New things!
was laughing for the whole day.
everything went smooth and steady.
came to school,finding out that Mr Ow is not present in skool for history.LOL
a new teacher called mr joel loke took the class over,and as usual,the class was mad.
i was happy luh,can revise for history Treaty In Versailles in class.but nid to do some gay work.
got called out for failing F&N class.
i was like f8cked up,damned pissed.if i meet mr lim again i will lose my SYF opportunity and fairfield drama will be in disgrace.
we,a group of failers(it was like 3/4 of the class)followed Ms daphne lim.
as she headed closer to the GO i was like shit wadamigonnnado?wadamigonnado?
but it was all a retest.
we sat at the bench ouside the GO and revise in 20 mins.
the test was like chicken feet?
when it was english(i wouldn't mention maths class,it was so boring as the class didn't bother listening,i was drowsy,and did not understand what mr lum was droning abt.)
we teased joshua and his _______ ______ and created comical stories abt him and his secret society.
then issac came to my table to just laugh abt ding quan (being blubberly,)not being able to do the pullups and kicking a ball properly.
then it was release.

HAAHA!i finally noe what to do abt my englissh essay,the one on "what phobia u haved faced and overcome it."
its true. i really do have such made up phobia.
im always afraid she will come and torture me.(Drama-ly LOL)
so before today if u say 'fannys coming' i will freak out.big time.

But never again. today i felt that fanny treated me better so yeah.
and all the other drama ppl was like so happy luh,behind rejoicing and chatting while i spend time with fanny herself.
=( so sad.

I'm gonna write an essay abt it.YAY!

yeah man perfected ophelia's scene. was so nice.:) it was CRAPPY. but it will never be anymore.
and also for the 16th time,i'm sorry Jean that i football-tackled you on stage with that tight dress.Sorry.
An eye for an eye.who ask you slap my face until got pimple! HAAHAH! FTW! jk.

all i have to do now is just laugh more like a madass,not shout to much,(plz,some ppl mistake shout as projection)and that will be a perfect play.
I'm sorry if i'm slow or need lots of rerruns, i was never in such play before.

after drama,went to dine with cherilyn and tim.
first time eat nasi bryani.
NICE! malay food rocks?!

Yeah,nothin bad happen today,haha.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Monday, March 30, 2009, 8:56 PM

Blogging in chinese class!
i'm at chinese class, is this right...
irritating lah,ftw, dodging wong qin zhen,minimizing and enlarging the PAGE...
shit! im thinking of molly again.LOL
randomness man.
Arhhh WQZ!
phew!she did'nt do finish e learning then i can surf net one lah.

yeah man im singing Forever the sickest kids... And suddenly im addicted to LIly allen and escape the fate...

Shit i need to go oreadi.
log out com...

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 8:58 AM

my blog has wierd problems & thnks to Doc Julie!
i think while writing this,doctor Juliana Chan is helping me do a make over of my messed up blog.
i hope it turns out well,coz my dear doctor said that my blog isn't compatible with firefox,Safari and O.S.
probably that the problem with the fonts of my posts and the sidebar being blocked.
haha! i'm somehow excited for the new outcome...
it's like i've asked Junyuan,but he didn't really do much.
Heng arh,i met this doctor. Professional one leh!XDXD
i'm waiting....
i'm waiting....
lets post random things unrelated to each other.

the advertisement for SOYJOY biscuit sucks like extreme is a woman trying to torture her thighs by doing a half squat & moaning and screaming,not sitting down and doing her work,making the whole advertisement sound retarded. and the other's abt a woman getting a tattoo around her waist to look slimmer,(she requested a tattoo for an hourglass figure,but shes still as fat.)and little effort to eat SOYJOY biscuit?
LOL.i will never purchase it.

I want mememolly.....shes so pretty and im attracted to her personality...goshgossshh...does liking her makes me a fan of her or I'm just having a crush on her??
either ways man.
i' addicted to her vids; everytime i come into me blog i will watch that same vid i posted and stare.this is not the first time im addicted to girls lah.

i want the wee hours.LOL.
i'm shaking my legs like i've got spasm.i'm like thinking of a tune,then i just naturally shake.LOL!

my sis is opposite of me,doing project.HAHA!

juliana,mommy,jarrett,oleander is online.

i'm super nervous & anxious abt SYF. shitshitshitshit. i've got butterflies in my tummy everytime i think of it.even on stage,or anywhere.I'M LIKE THE LEAD.
I'M SORRY BUT I'M KINDA EMO NOW...I WANNA JUST CLOSE MY EYES AGAIN...imagine,two to three rehearsals TO SYF!!...I really need morale support,not to attend my play,but like someone to tok to...LOL.

Siolsiolsiolsiolsiolsiolisol...I'm a goner...a Zero...Can i be a hero? the possibilities are endless....

Subway,eat fresh! i'm hungry.

wonder whats doctor julie working on right now.putting a barbie doll in my:head background image barbie pic url ? HAHA! i'm so random? julie,how does my html grow?

I'll post a vid i saw for randomness:

HAHAHA! did you laugh like siao? i was laughing like mad at how far panasonic can go to make sure the customers will believe that this is a good laptop at a variety laptop store in Sinm Lim Square.
i think other shoppers think im mad.

ok im sick of my randomness now,i'm really wonderin anyway.

Doctor julie,when you're done,i'm gonna say a big thank you!



By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, March 29, 2009, 1:13 AM

when it seems I excel in many other irrelevant ways.
typing this will take my mememolly post off my 6-post-in a page settings.shit.
wat the crap lah.
i found out that i start to get lazy abt blogging,i dunno why,coz its like,i'm always stuck when i want to use Chim words.
well okay,i dun really think they're chim though.they are just words that pimp up your sentences.
Makes them feel,sophisticated,shakespearean-ish.

suddenly i felt that watching more drama series and stage performance makes you understand life better. Because,its like a DeJaVu of our lives,like we saw it before,but now its on air,and we can stop and reminisce or analyze our behaviors,mistakes and past.
LOL.a part in my play says:
'doubt though the stars are fire,
doubt that the sun doth move,
doubt truth to be a liar,
but never doubt i love.' - Hamlet,shakespeare.

what amazing little poem.its like chinese,one character means lots.this is also the part that i'm abt to master,as i need to,desperately.Well,i find it related to my life,so i wanna feature it.

its now 7 more days,two or three more rehearsals,(wishing not to fail natalie).Stress is like setting in lah,i'm the lead eh,the stoopid HAMLET....

M.r Firhad the Fashion-est drama teacher keeps on telling my in Chem class to memorize lines & where to start laughing like a mad person in hamlet.
LOL.and finally,chemistry class is split into two,one for those that doesn't wanna learn,and one for those who has passion.
But the new teacher is a exception for my liking.
she's like new,and petite but i haven't even experience her teaching.LOL.
having split classes means i'm gonna have lesser time spend on the computer during chem class.(mr firhad allows and teach lessons through internet.)

Went for NCC sea IMT (individual marksmanship training).It was EPIC.
finally i get to shoot the SAR 21.
like i'm in love with this rifle,rather that the old,bulky M16.
WOOOOOT! it has like the best crosshairs ever?(in the scope,compared to the M16,with just iron sights.
and i finally got into a FOXHOLE. FTW! haha! first time shoot in standing position! NO more proning! HAHA!
i got Marksmanship too,i dunno whether its true,but it is mentioned by Ms Rajwin that 7/11 of us manage to get marksman. and she claims that im one of them.
Was like overjoyed lah,as a boy,who actually noes how to shoot a rifle.I'm really lucky that the SAR 21 didn't kana jammed,wich was astonishing compared to M16 who is a super stubborn rifle,even in stimulation shooting.

SHIT,i think girl readers are getting bored abt reading this part,am i right,girls?its like alien to you chicks,unless you're in NCC(sea).

Well,thats all that i'm up to,and haha,stay tuned!


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Friday, March 27, 2009, 11:09 PM

Love meat? Eat at Carnivore!
It'was evening.
my mom and dad were like deciding where to go for dinner.
my dad got a few vouchers,for Carnivore,a restaurant that is located in vivocity and CHIJMES.
my dad wanted to try it the whole family followed.
we got to vivo & to carnivore.i was like expecting a normal restaurant,similar to jacks place.but just by reaching there proves me wrong.
It was a a Brazilian Churrascaria restaurant.

i got a seat and took my servings on the buffet table(the way they serve is really different.which means,staple foods are like on a buffet table.)
the waitress gave me this:

And, at the back,Then,suddenly,something blown me off.
i was eating enjoying my food(it consists of rice,sausages,vegetables,salads)that was really nice,higher than my usual standards of food already.
Suddenly,a waiter came with a really big knife,like a Parang,with a long sharp metal staff(with a handle at the top),a piece of large beef stabbed into it.he uses a metal plate to support the sharp end.
the meat,apparently,was still sizzling.i was shocked.he came and asked whether we want beef.
i didn't accept his request and he went around the table asking.
i was thinking in my mind:"my,what a wierd way of serving food."
the next wave was tenderloin steak wrapped with bacon.
i accepted the request.i was thinking wats the use of that cue card they gave me.i tried saying it.
he was serving my sister,but when i said that,he immediately jerked like a robot,as if i spoke a codeword or smthin.
he served me first.XD
It just kept coming.meat after meat after meat.Any meat you can guess is requested by the waiter to us.

i felt like im some denmark king or smthin,sitting there, drinking their special brazillian soda.
the sequence goes like this(i may have forgotten some,you gotta dine there to experience it first hand):
tenderloin steak with bacon
chicken brest with bacon
chicken drumstick,
chicken brest meat,
chicken breast with bacon,
pork ribs
and many many many many more.
i cant list it all out.
i was like a little sick of the meat that comes every 10 to 12 mins.
meat is all they serve.BEST Quality meat.i personally enjoy meat very much & this restaurant has given me a good impression.especially the fish.
Wahhhhhh HEAVENLY cans?

The grilled pineapples there also.could make u wanna eat was super sweet.

after all,we asked for the bill-guess what? in total,we spent 249 on the family of five,including my babysis,who didn't eat much,$19.with the vouchers,we manaage to cut the price to $179.
THEN,i got it.
this brazillian restaurant is named carnivore bcoz of its meat.LOL.
prize per person is $45, wwith all the meat you can eat.
and my brazillian soda was $8?
What nonsense is that.
i recommend this restaurant to meat lovers,and couples that wants an expensive meal.
Trust me,you would never regret.

it's just,heavenly.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, March 25, 2009, 11:53 PM

if our parents want our attention...
The following is like an act,a play,a dialogue.

An Indian elderly man is in Mumbai,India.
he calls his son in New York.

Elderly Man:[madly,and a little anxious]"I hate to ruin your day son, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are getting a divorce; 35 years of marriage... and that much misery is enough!"

Son:[frantically answers back,screaming,extreamely shocked.]''Dad, vhat are you talking about?"

Elderly Man:[still sounding Cross]" Ve can't stand the sight of each other any longer.
We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so YOU call your sister in Hong Kong and tell her!"

The father puts down the phone.the son was dumbfounded .Frantically,he calls his sister.

Sister:[exploding to the phone;Shouting]"WHAT?Like heck they're getting divorced.I'll take care of this."

The sister puts down the phone and calls Mumbai immediately.

Sister:[screaming to her dad]"Dad? You are not getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and ve'll both be there tomorrow. Until then , don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR??"

The sister hangs up. The old man puts the phone down and turns to his wife.

Elderly Man:[smiling widely]"Okie-Dokie! It's all set. They're both coming for Deepavali and paying their own airfare!"

Wife:"all we need to do now is decorate the place and put on this act."

They smiled to each other,like two Cheeky kids after a naughty plan,on the couch.



By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, March 22, 2009, 10:21 PM

Mall Cop!(continued)
I tagged along with abrams to watch Mall Cop atVivocity.went there with Chiens,serena & Rachel & alex.
clarence also tagged along,but not to watch but to have lunch.
like WTH?
I ate like hokkien mee at the food court.
i dunno why.ever since i ate hokkien mee, i fell in love with it.
especially with chilli,it became one of my top favourite choices in a hawker Centre or food court.
after lunch,we set off to get tickets.
I was still in my half dead,half unconscious,sleepy state.just by closing my eyes i could just seem like i died naturally.
i'm usually the funny one in the lot of friends i go with,the one that brightens up the outing.but this time i was like remain silent,gloomy dreamy state.i grit my teeth, rubbed my eyes,and tried to look alive.
we walked around Vivocity,went to candy empire,to get Skittles Sensations,then i followed the girls to shop,and abrams was like laughing at me for going into the girls apparel stores to tag along.
i dont think its gay or wierd luh,the shop didn't say no boys allowed.
i just wanna learn,girls. learn what the like to wear,take notes,so that the girl that will become my significant other would not suffer my mistakes,especially when it comes to purchasing things to surprise the sig. other.
so i was there ,following,standing there,mum.
then me and abrams is like looking out for hot girls,using the 'Fishing rod method'.
then we headied on to get the tickets to Paul Blart:Mall Cop.
And YEAH MAN.BTW, i found the vivo topman store.YAY!
i'm gonna purchase smthin there even if it kills me.
i found out something funny abt Serena,everytime i tap her shoulders,she will tap her chin.
it was so fun lah,and shes like cute?
it goes like 'serena.' `tap` then she tap her
then headed to the arcade.played air hockey.abram lost to me!
we decided to play pool,but we're under age.
then we were like daydreaming.
Serious.and i woke up to notice that abram was gone.i searched for him and he was watching other players playing.
i was caught for wearing school clothes,and i was grumpy luh.
went outto a bench and fell asleep.
this is the first time in my life i've been this tired and dead beat.if u know me well,u shld noe that.
next,i was woken up and it was already 4.10pm.Our show is gonna start in ten minutes.
got our popcorns and drinks.


it was super hilarious.
This show depicts a loser sercurity guard falling in love with a girl in a mall.
one day the mall was attacked by a hideous bunch of teens for 35 million dollars.
as fate goes,the girl hes in love with is caught as a hostage.
by knowing that,he is determined to do no matter what to save her despite his qualitifications as a mall cop and his size and daftness.
with his determination,he manage to overcome all odds and save that girl and his only daughter, in the end he was a Zero to hero and got a kiss from the girl he loves.
They married,happily. the show,but off course,isn't this boring or mundane.
the jokes and the way paul does things are funny.

Make sure you don't miss it!

after the show,we were like so excited and happy abt the show. we talked till the bus stop until i realised my wallet was gone.
without even caring for my friends,i wen to look for it luhs.
it was gay.
i was damned afraid.
my wallet has important things.
in the end,the usher took it and put it in his drawer.i asked it back and went back to my friends.
to my surprise,they were there still waiting.

Slept through the bus all the way home.
went home and slept from 8 to tmr morning.XD

Was dead beat.:(


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 3:27 PM

Where have all my time gone?Not long ago.
HAHA.sing the title of this post to the rythm of 'Where have all the flowers gone?' second sentence.
I've really been asking myself a thousand times. issit just me,or time seems to get faster and faster everytime?
or is it the fact that im growing older,and getting more conscious abt the time and prior to that,i use my experience and knowledge of time and realise that time could just be used up,even just by staring into blank space.

I'm at burger king now. just a moment ago,its 1pm. now its already half past 3.
i need a time warper,badly.
or maybe i just can't face the fact.
What nonsense.

in just two days time its school again.
LOL. some how i think e-learning is actually ok . provided that they have a one week deadline to all work.WWHHHOOO! best.
dont have to face teachers face and suck up to stoopid school rules and attire problem and hair problem....
one thing that is a minus is we couldn't socialize...

Just came back from Drama camp yesterday.well, it wasn't as bad as i expected,but rehearsals were going smoothly.after tiring rehearsals,Derrick showed us a uber wierd and meaningless show that his production made?it depicts a old woman and a little boy dancing all the time and lousy singing.after that,we played a kinda adventure-strategy game in our school that evening before lights was damned hell fun.we were like leading,but then lost the lead to two other grps coz of the most hated mathematic game of my life,SUDOKU.we were like stuck there.then i was like sian and solved it along with the grps help.I Can't BELIEVE i was the one who found the secret clue in the Dark Room Maze lah.its like i feel like a hero.
LOL.self praise.
after the whole game,i cannot sleep cans?
i was freakin pissed and sweared all the way.i was blaming myself for turning up for this whole g**amned thing.
then i got a message from joey when i was abt to doze off.she & chevy & joanne was like outside,and not enjoying their nice aircon in the LT.she asked me out.clarence was awake then,so he followed me out.we chatted at the indoor sports hall and like dodging Tim coz we're afraid he'll scolds like hell.
at like 3-4 am a got a little sleep luh,but was waken up by some police thing.
i can't take the heat oreadi,and went out,to get a and a grp of Drama chums were like in the middle of the parade square uunder the stars lah.
wats amazing is that THERE ARE STARS.
again was really tired and went to take a nap.Finally,at 6,the aircon in the audi was working.and i was like swearing all the way again.And WTH it was functioning so well that i got the shivers.
AHH.and one more thing,i took some scandal photos of smbody that i wont mention,so as to not create a fuss and,its actually sme kinda prank or funny pic lah.
HAD OUR FIRST DRAMA PT? was the wierdest thing ever.running around the school two times,with like 70% of my energy drained.i figured out that i must go on and go with the flow,control for a few more hrs.
i was like bouncing all the way throughout cans?
then it was rehearsals then,i was like anytime i can drop dead and sleep.i wasn't paying attention,i was like giddy kinda first person view,and my eyes were red.i couldn't concentrate.and i was ANTICIPATING.anticipating for home.but,after the whole camp it was like eh?its over?so fast?
i saw abram while walking out and asked him where he was heading to.(he was wearing a red smthinsmthin bums.)he was gonna watch mall cop.I wanted to watch that show since the quarrel btween gerald and josh,and it cme out that they could'nt make it,so i tagged along.

thats my Thurs & Fri summarised up in a few paragraph.i've still got LOADS to write,so stay tuned.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Saturday, March 21, 2009, 3:21 PM

Look-Alike!What a coincidence!
i was searching for songs on youtube and i typed,mem...that is,to be completed with -ories
the instant search gave a list of possible searches.
it came out:
memphis bleek
i was curious.and i wasn't in a i searched,mememolly,coz the name sounds
and OMG.the search results was a british or foreign looking girl.i watched the one with her face as a screenshot.what a Coincidence-she,this girl,looks like the girl i mentioned two posts before,the one abt geeks and IT shows.the only difference is the accent,and the girl at the IT show was a little more asian.their voices are almost the same too!

Shes's Talking to her Macbook.=)what a cute adorable girl.&&& she's being sarcastic abt mmorpg games,from the way she says that her character wears underwear as a wizard,killing ogres.LOL.i hate those kinda games too.
her latest video post was even more random(yeah,pardon her randomness) is:
Cat. inspired by cats.

isn't she brilliant?ain't no much difference as what i had discribed,right?
I subscribed to her videos.not to listen to her randomness,(sometimes it helps for a boy,to actually understand a girls mind) but,to see her
EH?shit.forget about that IT show girl.
i fell in love with mememolly!!!

I ♥♥ mememolly!!


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Tuesday, March 17, 2009, 5:59 PM

Finding Happiness in a stack of sorrows.
First of all before posting other stuffs, i wanna wish my sis a Happy Birthday!
but,a day older means a day nearer towards death.
Death,is the permanent termination of the biological functions that define a living organism.
but i beg to differ.
March.a month that's supposed to be merry,happy and peaceful.but i don' think so.
my father's sister's husband's mother, or simply put,my grandaunt,passed away,on this date.
the day of my sister's birthday.
she was a strong woman,who could live the astounding age of 94.what a person to respect and give honors to.
She is believed to have gone through the world war 2 as a communist towards the Japanese.
she actually held a weapon and fought.imagine that,a woman in the nineteen century,taking up a mans role,defending the country.
she actually survived,and lived till now. i should actually call her a cat.the one with nine lives,the one that cheats death.
she fell for two times,both that could take her life away.
One,she was healthy the age of 89.she was painting her toilet by herself,as it was already chipping aunt is a person with low income so she could'nt take care of my grandaunt,grandauntie climbed on a ladder and painted a ceiling.
Perhaps even now, i think u know what happened next.she fell.
think about it,a woman in her 80s falling from a ladder at 1.8 -1.9 metres height.her backbone twisted and was sent to the hospital to the ICU.She recovered two-three months later,but with a bad result.her backbone is forever curved, hurts,everytime i meet her in the New Years.
thats it- the new years.its the only time i meet her,to see the happy smile and satisfaction just because someone has visited her.her eyes,in every visit,sank into her eye sockets slowly,it made it seem that she had really small eyes.but,the happiness on her face was so amazing and warmth,that her starry blue eyes would make you smile too.
The second one was when she fell off her bed,to the floor,at the age of 91. she was injured and was sent to a clinic. a person so old wouldn't go throught a fall like that without a scratch.with her back condition,the fall worsened it.but still she lived on.
Once i prayed for her to live till the age of hundred,so we could have a Great celebration for her.
But even the strong has a weakness,and no man could ever fight mother nature.
Most recently,she fell again & this time she had it.she was admitted to the hospital serverely injured from a fall in the toilet.BECOZ ITS WET.
to see her in agony on her hospital bed was really heart piercing.

Ater a few weeks,she's gone.brain dead.taken back to God and his Kindom.
But,surprisingly,her heart,Is still moving.beating,pumping blood.
thats why,i wanna dedicate this post for her.
And ,its still beating now as every second goes by.
she has a heart to live,and wants to stay alive,but god forbids.
her strength to live is Great. i respect her fully.

March.during this month i learnt something.
sometimes my prayers doesn't i not praying hard enough,or is there......god?
I mean,i don't wanna doubt him,but he could have done something to reply my prayers,for a friend of mine,and to the dear me.Two persons have died in just a month.backed up by my prayers.
God forbid.
again i assume,I'm a Forsaken Child,of Father,The one who created the worlds.

May your soul continue to live on,dear Nai Nai,
your memories engraved in my mind will never fade away.
and to the friend of mine's loved one,rest in peace.


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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 12:01 AM

Where do Geeks go for a shopping spree?- the IT show.
Notice a change?
i changed my took me one whole night to find a proper,decent,not freaking serious emoish,Not-for-girls type of blogskin.
Trust me,its really hard.i Guess blogging is really for gals.
Well, Time really goes by like lightspeed. It was like friday the minute ago,and now its freakin sunday.
went to the Suntec It show, ANd wow it was great.
my momma bought a new laptop that was meant to be at a cheaper price for students.
What The Hell..
i was really embarrased when she actually said she wanted to buy it for herself when approached by a staff.
and by the way,the laptop was by HP.
Then we went to make payments and transact money for that laptop.
The girl who served us was like damned cute Cans?
i can't stop staring at her.
she was so perfect,her babyface,her fair but a little tan smooth skin,(i can see its smoothness from a metre away)her ponytailed nice brownish-gold-highlighted hair with a silver flowered hairband neatly fitted at the back of her ears behind her sexy fringe,her petite,curvacious body shape in a orange T-shirt,the lady that i want.O sweet heavens,what a beauty.
And of course,her voice,Oh so pleasing to my ears.i actually took off my earpiece to listen to hers.
And like what a man would do,(im very obliged to call myself that) i acted like i knew alot abt computers just to actually spark a conversation with her.
i keep interupting my mom's conversation with her.
Looking straight into her eyes and her face and everything makes me,TOOOOT! like a train ready to go ,'ALL ABOARD!' in my pants.
But what a waste,what a pity,i didn't even get any form of contact from her.
Oh lord if i could ,by fate see her again.And SHIT shes working damnedit so she's like 4-5 years older than me!
but who gives a shit man.
all the rest of the day in the IT show was boring,although i collect lots of meaningless brochures from every pretty girl that approach me?I noe i'm like such an ass,but it was really boring so i came up with a mini game for myself that i would count how many brochure i get to estimate how many pretty girls are there in the Show.
LOL.boredom killed the king.
wanted to actually buy a new phone(my it was so close!)
but my sis the troublemaker who is gonna have her birthday celebrated two days later keep complaining she was hungry,so we went for a bite at subways.
came back like at 1100pm,and was searching for a stoopid blogskin to cover over the ugly yellow i had in the past.
slept at 500am siol siol siols.
i've got more to write,but it'll be in the next post.
staytuned,my beloved reader.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, March 15, 2009, 10:17 PM

Elearning is a deathtrap.
Enough said.

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Friday, March 13, 2009, 2:29 PM

The weekends are boring.
three days to E-learning.
like wth.
E-learning is craps.
this is a shout out to the authorities in school
haha.its true.
and this whole weekend is a really freakin boring one.
hate it when things go like that.
I'm really looking forward to outings with friends in the holidays.and i don't actually want to go for drama rehearsals suddenly....:X
i'm really retarded eye is twitching till now,it goes on and off,and i was quite certain that one day i can't open my eyelid at all.

and speaking of unhealthy,i'm now always craving for chocs,super sweet ones,fast foods,sweets...all the unhealthy u can think.and suddenly i find that my abs are dissapearing slowly...
I need to start reminding myself to hit the
gym.the last time i went was 2 weeks ago.Thats a long the next Physical Training for NCC,i will be there.i have to do some muscle pumping.YEAH.

I finally got my hands on the Twilight book.
well you may say i'm lagging,and i also agree i am.i'm just suddenly really curious Y everybody is reading New Moon and eclipse.
Since it was like uber popular so i borrowed the first series from my friend.
i've read to like chpt 4-5
To my opinion,its:
1. EXACTLY like a girls diary.(like 'oh today i went to school...i saw edward...hes so perfect oh yeah...blahblah.') could put me to sleep in the first few chapters.
3.I want to meet Isabella Swan to see whether shes hot.
4.Edward Cullen is like a guy from Space that is 'perfect' but i don't see that in robert patterson.
But,in conclusion,i would hang on and finish reading.I wanna see whether the series actually deserve the popularity and the 'international bestseller' title.

I'll end this post with a funny picture:

remember that time you realized there were girls in this world?

When the world ends,Humanity would have been long gone due to its own wrong-doings.-Loysius the Awesome.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, March 8, 2009, 11:13 PM

Car Breakdown!
again,i'm back.
looking at this blog cracks me up.
i don't bother to change it.I'm one lazy dude.

First of all,i don't play computer games.they're hard to control.i use the computer for socializing,information,and other crap.i only play console games.and i don't play more than 5 hrs.
on second thoughts,it's a waste of ure life on the couch,staring at graphics go by.
well,i can't actually say that,coz some people take Extreme gaming as a form of destressing method.and probably pleasure,too.

Second of all,I'm really eccentric.i dunno why.this word has many meanings.thats y it suits me.
well,eccentric people may go down the drain in one minute or fly to the heavens in a little less than two.
so i'll think it in the positive way.
i regret not doing lots of things in my life.
it's just that,,sometimes things just didn't go right,or the timing was really wrong.
i looked through my previous posts.
i realise i was such a joke/fool/emo arse.
seriously,EMO SUCKS.big time.i was like,'OH,my life oh dear life!oh please girl,i love you really much,i could die for you..blah blah drone.' word.=)
but,emo fashion is nice.
and yeah man.i'm gonna follow mr firhad to buy topman stuffs...looks so casual cum stylish.

Thirdly,SOME PEOPLE ARE REALLY ANNOYING.wats up with gals and guys body parts in biology books that are so amusing that going around showing others in-their-face those things and also think its disgusting?
we ALL have it.
unless you can't take the fact.
we're learning about it,to understand how we humans ourselves work,so its on a book.
haiz....but after all,i can't even get a chance to learn biology.what a pity. if u do,please count yourself lucky.

AND,The day's EPIC.
my family car broke down in the middle of a Yellow box,a place where vehicles cannot stop in(i think)LOL! it was all abt the overheating.
the feeling of being watched in a different way was nice.i dunno,i'm retarded.
the car broke down becoz the cooler pipe of er car was busted and leaked water,which leads to wass cool.real cool.imagine smoke coming out of the front of the car.


Leah Dizon is somehow my dream girl.<3

Au revoir!=)


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Saturday, March 7, 2009, 7:48 PM

Ding dong bell,pussy in the well...
another post.
i think my eye twitching problem actually has an impact in my current week's life.
look,a friend of mine,said that it may somehow cause bad luck or good luck depending on the person and which side of the eye.
right eye.that's the one thats twitching.
i believe its a an unlucky omen.
i've got problems with my english bio,i was late for school,i lost 50 bucks without any evidence to trace that robber down....
everything seems to not flow smoothly.

Apparently, i left my dear wallet in history class coz of the dumbest mistake;its hard to sit comfortably with a wallet bulging out from the butt,so i left it on the table and haiz,my freakin mistake.but no,the mistake could be simply solved.
theres four characters here,
all with different scenes and explaination.

Ifraq:Oh...loysius' wallet. Mr ow saw the wallet and said who's one?then he pass it to me and i check in the wallet.i saw the EZ-link card and i knew it was loysius'. so then i pass it to joey and i dunno oreadi...i think she pass it back to loysius?

Joey:I dunno anything larhs.ifraq like saw loysius' wallet and then say 'eh?who's one?'then he gave it to me and i giv it back to loysius lor.i never do anything lor.wat for i take your 50 bucks?I noe i last time did take stuffs from loysius,but i changed.&&& i only take stuffs,not money can loysius proof i take lor.

mr ow:(probably said wat ifraq has said,or wasn't involved at all.)

down to me. this is really hard.i was sure.100% sure my 50 dollars was was meant to be deposited as my ang bao money.

but whos the heartless one?You probably could help.

background info:
ifraq stole lots of things.i can actually infer from all the friends that was once his friend that he steal things like eating food everyday.
he could steal it,then act like nothin happen,or giv the super innocent face to escape the fact.
thats y i think,probably,it could be him.but evidence wasn't there.
joey was once naughty,but i don't think she is now.but who knows?things might turn out ironic.
whoever it is,watever it is,it just irks me everyday just to think abt it.

I'm on a Drama rehearsal rampage!
yes i am.we're like a uniform grp,doing drills,but acting.
it's really stressful playing main role.
coz if i crap up,everything is.

Woah.TMR got F&N WTF?
why would i bother fats?miss TEO should bither abt it.
her whole body is full of it,given the fact that she's in middle ages.
wat the freaking retarded.she should sit for the test too.
if i was her fitness instructor,i bet she'll die of heart failure.
and miss ben too.she and her G-STRING.whoever wears g string to teach cooking?
her butt is super obvious while walking.
was laughing at it like we were on heavy laughing gas.
i'll surely fail.

something to describe my relationship status= Vacation -simple plan.go check it out.

O,woe is me to see wat i've seen,see wat i see! - harris the wonderful gargoyle.



By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, March 5, 2009, 9:53 PM

Difference in mindsets between guys and gals...
A guy named Joel is attracted to a woman named Nicole. He asks her out to a movie; she accepts; they have a pretty good time. A few nights later he asks her out to dinner, and again they enjoy themselves. They continue to see each other regularly, and after a while neither one of them is seeing anybody else.
And then, one evening when they’re driving home, a thought occurs to Nicole, and, without really thinking, she says it aloud: Do you realize that, as of tonight, we’ve been seeing each other for exactly six months?
And then there is silence in the car. To Nicole, it seems like a very loud silence.
She thinks to herself: Geez, I wonder if it bothers him that I said that. Maybe he’s been feeling confined by our relationship; maybe he thinks I’m trying to push him into some kind of commitment that he doesn’t want, or isn’t sure of.

And Joel is thinking: Gosh. Six months.

And Nicole is thinking: But, hey, I’m not so sure I want this kind of relationship, either. Sometimes I wish I had a little more space, so I’d have time to think about whether I really want us to keep going the way we are, moving steadily toward… I mean, where are we going? Are we just going to keep seeing each other at this level of intimacy? Are we heading toward marriage? Toward children? Toward a lifetime together? Am I ready for that level of commitment? Do I really even know this person?

And Joel is thinking: … so that means it was… let’s see … February when we started going out, which was right after I had the car at the dealer’s, which means … lemme check the odometer … whoa! I am way overdue for an oil change here.

And Nicole is thinking: he’s upset. I can see it on his face. Maybe I’m reading this completely wrong. Maybe he wants more from our relationship, more intimacy, more commitment; maybe he has sensed — even before I sensed it — that I was feeling some reservations. Yes, I bet that’s it. That’s why he’s so reluctant to say anything about his own feelings. He’s afraid of being rejected.

And Joel is thinking: And I’m gonna have them look at the transmission again. I don’t care what those morons say, it’s still not shifting right. And they better not try to blame it on the cold weather this time. What cold weather? It’s 32 degrees out, and this thing is shifting like a darn garbage truck, and I paid those incompetent thieves $600.

And Nicole is thinking: He’s angry. And I don’t blame him. I’d be angry, too. God, I feel so guilty, putting him through this, but I can’t help the way I feel. I’m just not sure.

And Joel is thinking: They’ll probably say it’s only a 90 day warranty. That’s exactly what they’re gonna say, the scumbags.

And Nicole is thinking: Maybe I’m just too idealistic, waiting for a knight to come riding up on his white horse, when I’m sitting right next to a perfectly good person, a person I enjoy being with, a person I truly do care about, a person who seems to truly care about me. A person who is in pain because of my self-centered, schoolgirl romantic fantasy.

And Joel is thinking: Warranty? They want a warranty? I’ll give them a darn warranty. I’ll take their warranty and stick it right up their…

“Joel”, Nicole says aloud.
“What?”, says Joel, startled.
“Please don’t torture yourself like this,” she says, her eyes beginning to brim with tears. “Maybe I should never have .. Oh God, I feel so…”(She breaks down, sobbing.)
“What?” says Joel.
“I’m such a fool,” Nicole sobs. “I mean, I know there’s no knight. I really know that. It’s silly. There’s no knight, and there’s no horse.”
“There’s no horse?” says Joel.
“You think I’m a fool, don’t you?” Nicole says.
“No!” says Joel, glad to finally know the correct answer.
“It’s just that … It’s that I … I need some time”, Nicole says.

(There is a 15 second pause while Joel, thinking as fast as he can, tries to come up with a safe response. Finally he comes up with one that he thinks might work.)
“Yes,” he says.
(Elaine, deeply moved, touches his hand.)
“Oh Joel, do you really feel that way?” she says.
“What way?” says Joel.
“That way about time,” says Nicole.
“Oh,” says Joel. “Yes.”
(Elaine turns to face him and gazes deeply into his eyes, causing him to become very nervous about what she might say next, especially if it involves a horse. At last she speaks.)
“Thank you, Joel”, she says.
“Err thank you too,” says Joel.
Then he takes her home, and she lies on her bed, a conflicted tortured soul, and weeps until dawn, whereas when Joel gets back to his place, he opens a bag of Lays, turns on the TV, and immediately becomes deeply involved in a rerun of a Soccer match between two countries he never heard of. A tiny voice in the far recesses of his mind tells him that something major was going on back there in the car, but he is pretty sure there is no way he would ever understand what, and so he figures it’s better if he doesn’t think about it. (This is also Joel’s policy regarding world hunger.)

The next day Nicole will call her closest friend, or perhaps two of them, and they will talk about this situation for six straight hours. In painstaking detail, they will analyze everything she said and everything he said, going over it time and time again, exploring every word, expression, and gesture for nuances of meaning, consideringevery possible ramification. They will continue to discuss this subject, off and on, for weeks, maybe months, never reaching any definite conclusions, but never getting bored with it, either.

Meanwhile, Joel, while playing table tennis one day with a mutual friend of his and Nicole’s, will pause just before serving, frown, and say: “Brian, you’ve known Nicole longer than I have. Did she ever own a horse?”

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Tuesday, March 3, 2009, 6:17 PM

finally, my oh so retarded and senseless script play of hamlet is's over.
i can now relax a little and think that i don't have to actually rmb more lines in the future.
now all i have to touch up is my biggest mistake in english articulation,DOUBT,the word.
its just really hard to repeat the word doubt³ + doubt² all together in a pace of ontwthrefour.
hiaz.maybe its just me.
and remembering lines.
lines now are getting on my nerves.its irritating when it keeps jumbling up in the mind.sometimes i just blackout abt what should i do on stage and wat scene shall i do next..
i'm just forgetfull.

AND SHIT,didnt know Social studies source based Q would be at such difficulty to the extent that every test i cannot finish the whole crap.
its gay writing so much and getting just 1 mark or 2.

maths test was even worse.i got like passing mark of 15 only?
lucky its becoz i never study before hand.

my fairy koi died just today. i came home informed abt it.i was actually overjoyed.i dunno why .i hate fishes. they're just brainless with a body full of muscles to move about and most stupidly,jump out of the water.wat gayness is this?
if it has a brain,it would have known that,oh,if i go outta water,i'll die.
but wat they did was different.the jumped outta my pond like it was heaven at the surface of the water.
i feel sad for that koi somehow. died at an early age. its just as big as two of my fingers.imagine that.
just by a moment of folly.

F&N class is the madness. i don't care abt miss teo.SHE'S THE DANDRUFF QUEEN!
and she loves to act chio when she always has a freaking dung face all the time.
Big nostrills,sagging everywhere on the body,retarded makeup,...and the list for a shit lady goes on for her.
WTF?she doesn't noe how to teach the class.sit there,stare at com,click,ask us to copy,thats it.

my eyes love to twitch.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Monday, March 2, 2009, 10:26 PM

Funny pictures.
this is my first try of this kinda post.
see if u like it.
:D full of pictures.
a little joke:
One guy is very upset and yells at his friend, “You slept with my
wife, you son of a b***h. I am gonna make you pay for what you did.”
“B*lls**t,” replies the other one, “why should I pay twice?”

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 12:16 AM

Wah,fishes really get on my nerves.
i'll start this post with clearing space again,so imagine,two to three post to cover ten posts...LOL



with me.

haiz....y this shit again?
coz i see the stoopid post of the machinima crap and it seems really gay ,like childish gay,but i do not want to delete it,so that some people that actually are interested could go take a look.
so i can only result to this.

be careful of my posts,dear reader.i'm a guy with a really crazy mind.really.its like full of crap that after processing it in your BRAIN,u actually see wisdom.
perhaps.or maybe is gayness and lame.

so,yeah.went to go buy !@#$%^&*()_+!@#$%^&*()_+ fishes with me dad again.most irritated.
went to Qian Hu fish farm.
1. it stinks like some dirty pond.
2. super wet.(water,if u get wat i mean.)
3. gay?i saw dead fishes and sick ones for sale.wierd.
4.HOT and boring.
5. fking raining
6. thunders everywhere.
i'm starting to be an ass.
LOL. but it was really fun to catch fishes,as i did catch kois.

its like,wow,theres that one with a black spot at the back!catch it!
and the net drives to it like a mad cat chasing a poor little mouse.

well,all kois sucks.they die like nobody's buisness.
i was actually pissed today,i was forced to go buy gay fishes.i'd rather sleep or revise on work.

i choose the fairy koi in the end.again,I was forced.

anyway, why would u bother reading this part anyway?its all BS.

I 'm such an ass that i FANTASIZE for a dog or rabbit or watever.
i always go to others crib and go bragging abt OI!u got a pet u shit!
an unlucky life.
a retarded life.
unfortunate me.
i have to wait till i get legal enough to not be supported by me parents than i can go buy a pet.
you may say y.coz me mom HATES mammals or something that will have a 'beast' inside.
SHE,the particular one,says that the 'beast', may just go mad and bite/scratch/watever to u even when its tame like shit.
SHE,even threatened me that if i want a furry pet,don't live with her.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, March 1, 2009, 11:12 PM

im back to bring another perspective to blogging!





clear of my posts of the past

so bear with me dear one.









this is the dumbest
everytime i do this the next few post will take another year to appear...
coz i somehow tink bloggin is this,
u brag and complain and tok abt ure retarded stoopid fucked up gay life,u tag ure temp friends,in the end,u think it in this way,WHO GIVES A DAMN?
u end up wasting watever time u waste on typing ure lifes ass out and get nothing but a sore eyes for all the time u sit near ure computer,staring,typing shit like,
'Oh no,my friend called me fat'
or 'oh i skip school'
or that b***h.she screwed up mar life.
and somehow i think that blogging is for gals.
they need time to tok to whoever is reading theirblog how the really feel inside.
well,u may think,as a hardcore or casual blogger,shit,this boy is a effing jerk!
but no,think again.
i'm not against blogging.i just feel its just not a need,but only when something really important,or ure great creations and sharings that could be shared to people around the world.
not about things i mention b4.
haiz.but every body results to it.



By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 2:39 AM