a dugged out Tunnel 3m underground and 30m long by the Vietnam soldiers of 1974. cool right!!!

This is a picture of everybody i took inspired by Martin the river sparrow When we were heading to an old weoponry firing nice right!!!

Well, Cu Chi Tunnel was a bore after a while, We spent lots of time in the bus,retarding LOL! and yunxin camwhoring,Evangeline always caught sleeping with her mouth open wide.hope it caught a fly( YUNXIN, if u are reading this, i think u get what i mean.that fly.XD)


The Orphanage. Go Vap Orphanage. i went inside,with a 3 years + doctor set in my hand thinking that what children are we gonna see.the tour guide,Kim, described the children to an extent that i actually felt hesitant to meet them. but, i did. i went with the flow, and went into something like a conference room. at first i was already expecting kids oreadi, but no there wasn't. it was a speech by the superior caretaker there,and she said that that day was birthdays of 8 orphans. a big cake was set and the eight orphans came in. they were happy, and looked happy. we didn't eat the cake though,and went off to meet the deformed and ill with genetic disorder infants.i was still holding on to the thing, deciding who to prize it we went into the infant-care room, the infants were all deformed. the first baby i see was a baby that has emnormous toungue that couldn't fit in his mouth so it stuck out,with saliva dripping all over.i was omg. he will be so cute and normal if not for just that thing. then we headed around, i didn't actually notice smell,(the teachers said that we were good coz we didn't react to the smell) of Vomit induced by the infants.i knew it. they just can't control the flow. i was so sad for them. i actually got that heavy sinking feeling whe i actually saw each and every one of those poor things.i actually could breakdown if i was a girl, but i couldn't. some infants are tied up to their beds coz they can get fits anytime. some had really big heads that they could not move a muscle. it was so miserable to be there. the feeling was so bad that i masked it over by thinking positive and a smile. i waved at some,but they just stare, the look of pain in their eyes.Then we visited the second group, those with down syndrome, but could move abt. i played with some and some came to snatch my doctor set, but i felt that it was just not rigght to giv them.they will either destroy it by snatching against each other or choke themselves with it.

Then we got to meet the third group.the group that was fitter, but nowhere better in conditions. When i got into the room, a girl probably at the height till my mid thighs, came towards me and a few energetic boys too. the all eyed on the Doc set and pushed the girl behind. i tot that was bullying as the girl was shoved to the back.i rejected the boys and went for the girl. i said hello, she pointed at the doctor set. i smiled and gave it to her.we ripped the packaging apart and played with it. she did not answer me when i asked her some things. thats when suspicion sets in,This is her, Chiao( pronounced like that) and her Full name, Pin Chiao.

i suspected she was autistic. coz she was drop dead cute, (to me maybe) i don't think she has a disorder. but, she reacted to her friends. so i tot she was death and asked lots of people abt her.nope, she wasn't - she reacted to her nurses call when her nursed called her. Then i was confused. i sat her on my lap as sheplayed with my doctor set i gave her. i asked the nurse. She told me the details. i was Shocked. SHE CANNOT TOK> She's mute. i looked at her she stared back with curious eyes. i hugged her. and then played with her friends ball together. When it was abt time to go off, i think she can sense that,coz she suddenly broke from my solace and went to the playing ground to join in.But, sadly nobody played with her.she was all alone. i sat there waiting for her. she came back to me for god knows what reason, but two boys was blocking her from getting to me. she got a little cross, and actually wanted to breakdown. And - she a small innocent,sweet groan with a little discomfort as she squeezed through the tangled legs of the boys. She looked helpless, so i spread my arms to recieved her. she came and hugged me. i felt like a father or something man, i dunno, lol, it was like happiness that couldn't be described. When i went off, she broke her attention and played with her doctor set i gave her. Pin Chiao and ME.

I hope she rmbs me, and if i got a chance to go back to vietnam again, i will visit that same Orphanage again. And probably Pin Chiao, All grown up. =) I would buy a better thing then, than a dumb Doctor set.. X( but i think and also hope someone will adopt her.she shld live a better life.

To all those in Go Vap Orphanage, My Heart goes out to all of YOU.
Other Days, Starts to get boring, LOL lots of bus rides, i don't wanna write abt all,But i'm goanna tok abt the highlights,

ON THE Fourth DAY: went on the Mekong river Cruise. Mekong river, the most popular river in Vietnam. Ate the most softest coconut meat in my life. it was nice on a boat, eating it.

Then went to some shops to eat. bought Honey, and it was my first time i had the courage to touch a bunch of poisonous BEES:

I LOOK like a beekeeper ain't? LOL.

Other THAN that, the last day was boring,just a little tour around the presidential palace.the flight food was worst than the arrival flight here, and i got home wishing i could relive the moments in vietnam again.

WOW. it was so great.if next time when i get another chance to travel with groups of friends,I'll Definitely 100% join. Anything.For everything.

Here are just a few of pictures i took, pics of me and my friends that i usually go with in Viet.The Mafia Gang, With YANA featured as Godfather. LOL ! thats a good Pose!

Calvin and me, the one that is quiet but lots of things are going on in his mind while he is, till an extent that he will burst out into laughter 5 mins after my joke.

Me and Yun Xin, The high ones sometimes, when there's sugar rush & members of the PRSF...XD

Martin the Journalist and sometimes loves to Bullshit, ME, Isabel and Evan.

This is A Spoilt PHOTO, Featuring me. i did it on purpose, and i seem quite professional. ain;t it good?this two guys taking a pic while the other two do demonic faces. LOL! it was actually supposed to be a good Xiu Jin has Explained.




By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, May 10, 2009, 12:59 PM

"Passengers,we're taking off to Vietnam.Wait,,,MAYDAY!"
When the Swine flu outbreak is over, i swear to god that i will consume Pork 2 times lesser than before. i suddenly hate pigs like mad,No matter how cute they are or whatever.
without this whole Swine flu thing, my flight to Vietnam will be so much happier and peaceful if i look into the future. Right now , my parents are Bragging,Nagging cum scolding and cursing under their breath abt the swine flu and the coincidence that i have to leave at this treacherous timing.
I dunno if it's true,but i heard that the Swine flu has spread to HongKong. OMG, look at the freakin speed-Vietnam is nowhere far from HK. sooner or later, Vietnamnese people will start wearing masks oreadi.

here's how the conversation within my parent's and me would go:

MOM: Loysius! u know whats the situation now ornot?

Me: [absent minded] erm what situation?O.O

MOM: the Swine Flu LARHGHH! how can u be so ignorant abt this kind of epidemic around the world now?HUH?! i really worry abt u u know,u shld really take care of ureself there, u better not drink cold water and rub ure nose so much so that it will get itchy and u will start getting a runny nose again...(i CUT)

Me:Yes lah Yes lah i know ! but the teacher still asks me to pack for the trip! and when we get to the airport,during check in, we'll see whether Vietnam is still safe to go...well i dunno, at least thats what the teachers says.

DAD: What? u pack until so nice go there and they say cannot go vietnam? u kidding or what?Then what for pacK?

ME: So what now, i'm packing halfway oreadi!

MOM: nvm while u pack u shld bring this....and this...(she grabs a bottle of hand sanitizer from the medicine cupboard and tossed it to me,then walked to grab a chair to climb to the top of a shelf and take out a pack of respiratory Masks & tossed it to me again.) Rmb, use the sanitizer when u feel theres something wrong and wear the masks just in case.

Me: WHAA..but mom,the hand sanitizer is okay,but....MASKS???

Me: Yes...but,

DAD: Loysius, u just listen to ure mom can? just keep it in ure bag or somethin,just in case,if when u r there,Vietnam got the Swine virus. Do u know that now getting the swine flu doesn't require u to have fever to actually comfirm u contracted the disease? HUH HUH HUH???


Me: what? (me and my dad looked at her)

MOM: u better take note man,when.... oh shit! u got a history of sensitive nose, And now the security & hygenic requirements of the airports are so tight...OMG, what are u gonna say if they detain u???

DAD: oh YEAH!!! what are u gonna say, HUH HUH?!?!

Me: i just say i got runny,sensitive nose? HEY chill man, i know how to take care of myself!!!

Mom: okay U bETTER say that. if they detain u, u better inform ure teachers no matter what. OKAY???
Me: yeah okayokay, i will okay?

DAD: don't think we are irritating u okay! we are just really concerned abt u okay! u think we are a nuisence Right Right??

Me: NO! i never tought u were LOR!!!
DAD:....glad u don't....

{long pause}

DAD: do u like the portable Fan i bought u?
Me: HAHAA yeah. its great.

i love my parents. =)

well, i'm gonna head off to sweet vietnam in a 24 hrs time, so to all u guys, will be back 5 days later. WISH ME GOOD LUCK, coz i currently have a slight cold. EEEER. erks me to think i have contracted the virus. paranoia sets in....

gotta go finish packing.



By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, May 3, 2009, 4:24 PM

When little things are spent with endless times.
BINGO, lols,
woke up like 9 o clock, all set up to finish my essay on 'write a personal recount on an accident that occurred and u find out that a person u know is innit.' WOW. u shld see how much ink i wasted, i wrote like two full pages, HAHA, i crammed the words.

Then abt 1230, went to meet Yun Xin and Evan to buy stuffs for th vietnam kids. stopped by the school to pass my assignments up,but my code dressing refrained me from doing so. THE STUPID SECURITY GAURD insisted on not letting me in.
oh well, i passed my work to a kind soul,a good samaritan that passed by the school gate, wish he actually put into Mr NG pigeon hole,
Then head off to Clementi bookshop. met Yun Xin, And EVANGELINE WAS LATE, XD
as usual.
yeah, while waiting for yunxin to appear, this is what i saw, omg, imagine that,
LOLS, look at the slips of paper,not even one is off. i feel so proud of singaporeans,HAHA we are not dirty and we are all STRAIGHT!!!
We headed to the Big Bookshop. searching for stuffs that Vietnam kids would love. SIAN, it's really hard okay, like have to think alot,
and while searchin, this is what We found :
SEX?!?! sex book, in the children section!? actually shelved by themselves! LOL!!
Yun Xin was cracking like madd,
then went to chow at the Sumo house, on the way met Mr. Guo,playing with some machine near the clementi elevators.
I can tell you here with big eyes, that Sumo house is cheap, yeah,but the food is OMG standard.
went to BB again, i finally come up with an idea, i bought a stationary box with color pencil and a color book, on the cover page, CAMP ROCK. i dunno what is that butt, NVM,
then headed off to Jurong point out of boredom in clementi.

Watched X-Men Origins : WOLVERINE.
Woah, it was DAMNED good. really.
I finally know what the hell wolverine evolved from.
And the fact that he survived world war 1 and 2,
the fact that his claws was once made of bones not Adamantium( he later got the adamantium claws),
the fact that wolverine has a brother,and
the fact that LOGAN has a very pretty girlfriend or wife i dunno,who's name is Kayla,with persuasive powers by touch,who died in the end. :( it was so touching.
Wolverine was in a dire state. everrything he was with ends a dreadful death. even his girlfriend,and two innocent farmers.

And in the end credits, the stoopid weopon 11 is still not dead. WTH?after so long of fighting.
i finally know how the whole X-Man started, lols, me and yun xin was laughing at everything, i dunno we're mad,Especially Professor X when he appeared,his face was priceless, XD
I felt like wolverine sometimes,so mad at some things, but have to contain everything in his heart. wolverine lost his memory in the end, Stryker,the one who gave him the adamantium claws, shot him with adamantium bullet in the head.
Wolverine doesn't even know his love is dead, LOLS?
dumb,and stryker is let off by walking till his legs bleed.
I think those who haven't seen it shld,coz it answers to lots of questions and is really really intense.

I give this movie 7/10.Rating: 4 stars.۞۞۞۞

so yeah, after the show i went back home, preparing to pack for next MONday,VIETNAM HERE I COME!

i'm so gonna miss the cat next door, :(


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Saturday, May 2, 2009, 8:46 PM

5.O.5 now. LOTS of crap to do,

i'm currently doing the last out of 5 months of overdued ORCA i owed Mr. John NG.
and i still have not done his two graded assignments.
and i still got maths HMWK and many other revision to do.
Still, have to pack for my Vietnam OverseasServiceLearning for the whole of Wheel week.
And, later,head to the Gym.

wonder why i'm like super hardworking now? i don't usually do this,especially on a public holiday. i would go out with friends.
BUTT, me and Gerald,my close friend in classes around school and many others, We decided to actually work harder for term three and four. Judging from our current marks, or shld i say Geralld current marks,he is quite positive that he will fail his maths BIG TIME if he continues to slack with the class,lagging behind.
I've always had this mindset,so since now he had woken up, I WAS soooooo glad to join him on his quest to excel. So yeah. don't wanna lose out. Gotta be the best outta the best.

"One man for himself;one man who leads with excellence, we depend on ourselves, we set our own goals, free from peer influence." - Gerald And Loysius' Motto. ;)

great,eh?given the fact that i have something for myself as my driving force. haha.i'm so lucky i don't take much time to blogg,,,
Feel like everythings back to the beginning. i wish everything was the same as last time.Guess all i have to do now is remake history,and stay positive.

So yeah,this whole weekend gonna start to get boring and busy. HAiz. hate this,but for a better opportunity,i will perservere, =)

Labour day selection of videos for perfect-hilarity-and-relaxation purposes XD:

i haven't seen the movie but,OPPS! Wrong movie!
So this is what those Lots are For!
WELL that's it,and i'll not get distracted anymore,back to me work, LOLS!

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Friday, May 1, 2009, 5:05 PM