Mein Kampf.
Here's a few vital things I figured out abt myself while I was abt to sleep yesterday:

1. I have 3 things that is ruining my life and will continue on ruining me unless a miracle happens.

2. I have 1 thing that I want alot currently, but Gods forbids.

3. I have 3 biggest regrets.

4. Theres 1 thing that I should give up.

5. I have 2 things that I love most.

6. Theres 2 things I would love to do.

U can TRY GUESSING the answers to the things mentioned above. coz these are just some facts abt me. I may post it in my profile box, So if u see it dissapear from here, it'll be there.
Express your answers and views in my tagboard. ;) thanks!

(If I could tackle the first problem, all the following will be solved naturally.)

Tag replies:
Juliana: Haha. Ok got it. only you can call her that. :) yeah, using nails to type is a good idea, thanks for the advice. but the problem is, for my left pinkie, the deep cut IS NEAR the pinkie's nail. XD Haha! Anw, Thanks for your concern! :D

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, August 30, 2009, 12:47 PM

Mobile baby.
Testing one two three, i'm blogging on my ex-dream phone, w995! Oh craps! It does work! Hallelujah! Weeeeee! Ahahaha. Check this out man! Go to my tumblog by clicking "my tumblog" in my profile! Hahahahahaha i'm overjoyed! :)


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, August 27, 2009, 9:23 PM

Blood, Gallons of this stuff.
Hello again world. i bet nobody is reading this blog anymore. if you are reading it, thank you very much. :D
look, i'm so darn polite. XD

I've got probably nothing to blog abt. things are going the same, i broke the password for my dad's lappie, so finally i can blog a little. Woot i'm so darn smart. :D

I cut myself again.On my left pinky. A really big one. Yeah i know, it's the second time. but still, come on, everybody is bound to get hurt sometimes. even non clumsy ppl. BUT this time, it was so freaking dramatic. XD

Was cooking for F&N EOY practical. i was supposed to cook baked rice as main dish, mushroom soup for starters and cut up fruits topped with yogurt for desert. Yun Xin was outside cheering us on for our practical. she was outside at the window near my kitchen table. when i got up to cutting fruits, i noticed the little dustbin is filled to the brim. and my opened campbelli soup can is jutting out, with the cut-opened cover facing up. like an exposed blade. it was when i cut up my watermelon and wanted to dump the skin in the little bin, but it was so full, i have to stuff it in. THEN, my left pinky just got caught and sliced by that can cover. IMMEDIATELY, Blood squirted out like a watergun jet dyed-red.

It squirted all over my uniform and i was not feeling any significant pain. all i knew was that i have blood coming out of my body and i had to stop it fast. i think some shot onto joey's face? (she was my cooking mate) i'm sorry if it did Joey. :X
It kept bleeding,i heard Yun Xin saying "omg,you okay ornot?" but i was like shocked and absent-minded suddenly. It was hell embarassing and paiseh.

Got first aid from Ms Ben, she wrapped it like it was some dumpling,(she doesn't know first aid at all; she claimed) and i was like fack. and ran down to GO. i got back up on time and finished my practical. :D
Darn it. I typed this with three working fingers on the left. :X

GUESS WHAT? senior specs course is not cancelled. that damned Raj told me to attend the pre-briefing. and trust me, i'm not gonna enjoy it at all. we have to ccome up of a lesson plan, and also know how to teach drills, and command a parade AND conduct a parade. Sian. srsly. i'm doomed.

Now, before i don't blog again for a few days, i shall:

-Write Random Stuffs.
-Post a teaser.

Random stuffs: Something i found out: "when the past battles with the present, no man will not go into mass hysteria." right. really. imagine dwelling in the present, but the past comes and hunt you back, making you think whether you should choose to go with the past, or your present. I think i felt that way, or will do. just a matter of time.

Tag replies:
Marilyn: YES TINKERBELLL! i know you are always there for me, and you know that i'm always there for you! :D and yeah, i am still the same. Thanks for reading that post. i kinda copied your "i am still the same" line, but anw, we think alike! Loves, and Take Cares!

Kim: Hello kimbelyn. i think i should not call you kimbo or whatnot. coz it sounds, errr, i dunno. and HELLO! :D thanks for visiting me Irish blog! :D


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 11:35 PM

Guess What.
Keyword: Guess What.

Guess What? my computer died, as in hard drive died, and i don't think i will ever get a chance to blog again in, maybe a week. i'm currently using my moms super mini laptop. :)

Guess What? i am quite contented with my new mobile phone w995, which was once stated as my dream phone. it's uber cool having it. now i'm aiming to save up, and get an ipod touch fast. try reading this blog in september and see if the 'ipod touch' in my wishlist is checked.

Guess What? i watched UP with green2,red1 and super. immediately, it became my favourite movie all over. I love it. there are parts of the movie that could make me almost drop a tear. really. it was super touching. it is one of the best animation i have seen since Finding Nemo.

Guess What? i watched it on 3D. double bonus. :)

Guess What? i actually miss my computer so badly. i didn't know i could be so addicted. it's agonizing. but a new experienced learnt.

Guess What. I have been thinking. and i ask myself : "why do i still fight on when the battle seems like a fail? issit coz i am waiting for hope? opportunity? chance?" isn't that daft, when i know personally, that even God of different kinds Forbids, and gives a curfew if i really want to get it -which is SACRIFICE. eeyer. irks me at the sound of it. as in physical ones. X(

Guess What. The Truth hurts. the Lies are not. But both can kill. which would you rather, live a life of fakeness, or live a life being hurt? so, effect of truth = effect of Lies. as it both leads to an unhappy end. But thats life really, it's reality.

formula: e.T = e.L = reality of life.

Guess What. i still do. i still do. really. i still. do. i still forever do. but never, or no one will figure it out. well, Tinkerbell probably, but that is not the point. guess i have to BE in the shadows. which is daft and terribly agonizing, again.

Guess What. i have nobody to rant. currently. so i'll rant here without subtle hints of what i am saying. you may find it wierd, find it braggy, find it nonsensical or long winded, but it is needed. needed to twist it into many turns to make it sound sophisticated or complicated, when the point is as easy as 123. Hope you get my point here.

Guess What? if you read until here, and did not just scan through what i wrote, i sincerely say thanks. coz you actually care, and actually is interested to read.

guess what. i need to reboost my life in all ways. like, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, technologically,academically and maybe even sexually. coz it feels like i am degrading in all points slowly into a cranky self righteous bitch boy. WOAH. "o"

Guess What. this is kinda the end of my post. all i can say is, I am still the same Loysius ever since _____. really. just fill it in with anything we first did.

guess what , jeez. this blog is LOLishly emo. lets end it with a smiley. :)

Labels: ,

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, August 23, 2009, 12:55 AM

WOW funneh.
Blogger is shit and cannot post pics suddenly. oh well, Photobucket time.

That was super random, and Ying Wen is always that random. i found a way to deal with this kinda ppl. TO BE RANDOM WITH THEM. Ahaha. look at his reactions. XD
Also, YES! i finally know how to post images again. YAY!

Tag Replies:
to marilyn & Chiens : THanks for participating! i see two frequent readers here! :D and i feel really happy. thanks for commenting. All your answers are right. but it made you think. thats my whole purpose. will post a new one in a jiffy.

To jouu: Weee~! finally you tagged! i was waiting for a response live from Mexico! ahaha. your answers are all right. happy to see you tuning in to my blog! dun forget i also have a tumblr! :D Wanna see you visiting here more often! :D

Thats it, and dang, i have not recovered. :(


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Saturday, August 15, 2009, 11:59 PM

Fell Sick.
Awaits awaiting wait.

After all these months, AGAIN, i fell sick. Dang.

got high fever, it hit 38.0, which shocked me like fack. then also, got my two tonsils worked up again. it swelled and now i can't even drink water properly.
My dad says it happened coz i was eating too many heaty foods. there was once i ate milo powder with bread, and he warned me that it was too heaty. then i ate almost a packet of nuggets. fried. HAiz. and now i ache all over, due to the fever.

once again, must live with medicines again. YTD night i was feeling so bad and drowsy that it felt like i was drunk or something. i couldn't even stand straight, and swayed around like a drunkard. the feeling is unbearable, and like agonizing. i hate the fan suddenly, i will feel so cold that i need a blanket with me.

I hope i get well soon. And i missed watching UP today with GreenGreenRedRed. WTH. i'm sorry guys.

I found out the problem abt all this Blogger glitch. i consulted my dad, and he said that due to weather, Europe had three optic cables or lines cut off and faulty, which signals and stuffs have to cross over the soviet union region then back to Southeast asia. That explains blogger always not loading properly and many other websites like facebook not working well and others that i can't access. :X

Will answer to all those tags in a jiffy. in the meantime, i have to take a rest. really.

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 2:14 PM

WHAT IS HAPPENING> to blogger! have they all went to another vacation, them dear blogger staff?

this is utter bullshit. srsly. anyway, a summary of today will just be a really boring day, With Elective to spoil the day more. And yeah, i'm gonna start waking up early for school oreadi. i see lots of benefits from doing that you know, srsly. :D

Elective, had a freaking bitch shouting and asking us to do work, when their help is Bullshit. She kept on blocking our computers, with that Aristoclass thing, Fack that, i was pissed so i wrote on paint:

'You SUCK if you read this!' *lollipop drawing*. she saw it and tried to glance away. along with all the teachers teaching elective. they are my victims. Mwuahaha.

Oh yeah. i found a blog, which belongs to a taxi driver. all thanks to my reporter Eisen. lol i got it from him. it's in my links(routes) section. SUPER FUNNY. the secret diary of a taxi driver. XD

summarise the most exciting thing abt today, is from my twitter, "Green Tea bottles piled to twelve stories high. all ended with just a few kicks and a weighing scale."
really. the vids on facebook.i'm tagged, with me cowering from the falling bottles. XD

Heres another Question i ask myself. for you readers. the second one at least.

What is the opposite of opposite?
Does anyone actually kill two birds with one stone?

Express your answers in my tagboard. thank you!


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, August 13, 2009, 9:16 PM

Hehe haha Tumblr!
Blogger can't upload photos, so, go to my Tumblelog at Tumblr!

My dad just went out at this late period of the night for no reason. Which is wierd. So i asked :

Me: Wah, you go where? so late already, go and Drink? like my friends father drink every friday?! [with that :O face]
Dad: -.- PROBLEM leh you. tsk.
Me: HAAHAHAAAAHAA who knows, the world may end any minute now.
Dad: tsk, you too much computer issit? Want me to confiscate your computer ah, HUH?
Me: Ok ok, just don't drive. HAHAAHA
Dad: [ignores me and wears his shoes while the main door slowly closes]
Me: Ehhhh! don't GO!!! you've got Heineken in the Fridge, What for go....! HAHAHA XD

Guess what, he got me a Slurpee. Geddit? drink? XD

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 10:45 PM

Be Inquisitive. it doesn't kill.
sometimes it doesn't hurt to be questioning all the time.

so, i will post a question every week. it's like a Teaser, where i leave it to you to decide. let's all try it readers. i know it will be a blast.

Here's the pilot one that i asked myself. now it's for you.

"If identical twin brothers married identical twin sisters, Won't they have identical children?"

Please express your views and Answers in my tagboard. Thank You!

(Passerbys, at least try it out, i don't wanna put it in tumblr.)

i just cooked maggie mee with sausages. this is what happened. I microwave cook the sausage first,then i used a scissors to cut the sausages into smaller pieces when i'm done.then i took my maggie mee in a bowl(it's oreadi full with soup) and stuff it in the microwave to cook. I set it to 2 minutes, at 900W. then i went to my com and waited. when i heard the beeping as it is done, i went to get my lunch. but , I FOUND OUT THAT I LEFT THE SCISSORS INSIDE THE WHOLE TIME since i was cutting the sausages.

i was shocked. they say "microwaving metals is dangerous and will cause explosions."
but nothing happened.



By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 3:41 PM

Departures without Arrivals.{JC♥}
Stayed Over at Joanne's. One of the memories i will never forget.

then went to send her to the airport. and back to Mexico. damned's probably the last time we're gonna see her. the last time I'M gonna see her. can't help but remember all the stuffs we did together, ever since the first time we met, During drama, while she was doing her auditions. right then, i thought she was just a normal girl, nothing but a girl that wants to join drama, but seems like she CMI. but she did. Which is one of the greatest thing. I'm so glad i met her, now that she's back in Mexico,good. good.
i love her letter. her letter she gave and the present for my birthday. although its late, it's one of the most emotional. Can't believe she left, and Joey and me will be left out in drama without her presence.

She's leaving Singapore, and will not be back like in 4 yrs. haiz. what a pity. by then I think I have forgottened her completely. which, i will try my best not to.

if you're in Mexico now, I know you would happen to read this Blogpost,(you promised you will tune in to our blogs there,) let this be MY letter to you, with regards to yours. I will miss you loads, Really. really. can't imagine nobody will mention 'Joanne Choy' this name in School other then saying she is in Mexi oreadi. Just so you know, this whole Blogpost will be for you. Have a great time in Mexi, will update you like how i updated marilyn, and you must update me too! will never forget you as a friend. Thanks for choosing the converse bag for me Jouu. i Love it and i will treasure it, keep it until the time i see you again XD. Love you's, and won't forget you catch phrase you got from Charlie thr unicorn, 'look out for the wahwah the yamyam and the bleableahbleah' XD. Can't imagine that when you come back it wil be the time i see you all grown up, like a mature woman oreadi. and for me, maybe a trip to NS. haiz. fuck lah. XD
Damned sad leh can cry leh. see you walk into the gates. but want to cry also cannot, part of my heart wants it to be happy, and somehow, i feel like you will just be on a small trip, and i will see you again at that time. but when i was walking back home, all the memories and stuffs came into my mind, and i totally felt wasted, like freaking down. only did i notice, it will like be worst that marilyn leaving us to Aust. so lag right? your maid. I still remember one time in Drama, i randomly went right in you face and stared you in the eyes, and like for a moment you daydreamed or something, i said something you didn't answer and just kept on staring. HAHA. Anyway, too bad you forgot to say something to me, and just went off, which is quite much of a loss, but nvm, at least i can keep it in my heart.thank you for comforting me sometimes also. i won't forget that. anything just tell me. After all, my blogsong sounds familiar to the situation now, so i will now say,
i dedicate that song to you, Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold. it was put on my blog coz i can sing it and it has many meanings, and it was once dedicated to some else, but nvm. now i think it fits from me to you. :D

Love you joanne. :D - Loysius, your perfect and bestest 'maid' ever. XD

RIGHT. can't believe i become so emotional. lol. ok sorry readers i was like lagging and not updating this blog, Blogger fails like dung and i have not much time to update and stuffs. so a big SORRY here. even right now, i'm writing this in a fail blogger box. HAIZ.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Monday, August 10, 2009, 5:03 PM

I'm currently at abrams house, Ahaha for a stayover! LOL

just swam at a condo swimming pool with Green Green RedRed + Super.
LOL. damned fun.

now RAchel and Jess' playing Snap and Jiaqi's packing her back.
Abrams Bathing. i think. or preparing Sausages.

Coolios, using his com

BB and will update!

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Friday, August 7, 2009, 5:52 PM

I used to be LoveDrunk,
I love this SONG! and its coolios!!!! Found it during boring ELECTIVE!

Guess whos the the Female Lead- Ashley Tisdale. LOL ahaha.
AND WTF to the ending man >:( DISGUSTING UGLYFACK.
this song rocks. not like what THEY say.
WOOOT ! finally update seh, and blogger works only in COM LAB HAHAH i think i got a plan to break into school to BLOG everytime.
HEHEH. random.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, August 6, 2009, 1:03 PM

2 hrs.
I want to blog abt now but i think i decided not to. Stopid blogger is up to it's glitches thing again. Haiz.

updated at 10th:
i will want to post two stories written by me, originally by me. coolios. i got a plot in my mind. XD and also, My Birthday was A BOMB and i love this years birthday.

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, August 2, 2009, 10:20 PM

Hyper Update!
The strong winds are Over. the storm has subsided. FINALLY. both Tumblr and Blogger works WELL AGAIN!!! :D

I Hyper-updated my Tumblelog Already ready! it's like a super lots of posts, all of the interesting things i found over i the internet. Don't stay stuck on this Blog, where it's becoming my daily journal,(unless u wanna know abt my daily life) HEAD TO MY TUMBLELOG!!!
where the greener pastures are on the other side! this blog is getting boring without all those interesting stuffs! my Tumblelog is in association with my Main Blog!

Click here to view Schizophrenic Hilarity! All the intersting funny and cool stuffs. :D

Regarding Tumblr:
Okay i found the Comment made by a commentor on youtube, for a vid on Anti Zeitgeist. I found it really true, Especially relating it to War, Beliefs, Reality & a life as a soldier.

Read that qoute concerning a Soldier in my tumblelog and imagine you are a soldier. and think abt it.

What happens when Death whizzes past you and your Mates around the battlefield when all of you have a chance to just get hit by one of the 'deaths' and die? Can you stop, and pray? pray that the prayer will stop the effect of a bullet when you come in it's way? even if you say "Yes it could!" , think abt those soldiers that got hit and or died. do you think none of them prayed? It All comes down to this, God is put in place for us to have faith and a Sense of Security we nid to carry on living and go through the toughest parts of our lives.

Weee. wen't to minds cafe with GreenGreenRedRed Super-Hyper! had loads of fun ther playing Dirty Minds and Simpsons Monopoly. XD Telepaths too. :D

Go vist my Tumblelog!


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 1:50 AM