Wait, this is the end? damn, seems REAAALLY SHOOORRRRRT.
today marks the end of school? Jeezers.

I'll miss school. for everything we 've done together. with classmates, eating all the same food everyday, PE, jokes in class... every thing lah. BUT, theres a Main personal reason. which I myself am also rather confused. HAHA.

'Have i lost my mind?' yes i think so. literally and metaphorically.

I love the (500) Days to Summer soundtrack, my mom heard it and liked it too.

Mom: loysius, i like the songs. it makes a, Christmas like ambiance, like you know, the feeling.
Me: Erm, yeah abit lah.
Mom: Yeah. what is the album called?
Me: (passes the album to her) Erm actually it's just slow and relaxing songs. ._.

yeah. she was only this interested in my albums since the last Jason Mraz album. Next motion picture soundtrack i wanna purchase: Jennifer's body soundtrack, WOOO!

Modern Warfare 2 is coming out in less than ten days i'm more excited than ten thousand bumblebees. and Juliana's birthday's coming up. quite stuck on what to get for her, given the fact that we lost contact for a rather long time. :(

EFFING BORED. i think this holidays is gonna be one helluva of a boring season. N' Levels are coming in a year, and that damned OW keeps on giving us stress on that.

OK. i'm writing this post without any reason or goal or anything. i don't wanna talk about Joyce Cooper right now. gotta move along, too dissapointed anyway.
it's all mushy though. XD

I will WISH to go out on any day of the holidays, so if any of you readers (who know me) have an outing or anything, REMEMBER that you have a friend here that could tag ALONG. anything. i can join you all for ANYTHING. just don't wanna stay at home and rot my socks off.

I've REALISED lotslots lots of things throughout my secondary 3 life. and i'm quite contented with it. actually, i really enjoy my sec 3 life, like 10 times better than my sec 1's, 2 times better than my sec 2's. SERIOUSLY.

so these are the things i have blogged about in this whole year. the larger, the more often.:

school life Funny and cool stuffs
Joyce Cooper movies
My thoughts tag replies emotional
Drama in life Quotes
myself randomness
Leah Dizon songs conversations
drama &NCC(sea)
friends 3H LOVE
hahaha. (if i missed out anything, please bring it up, and write it in my chatango. thankyou!)

All my post are properly and well written, so i'm gonna start doing this. i'm gonna start recommending posts that i have written in the past on all of my future posts. so that any reader, or even myself, could see how i grow and how i handle the HAMMERS OF PREMATURITY. :D (it will be at random.)

DARN, i also lost my chance to say 'YES' to everything. damned it.

Also, check out my Tumblelog, it's updated. :D just click the yellow text in the about me section. :D



By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 1:29 PM

Tag replies and recent stuffs,
let's make it real quick here. i'm so so so sorry, if you've been tuning onto this blog and find that it's kinda dead. yeah ,i think so too. Haiz. here's the catch.

So, i know, the holidays are coming, AND, coincidently, my phone crapped up. it started losing network connections, and i cannot call or msg anybody. that was hell. and then, following came the failure of my WIFI. it can't search a thing. not even the schools website. and when you think it couldn't get any worse, the phone went kinda haywire, and claims that my battery is not a sony ericsson battery so it can't be charged. GOD. this means, it'll die without power. so no music even.

NOW, i can't tweet, i can't facebook, can't tumblr, can't blog. on the move. actually even when i'm at home, my com is spoilt, and my father is procrastinating time for it to get repaired. right now, i'm using HIS com under a curfew of two hours. -.-

Life is overrated.

I can't post much, all i can do is tag reply, to those that have been reading my blog, I NEEED to talk with them. :D

(according to oldest tags to latest)

Jouu: HEY JOANNE OMG GOOD TO HEAR FROM YOU AFTER ALMOST SOMETHING THAT FELT LIKE A DECADE. haha! I MISS YOU TOO the same as how much you miss me HAHA, anw, please update your blog and DON'T delete it! i need to get updated, and in case you don't know, i do visit your blog. so, think about it first please. Would love to hear from you again, although i don't know wether you'll see this and even so, when. TAKE CARES! :D

JulianaChan: Well Hello Juliana! haven't talked to you for a long time. HAHA. Thanks for modifying my blogskin! Love it. :) Yes i do, i do feel really dissapointed in my last post. it sucks when different people have different views on the most controversial topic, LOVE. i've been waiting for Joyce Cooper for quite awhile, and honestly, she's actually closer than anything. but it's a problem of different beliefs that caused this barrier in between us. Even if she comes around, this thing will still destroy lots of stuffs. and i'll tell you, i have to sacrifice alot for her. Even my beliefs. Hope you get what i mean. See you around. :D

Junyuan: Loved the show, and your company! we should go out together more often! and i'm not as bad as you think, 3H still got some good apples. *wink*

Siti Zahiya: HEY SITI! haha yes, thanks for the compliment! i'll try remember all my dreams. IN FACT, i've got another one, i'm gonna post in a meantime. after this post. see you in school! :D

Jessica: HAHA thanks for all those smiley face, wow, you really come to my blog everytime eh, HAHA XD

Alright thats it, BYE~!

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, October 25, 2009, 10:22 PM

(500) Days Of Summer
First of all, gonna wish Rachel Yeo again with a big, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Well, today was to celebrate Rachels Birthday, went out with Abrams, Junyuan,chien yee, jiaqi and the birthday girl!
so we went to watch (500) Days Of Summer! i was waiting for so long to watch it!

(500) Days Of Summer

Loysius Rating : ۞۞۞۞۞ 5/5 stars rating! Must See!

This Show rocks, because it is not like any other romantic movies. it doesn't have alot of those cliched romantic scenes that you will find a little too mushy or boring. it;'s like a modernized version. And of course, it's really funny.

Second, i can sometimes relate myself as Tom Hanson, which is really touching and good throughout the show. It is like, finally, you get a show that tells everything you wish to portray, and it's like looking at yourself in a third person perspective. Joyce Cooper is like Summer. which, i will come to that later.
My Review:

Warning, minor spoilers here and there. and note, this show goes in a non-linear narrative, so i wrote it down according to events.

so basically, this show is about a guy, Tom, that fell in love at the first sight of Summer, when he met her at his workplace, which, in summers case, was employed by his boss as a new assistant.
they foud that each other have a common interest, in songs, and other stuffs, and slowly as they get to know each other, Tom is deeply in love with Summer, and he believes in true love. BUT, summer don't. she doesn't believe in that and doesn't want to be in relationships. this saddens Tom, but when his secret, he liking summer is revealed to summer, they became like a couple, but without holding the title as 'couples' or 'GF & BF'. Tom just loves Summer too much, so he gave in to summer, staying with her without the title.
UNTIL the 290 day together with summer,
summer decided to break up. and it was all downhill from there for Tom. he fell deep into depression and was really frustrated, hating Summer for doing that, BUT he still loves summer.
He then found out summer was engaged after that, and was even more devastated. he decided to quit his job, and go for architechture. he can never forget Summer. and at day 488, they met at a spot that both loved during their 'relationship' and they both talked. Tom decided to move on, and later met a girl called, Autumn at day 500.

NOW. Joyce Cooper is a name to cover over that special someone. joyce cooper is a real person, renamed. look closely. theres subtle hints.

Summer's character is like Joyce's, She thinks relationships is unnecessary in life as it is stupid and makes a perfect life miserable, so she doesn't want to be in one. she thinks she's still young, and there's a full bunch of life to go, why spoil it with relationships.

I love Joyce Cooper, but i cannot have her. Relating myself to Tom, he said, it's like he half love Summer, Half hates her. Same goes here. i love her everything, but i hate what she did.
Tom gentlemanly respects Summer, but theres this barrier from getting them together. same goes for me and joyce.

And also, theres a part talking about COINCIDENCE. it is true. "coincidence is like a cosmic intervention in the human world that one cannot control. it is coincidence that ruled over destiny and fate."

After the show, i bought the movies soundtrack. :D


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Monday, October 19, 2009, 10:22 PM

Whats Genuinely Natural.(A dream too.)
You know something?

Joyce Cooper, using her own 'clever words' at her age, makes her really adorable.
It's like, she forms a really strong phrase, a really mature and wise one, but in actual fact, there's subtle ignorance and naivety innit. That's whats genuinely cute, of course. :D

She still hasn't seen the real world, and i dare not say i did, but i'm pretty sure i 've seen and experienced more. doing my best to help her seems to be my job. :D

Question, Why, oh why oh WHY must Joyce's dramatical reference and her alter ego AND even she herself be all the same? they all went from straight to curls and twirls. i think personally, thats whats change in between all of them. I was rather shocked by the perfect coincidence, It was like "COME ON, this is unbelievable!" but it happened as it is. HAIZ.

Anyway, i had a dream two days ago, it Haz Joyce Cooper inside, i was walking along with her in a place, something like a park i think? with overhead cover. i was playing with her some alphabetical game, it started out well, she enjoyed it, but gradually, she got bored of it, and i found myself entertaining myself. LOL. (can't blame me, dreams can get SUPER wierd and bizzare.)

i felt wierd, she didn't talk much later on, but suddenly, on a bridge, over a river or lake , Joyce and i saw one of her friends, a guy, sitting in the middle of the bridge, trying to pierce himself with a REALLY SHARP and LONG NAIL. Both of us were shocked and rushed over to stop him. i managed to snatch away the LONG NAIL and throw it in to the lake or river. Joyce was like omg-ing and wanted to help her friend up, but that guy pushed her hard to a side. I was furious when i saw that, so i pinned him to the ground. we struggled, he was screaming "let go i don't wanna live" like mad, kicking and slamming his fist on me, but i got his arms, and pinned it to the ground. He, now was a prisoner in my hold, i managed to turn around to have a glance at Joyce, she wasn't hurt, but getting up. relieved, i SHOUTED that guys name to rule over his screams, and he stopped immediately.

I can only roughly remember what happens next, i asked him why he was doing that while Joyce stood about 5 feet away, still looking concerned. many people without faces were already gathered around the scene like it's some exciting show or something. i can only remember him sobbing and telling me the reason, and he showed me his wounds made by something unknown, and then i delivered a really long speech (I'm so sorry i forgot, if not i would have wrote it down), and he realised he has to live on, and smiled. All those people around without faces applauded after my speech, and that friend of Joyce's leaps up into the air, shouting something delightful, and made his way back home. ( i hope).

i looked back at Joyce, she was smiling, i smiled back as i walked back to her, i remembered her saying:
" that was wonderful omg! i can't believe (forgot name) did that, but you were awesome! where did you learn to say those stuffs from huh? hah, omgosh." and gave me a hug.

i smiled from cheek to cheek, and everybody that was without faces dispersed like it was after a movie, while me and Joyce walked on. she didn't talk much AND....................

I woke up. it was 10 or 11 :12am. i wanted to go back to sleep but i can't seem to carry on dreaming that dream, so i tried my best to remember every bit, and updated my facebook and twitter status.

My that dream was Glorious. :D

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, October 18, 2009, 8:30 PM

Goodness, HAHAHA!
Hello readers, my, i shall post some videos i found interesting and FUNNY. haha these videos made me crack up, so most probably you will too. i dunno if you guys have seen it, they are videos i found in the Most viewed in Youtube, coz i was using the mobile version when i was browsing, and the mobile version kinda sucks. Well if you did watch them, HAHA! but if you didn't, then YOU SHOULD! watch and relax! :D

the retarded doctor: SHUT UP!!
the not retarded guy: "i don't shut up. i grow up. and when i look at you i throw up. then your mama walks around the corner and licks it up."

I'M SO GONNA USE THAT LINE. muahahahaha.

HEY APPLE! now i know who's annoying and sour. XD HEY PEAR!

ok thats all, lol, i`ll bring more next time! tune in yeah! and updated tumblelog! click on the My Tumblelog in my sidebar to head there!



By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 2:24 AM

Lessons in Inevitability.
Hello. Finally! EXAMS ARE OVER. All the stress. Over!

What is the expected outcome for my marks will be: english, passable, sciences, passabale, combine humanities, passable. But I think maths for maths, possibility to fail, chinese and FandN,i think will fail. HAIZ. When I did my maths paper 1 left a few question half solved, then when at the last minute, I chiOng, but I didn't managed. I just tikam then, time. Wah sei, that time was like so sad until I was about to breakdown. Like Wtf. Hais.

Anyway, I learnt a VALUABLE LESSON today, the real meaning of: You Reap What You Sow. Really. I know it's a too frequently used word, but seriously. What you apply is What you benefit. It happened to me yesterday, and today, the problem haunts me and the undesired benefit brightened my day.

HAHAHAHA. I'm typing on mobile, so a little bit hard and lehceh. I wish I can blog more now, since the important stuffs is over. But until I get a computer, all my posts will be of this Way. :D


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, October 15, 2009, 4:56 PM

Fake a smile.
Dear Joyce Cooper,

"Now, do you know what TRUE love is? In case you haven't, to love genuinely is to be vulnerable. To love genuinely is to sacrifice. To love is to express it without condition. Even though it hurts. An unconditional love is love that is expressed naturally, without purpose and intention for self- benefit.

Hope you actually get it. Coz only one that had experience givin proper true love can prove that.
Amen, and what the pls, we should REALLY talk someday. After my exams a'ight? :) I need to hear your voice desperately. Text is silently dumb. Literally. :D "

You know who,
Loysius ,_, XD


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 9:00 PM

the meaning behind words.
Joyce Cooper SHOULD really listen to All I Need Is You
by The Click Five! SERIOUSLY. Whatever I wanna tell
her is all in the song... HAIZ.

Tomorrow's math paper 2, social studies and english
paper 2 exams. I'm very worried for maths. God bless
me. :x i'm using mobile to blog here, so cannot type
Talking to gerald on the phone solving math problems,
seriously, gonna fail.

Juliana made another blogskin for me again, but I cannot
use it, I can't use computer and it's the exam season. :(

Ok, that's all for this post, all I want to to tell is the first part. Now, back to my Midnight Oil REVISIONING! :(

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, October 11, 2009, 11:06 PM

Familiar, Hardcore Revisioning.
Decided a new song for this whole blog, it's rather soothing, but still, the current com i'm using is too slow to load just one song and putting it up takes forever. i was so pissed i just slammed the laptop. (sorry mom.)
anyway. i think it will be up soon. :D

Now there's two things in my mind. ONE, MY DARN EOY's EXAMS! seriously i feel the enormous pressure flooding in right now. HAIZ.... STRESS TO THE MAX and i really need to hear someone's voice to actually lift my spirits up. Her voice will be like my Remedy.

Another will be the highly anticipated Mordern Warfare 2!
omgomgomg. i'm so gonna get that game. i've been waiting since start of the year. lol. a big fan here. I Can't Believe Even Xiu Jin is Also A FAN!!!
Here's the first worldwide trailer!

The narattor narates a verse from the bible. But he is russian. XD cool.

anyways, i'm almost done, going back to HARDCORE REVISION, but before i go, the video that Taylor Swift made that kicked ass makes me nostalgic...

TOBY + this video = Familiar things flood my mind when i see this video over and over again.

I think i shouldn't doubt him. haiz. too late's a regret for being too late to find out. :(

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By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 7:02 PM

I'm loosing a darn battle. gotta anticipate the movements. let's just say i ain't that important. yet. but i have been before countless times. it just goes way up then down. now in that few curses, one can actually be reversed. i'm just glad that things are getting better. :D
now to just pass my exams. hmmm...


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 6:44 PM

Bitchin': Vulgar & Rude people.
Warning. readers discretion. if you do swear alot. :)

have you ever, had a friend that curses, swear, insults and always seems furious almost everytime you talk to him/her?

i do. and he's sitting beside me too.
Seriously. how could one get so freaking vulgar that every single word must be fuck, shit, bullshit crap, fuck, dick, pussy puss, fuck, asshole, blah blah you know the words.
even when he doesn't swear, every word that comes out from his mouth is insultive in every way. like a stuck up, grouchy,angry boy that has no life but looks forward to heading back home to play his computer games.

PLEASE, computer games destroys people. it can be played for leisure, and i'm not saying i hate or don't play computer games, in fact, i can't live with it too. i'm playful. and also it is fun.
BUT, the matter is the influence. we are all as clean as a sheet of paper right when we were born. it all depends on the influence. i can expose the paper to colourful things, i can also expose the paper the dull, blackish stuffs. the people in the games SWEAR like nobody's business coz they are in a dire situation. like in war or something. YOU wanna swear? go join the army. nobody's stopping you. just please, don't swear evertytime we start talking.

It's perfectly ok to swear once in awhile during random, friendly chats, BUT COME ON, must every sentence end with, "you faggot, or fuck you ?"

ALSO. everytime this guy opens his mouth, you will feel insulted. i can't believe he is my friend and how can i take this kinda character in a person. i mean, i 've been TAHANing for super long, this time, today, thats it. i can't take all this vulgarityand rudeness anymore. it's like torturing myself altogether. especially i'm in a not very good mood.

HE insults everything you do. and exclaims it like something is extremely wrong with you.

Me: (drawing...)
Me: huh, drawing luh. drawing a cat.
Me: i am drawing a small cat. can't i?
HE: what the fuck i can't believe you are drawing this lah....(goes back to sleep)
Me: ._.

you see the problem? another thing.

Me: (discussing with other friends)
HE: (to another guy) Where got answer like that one?
Another guy: huh?
HE: you dumb or what? x -3 is not = 4 you Asshole.
Another guy: then whats the answer?
HE : i dunno lah, what the fuck i hate maths.
Joshua tries to help...

HE: FUCK OFF LAH JOSHUA, you are a piece of shit you don't even know anything! YOU ARE ALWAYS WRONG you puss.
Joshua: what did i do?

SRSLY. HE needs counselling. i have been highlighting his problem to him, he seems repentable, but still continues on like that. it's like a habit already. once i asked him, "why are you so vulgar? can stop being so rude and vulgar too?" he answers: "coz i love it."


HE is considered one of my close friends. as i earned a title in his life, he earned one in mine too. but even i also cannot stand him now. last time it was ding quan. i'm sure he is also rather pissed.
HE looks cute, looks guai guai face one, but when he talks, @#T@#^ comes out. the only times he can control is when talking to someone important or someone he is scared of. he doesn't have many friends. all his friends are either condemned by him after every promotional level or they just simply don't like him. I am his friend. I love him. but i srsly,... HAIZ.

Joshua also for that matter. joshua is always very loyal to Him. they have been friends since sec one - i only know HIM for 1 year.
but how he treats Joshua is out of this world. is like SUPER BAD that even aliens will agree. he says he hate joshua to the core, and wished he wasn't born, also, he said that why did he even made friends with joshua in the first place. LIKE OMG. come on. at least show some gratitude.
instead, everytime he and me have a fuss, he always goes to joshua, and joshua always warmly welcomes him. BUT he still insults him.

He is making use of friendship. he also once told me, "I'm bored of you already. i don't LIKE you."

he srsly has social problems. i wish him good luck.

I questioned his rudeness,vulgarities and why is he always so angry once, and shoot him back, he says he is JOKING EVERYTIME HE IS ANGRY AND INSULTS AND SWEARS.

so, how do i differentiate which is a REAL situation when he is really pissed and angry?


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Monday, October 5, 2009, 6:32 PM

That missing feeling.
I don't know why but I miss Joyce Cooper really really really much. It's like lifes getting mundane and boring, like it's moving really slowly. I mean is like missing a loved one. Missing someone so much that you get that hollow feeling, and that I see her I wanna just....Wonder is this feeling love...hahahaha.
I found out I'm super nostalgic. This is just a short post, and I think I'm already accustomed to Joyce way of treating me. :) not a biggie but kinda great achievement for me. Anw, now I'm trying my best to revise as much as I can. Wish me luck. ;D. Oh gosh that missing feeling.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, October 4, 2009, 5:56 PM