Rant Listeners. :X
I'm currently toking to Jessica on MSN abt Leah Dizon.

SERIOUSLY, i wanna declare here, that of all the girls i met, Jessica(Chien Yee) is the best girl i can rant abt my stuffs abt Leah Dizon and other idols. Coz other girls i tok to abt Leah will always don't get what i mean, think otherwise, dunno her or roll their eyes at me. ._.

what's wrong with a guy liking a pretty girl HUH? -.-

Only to her i can rant abt all my stuffs abt Leah Dizon and what i love. Maybe thats y she's part of GreenGreenRedRed, she's Red 1. i'm Red 2. :D

Haiz i feel really sad for Leah. anyway, i Enjoy toking to Jessica. She really listens, and ever since i intro Leah to her, she also kinda likes her. Weee!

My other Rant Listeners are Marilyn & Joey. Best lah they. :D
I'm sorry if i'm like, super excited and hyper mad abt Leah and other stuffs.

Anyway, Thanks girls!

Update: it is Confirmed. Blogger only works perfectly fine for me after 12 midnight everytime i blog. You see this post? i updated it at 12.14. and it's working REALLY fine. People that also face the same problem, try to Log in at 12 midnight and see if my hypothesis is right. teehee,

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, July 30, 2009, 10:20 PM

Bucking up & Workin up and Missing stuffs.
And again. i'm typing this post in this stupid box again without the mod tools.
ARAGHGGGHHHH. _|_ this is for you, Blogger! _|||_ read between the lines! D:< Click Here To View My Tumblelog!

Anyway. ever since Mr Owyong came into our class to have a Ultra speech, i have set my mind to actually focus on my studies right away. Really. as in seriously. I have reviewed my results and are quite worried. Right now, i'm not gonna give a Facking damned abt Chinese, the WQZ teacher is a loser and a waste of our chinese period times, her teachings can NEVER be absorbed.

Now i'm gonna focus REAL hard on Eng, Maths, Combined science and Humanities. for F&N, err... i try my best. :X
Finally Tumblr has recovered. as in full time recovery from all those glitches. now i can do virtually evrything. :D unlike facking blogger. D:< Today was a hectic and cold day, a violent day least to say. was starving and waiting for recess. then got 5 periods in air-con rooms.
And also, first time see Isaac so pissed & fought with Vance. but Vance kinda deserve it.
and also, Julia was super mad laughing when i as toking abt Rachel Koh in ELECTIVE class today. then we planned to make a toy that if we used a hammer to wack a pressurepad, a number of lights will light up and hit the top, which will be a GORRILLAS HEAD. it will also have sounds,and two light bulbs will light up the gorillas eyes. :D We named it Hok Lehcar! XD if you are smart enough, you will know what the name means. HAAHAHA.

Right no i'm answering the second round of my interview with Eisen the ST reporter, my the Qns are hard. And, i am doing my News Transcript. Heheh. and also i got a bunch of maths not finished.


This post is updated again at 12.22am.
go to my Tumblelog for more fun stuffs and interesting things!


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 8:19 PM

Photoshoots and Interviews.
Just Got Back from the photoshoot and interview at the Straits Times SPH News Centre. Was SUPER TIRING.


I Got Called by Mr Firhad again in school and he asked me to go to his staffroom to get His clothes for the photoshoot. I know. it's sad. and i admit, my fashion Sense compared to him, is like a dung to a rose. Coincidently, i share the same skinny jeans size and shirt size as Mr firhad. XD size 30 skinny jeans and a medium springfield shirt. LOL. he ish so skinneh.

So i got there,to that building, and MY, it was huge. my China phone cannot do shit with a cracked screen, so i used my sisters one without permission. Heheh.

One was Nicole, she is from the singapore reparatory theatre, and is of age 20 or 21. she is working on a current major play, called the Crusable (I Think?) and she wears good makeup. XD she was there as a 16th century SUPER EVIL WOMAN. with an apron. HAHAHA.

2nd. Gloria. she is from St. Nicholas Girls School,(I Think?) and She's a really funny and bubbly girl. She's Sec 4, and wow, then i noticed i was the YOUNGEST there. Her Character is like a mix between Venessa & Marie,(which kinda makes no big difference) and looks abit like Tricia. BUT, Way PRETTIER, CUTER and PURER than Her. Teehee. Gloria's pretty. really.

3rd. Eisen Himself. i tot he was some really old and nerdy kinda reporter, BUT he is like a cool, Hip guy that is like Super alike to our characters. He is like a friend, like a older friend. he has super long hair(for a guy), which is quite cool. really. he shocked me.

4th. My photographer and my Stylist. i forgot their names, but still. MY photographer, has those nerdy, pure face, and his character is EXACTLY LIKE JUNYUAN. really no joking here. personality too.

My Stylist. HAHAHA. SHE is like a walking style updater. she has really punk fashion all over her, with tattoos of a little girl and a revolver with roses. COOLIOS. and she is really really stylish. a nice belt, GREAT MAKEUP, superb hair. WOW. it was so cool working with her. We had a great laugh. XD

IT WAS LIKE SUPER TIRING. finally i felt how those celebrities and models(LEAH DIZON!)feel. it was super tiring to stay in one pose for like 5 mins, without moving while they take and shift the lights around. Also, finding the right pose and looking good enough for paper. really .it may look simple but it AIN'T. and, the flashes is like two times brighter than normal ones. Really cool. i was supposed to pose like hamlet. LOL. act mad everywhere. Gloria was like toking non stop, getting super hyper, while that 21 yrs old Nicole just stood there. :X
it was cool. the whole phototaking session took at least 1hr 15 mins. my leg was numb, i was squatting for 30 mins. (I Think?)

Then got a brief interview with Eisen at his Desk. WOW. the Straits Times office is like a typical American big company Office, with a spiral staircase, and colleagues walking around and toking and like doing their reporting stuffs.
Here's a funny part of that interview:

Eisen: So, loysius, after acting in theatre, Did you get popular and gain more attention?(especially girls?) *BIG GRIN*
Me: OH. HAHAHA. ppl will start calling me Drama King everytime, after they have seen my show. Yeah, and also, ppl will like regard me as an actor and stuffs. Aiyeah, i got more popular lah. :D
Eisen: Oh haha they why must say so much! just say you did! XD.... so do you take that as a negative thing?
Me: No, i don't think so, coz me as a lead in Drama and Acing in it, i think i will take it as a positive one. *Smiles*
Eisen: OK, so how abt girls. like what do they say. do you attract more girls attention? *BIG Smile*
Me: Erm.... er,,, okay lah, got some girls like ask me to say my lines out, thinking that it's cool and especially those lines that are quite mushy, once a girl wanted to act it out with me, as in do it while looking at my script and stuffs. yeah.
Eisen: WAH! you say like that you make me Jealous Leh! HAHAHAHA now i feel like being in theatre. XD
ME: O.O AHAAHAA yeah okay. yeah it's like that lah. yeah. :D

Heheh. i think i will stop here. it's super long. :D
go to my tumblelog!
& before i go, i must say,


Labels: ,

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 8:27 PM

In the Spotlight for the whole day.
Imma posting this when this Blogger glitch is absent. which means, i'm typing this in a normal box right now.
WHEN WILL THIS EVER END? come on blogger, you failure. start up ure engines plesh.
my Tumblelog.

Today was another funny day. second day i brought my SUPER ORANGE NEON BAG. man. Gladys keeps passing me and saying, "Wah Seh! damned bright leh your bag! damned shiny, my eyes pain."
i looked at her with that O.o face and loled. XD
Then, slept in front of mr Ow in History Class. I actually dreamt. then he kept calling me, i woke up, my vision was blurry, and he asked me:

Mr Ow: Oi! Loysius! are you from 3G or 3H?
Me: Huh? Oh, Huh? (*.*)
Mr Ow: from 3H right?
Me: Huh no i'm not.... EH I AM! I Am in 3H.. sorry blur oreadi.
Mr Ow showed that angry face and tossed the register to me. i was like WTH.

Then Chem Class. Mr Firhad came in my class and the first thing he called was "Loysius!"
I'm like, WHAT? and it was abt the Reporter from Straits Times, Eisen Teo, who tried to contact me but like cannot.
so he asked mr firhad and mr firhad asked me to call him and tok to him. he recommended that i tok on the phone outside class. XD

i went out, and had a tok with that ST reporter, and then Ms Wong puay Kee from another class came out and Shouted:

me: huh? (wait arh eisen erm...wait...)
WPK: OI! i said passs the phone to me now!
me: it's Mr Firhad's one! mr Firhad's handphone!
WPK: ? what? i don't care you come here! (as i walked) Why are you using handphone in curriculum time?
me: NO! this is mr firhads handphone, and i'm toking to a reporter. *shows phone*
WPK: really? *looks at the phone for very long...smiles* okay ... you go back to your class and faster arh!
me: O.O okay okay, i will... *haha*

it's so dumb. i laughed like mad when i got back into my class. XD

then, during F&N, mr Lim SH came in, along with a Mr Tan & Ms Ng May GAy. I was like FUCK. issit a bag check? i got my stepped-on-china-phone in my bag, and i don't want two phones to be confiscated. Funny thing is, they did not scold us. but joked with us. LOL. didn't know HODs are like that.
In the end, it was just a tok abt someone posting vids of our class when we are naughty. Haiz. IDIOTS.

went to buy bag after school with Joanne and Joey. those girls are both really funny. like can make you laugh and go WTH? HAAHAH. we all got the bags with same brand, and finally, a new bag to cover over my SUPER NEON ORANGE BAG. XD

Was toking to the ST reporter, Eisen Teo on MSN just now. WOW. it was like a new experience. damned cool. tomorrow gotta go to News Centre to meet him. Damned scary. photoshoot leh, for some newspaper. And lols, he was quite a joker on msn lah, FYI. XD dunno how he got to add me on msn and facebook. O.O

my Tumblelog.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 12:11 AM

It's just me, it's just...
Regarding to Haris' Tag, I tried dear. i tried. Morning, noon, night, to no avail. until now blogger is failing me again. boohoo, i can't even acess edit HTML, let alone composing it with the given tools.

it got better, It's recovering, now at least i got a proper box to type in. last time the box was so small. i can't post pics, i can't type much. haiz. what a pity. now EVEN TUMBLR HAS FAILED> the dashboard doesn't load properly, but they say no error on page. now, for tumblr i can only post texts, which is the total mirror of this blog. :( Sian. is it just me and my effed up cim, or issit the ppl at blogger & tumblr? i'm starting to think it's just me & shld blame my super lousy computer. X(

DNS. DNS PROB. wth, i think thats the cause. haiz. when always signing on to msn also,i will need to trouble shoot. AIYOOO! maybe god just wants me to stop blogging and focus on studies once and for all. :X

Today was messed, i brought my super bright bright neon orange bag to school, attracted alot of unneccessary attention. alot say it could blind them. i agree. i look like a bouy at sea or a construction worker who has fashion sense. some say it's nice, but i think they are just being sarcastic.
SIAN. & today was maths retest. couldn't fin paper, left 1 Q blank. sian. i can do the paper more fluently but still, i think i can only manage a pass. :(

i also accidentally stepped on my china phone. -.-.

gotta finish that stoopid interview thing by eisen the Straits Times reporter. he was like super despo and i'm super busy. -.-
& also, finishing up Joanne's farewell booklet, it's really hard to come up of something sentimental and intelligently good. Hmmmm,,,,

phew. thats it. i may not be blogging much now, due to this stoopid glitch that is happening. D:

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Monday, July 27, 2009, 7:31 PM

Recovered wound,will there be scars?
the people at blogger must have seen my previous post.
FINALLY Blogger is back to normal.
since so, get ready for a bunch of posts abt last week. WEEEEE!

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, July 26, 2009, 2:42 AM

TAG REPLIES ver 2.0*
I see Blogger's slowly recovering, probably the staff of the blogger management board are finally coming back to their work desks (one by one) checking on WTH is wrong with Blogger. (i'm sure it's not my computer problem.)
Still, they have not tweaked the part where all the font modifications and the 'Add an image' are. i am writing this on a blank box. (hope i'm not the only one.) :X

Tag Replies*:

Oh yeah. yeahyeah. agreed to whatever you said. yeah. i have two blogs right now, so it's like you can snap from here and there.Change my blogskin? as in everything? or like, just the background, coz i can't find any blogskin that fits MEH. maybe skins like tumblrs, but hard to find luh dude. Maybe you could help?
Juliana: :D

Chien Yee:
YEAH! it is supposed to be as it is dear, that is what i want my readers to feel. :D
Haris: Blogger has some problems with the 'create a post' part. it craps up, and modifications to fonts cannot be made. (like this post.) Yeah, i agree, Blogger is the best that can edit stuffs, it's just this problem that makes me feel hesitant to blog. I'm LOVIN TUMBLR! TUMBLR IS SUPER ORGANIZED! and, yeah that 22nd july song, which is the banana song, is what i sang. u look sad and quiet, so i sang it to you. :D

Juliana: Yeah. Men should not treat women like toys and sex stuffs. it's just too obscene and even so, they should bring it discreetly into their bedrooms or smthin. But the world has changed, Some women even take stripping as a full time job, which is REALLY sad, to you girls point of view. Head to India and prostitution is like a everyday thing. Sad. totally. Men & women are Equal, thats a point of view, and another, Women are the inferior group, when men should take care of them and stand up for them. Lots of controversy here and there but, anyway, Every opinion and points of view has their reason and angle, it's just how you see it. :D
Venessa: HAHA, you actually want to see that SKIN... You're nonsense! XD O.O
Marcus: Hey! which marcus is this? and yeah i'm it!

All tags replied! and will update! WEEEEE~

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 12:09 AM

Come In A Prayer.
Relations + Coincidence + Listen + Smiles.

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line,
Miles away from those I love,
Hope is hard to find.
While I recall all the words you spoke to me,
Can't help but wish that I was there
And where I'd love to be, oh yeah.

Dear God,

the only thing I ask of you
Is to hold her when I'm not around,
When I'm much too far away.
We all need that person who can be true to you,
But I left her when I found her,
And now I wish I'd stayed.
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired,
I'm missing you again, oh no,
Once again.

There's nothing here for me on this barren road.
There's no one here while the city sleeps.
And all the shops are closed,
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you.
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah.

Dear God,

the only thing I ask of you is
To hold her when I'm not around, When I'm much too far away.
We all need that person who can be true to you,
I left her when I found her,
And now I wish I'd stayed.
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired,
I'm missing you again, oh no,
Once again.

Some search, never finding a way,
Before long, they waste away,
I found you, something told me to stay.

I gave in, to selfish ways,
And how I miss someone to hold
When hope begins to fade...

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line,

Miles away from those I love,
Hope is hard to find.

Dear God,

the only thing I ask of you is
To hold her when I'm not around, When I'm much too far away.
We all need the person who can be true to you,
I left her when I found her,
And now I wish I'd stayed.
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired,
I'm missing you again, oh no,
Once again .


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Friday, July 24, 2009, 8:28 PM

Stick Like Bluetackstickerglue.
I'm srsly laughing. Really. i have got alot to say, and i will say it. many things that are so freaking funny happened. Will update this blogpost.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. but i think i shouldn't be that mean, ain't?

Well, find out next time what's the topic abt.(note: it's not related to the blog title.)

Tags are updated and replied at the Tag Replies Post below. scroll down please.

Until Then, stay tuned! i'm trying to find a way to put the topic in proper words!

Update: BLOGGER IS FAILING. i'm currently blogging at http://www.loysiussolzhenitsyn.tumblr.com/
so u can see updates there, but not abt my daily life.
i will post one long one here summarising interesting stuffs i had in the last week al together when ppl that manages blogger actually comes back from their 'Vacation'... >:(

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Monday, July 20, 2009, 10:17 PM

I'm currently sitting beside the one and only Julia Teng
I think she's really cool.
We just found a rotting cheese bread under my keyboard table.
I really can't deny it! Too cool already!


(ps: This is written entirely by JT herself. nothing here is Created or written by Loysius and Loysius have been hurt during the process of her writing this post.)

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 1:57 PM

tag replies...
Tag Replies. ****
(asterisks will increase in number according to how many times i update this.)

Replies to those that notice that nonsensical blogskin thing i put. (i know it's effingly awesomely dumb.)
~Newest on top~

Chienyee: Whats Revamp? vampires? O.O
Julia: Yeah yeah, whatever, you Mad Girl. laugh until like some mental girl. One Q, are you nuts? XD
Juliana: HAHAHA, OMG, i just got to notice it man, but still, it made the post interesting, HAHA, i would never go naked in front of the media man, unless, i'm an hollywood actor, and me going naked is like, worth millions, BUT YUCKS, imma guy. XD :X
Maiden: Opps, i think you got it wrong, URE MY MUM! u my employer employ me from ABC philipino maid agency!

Maiden(:hahah! : Hello maiden. I think i can guess who you are. but since you stay anonymous, I'LL KEEP YOU ANON. :D *does philipino maid accent* "yes mum, i'm okay mum, thank you mum call me handsome mum. Mum very good employer." thanks for tagging, i'm fine! :)
Chienyee: yupps. haha. i will post my tumblr url on this blog when i move to there! until then, this will still be my main blog. Memories and sentimental stuffs are still kept here, so cannot anyhow abandon. like a diary,meant to be kept forever. for tumblr, i may wanna post stuffs i want to share with ppl, like medias. For this blog, let's just say it's for my everyday normal life and Rantings. :D
YUNXIN: Hahahahaha! *Does an irish accent* "oh ye, i can hear ye trumpets and parade!, TUMBLR is coming!" Hahaha. yeah. i want to move to tumblr. coz u did, and mememolly too! TRY NEW THINGS! HAHA, i will have the same url if i move to TUMBLR! :D ure sho funneh.

Wan Ting : My blog was under construction until a doctor came by.
Chien Yee: HAHAHA yeah i was once nonsense. :D
Juliana: *OMGOMGOMG!* XD HaHa i know it's stupid for a blogskin. but since you're helping me modify that original blogskin again so..:D
Julia: My Blog WAS gay. now it's back to normal. i just wanted to change blogskins. XD sian, you first time see my blog got bad impression, you just started blogging?
Venessa: You liking that Nonsensical Blogskin made me chuckle behing my laptop screen.... XD i know! it's freaking nonsense, i just put it on temporarily. HAHAHA
Haris: Yupps. i wanna hunt for another blogskin. so i just put that nonsense blogskin to mask it for a few days yeah? :D
Marilyn: YEAH! will tok to u soon! hope you are happy that some things change for the better! :D

So that's it, i put back my old blogskin, & waiting for a skin with the title to be in the blogpost, not outside, like cannot see the title at all. >:(
(ps: haha i seem to have more tags when i do stupid and wierd stuffs, maybe it's like what one part of The Fear by lily allen means, some ppl do super weird stuffs like female celebs going naked, coz thats how ppl get famous... which is, SUPER retarded.)

I know what to do oreadi. :D


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Saturday, July 18, 2009, 11:39 PM

Literature. Standing Ovation. The End.

The wilted flowers that I gave, Not as nice as your bouquet. All the great things that I wrote, Not as smart as the words you spoke. Starlight above my hometown, Ain't as bright as the star I've found, every drawing that I drew, was never ever as cute as you. :D

I'm serious as a heart attack. I'm looking in my almanac. (I've gotta find out all the things, and find out where she got her wings.)

Shimmy shimmy quarter turn. Feel like I will never learn. How can I check lost and found, When I'm too busy getting down?

Gotta get it back to a back up plan to find you.
Start acceleration! Let's take it back to square one. :D

I swear I'm not kidding, I'm just trying to fit in, with all the other answers & questions never confirmed. Worlds that keep us far apart, track the beating of my heart. Mark the places in my book, with photographs we never took.

I swear that I'm not kidding. Night time is so pretty. With all the stars above your eyes and sneaking out and making ties, Things that keep us far apart, track the beating with a chart. Mark the rhythms that I shook, Every time I caught your look! :D

Gotta get it back to a back up plan to find you. you have been led astray, i'm nothing but mistakes and regrets.



Went out to play Pool with Abrams,Jessica and Rachel Y. Was SUPER FUN and i got pwned by jessica. pwned by a girl at pool. Haiz.
We then had a Great time at Macs. Toking and joking around. i love my chums, But how i wished it was another group. :(
Wrong place Wrong time. "Coincidence, where have you gone.?"

I have got lot's of homework, Tests and many other Stressful stuffs.
& i am really Degrading to an asshole or a jerk or a bitch or a himbo or a i dunno, all the negative stuffs.

I Blog for a reason. plus trying to update my world. & keep a daily update of myself.
I've Lost my reason to blog. i don't see a need to currently.
I think i will cease blogging from here, so let's make it epic.
But, i will blog once in awhile. with video posts and updates. But not that frequently anymore.
All these tires me out. and i'm freaking suffering from Schizophrenia i think. srsly. ON & OFF.

For all those that cared for me, listens to me, saved me, made me have the time of my life,
credits goes to all of you. It's an honor to have you as friends.

Those that had offended me, hate me secretly, made my life miserable, I thank you too. you gave me the experience that i needed. Once bitten twice shy. if u know ure english well. U guys did great. u can't get away without an award, man. heheh, SRSLY.

That's it! Weeeeeeee! hope i'm remembered as I am! Happy! Cheerful & Energetic! :D

Updated 12 july,:
little update here. Got a China phone from my dad. it's a TV phone. XD it's so complicated and lousy that i dunno how to use. So you guys can contact me for now. :D
Mad. got lots of tests. and also, My drama performance. so STRESSFUL. wish i can bang my head on the wall. Adios.

Labels: ,

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, July 12, 2009, 12:52 AM

Obsessed till Death follows.
Went out with Rachel Y, Jessica, Jia Qi & Jarrett to watch :

Loysius' Rating : ۞۞۞ 3 stars (watch to blow you out.)

I Expected the movie to be full of sick stuffs. and many ppl have been telling me that. But, After watching i was creeped out, i nvr knew someone would get this OBSESSED.

The show was abt a Guy(Derek) who just got a promotion, and the promotion comes with a deadly price, A Temp worker( Lisa)Falls deeply in love with him and Stalks him everywhere, making his life miserable with his family, and thinking that she is already his. His colleague, Ben warned him abt her but he took it lightly. it started getting worse and kyle, Derek's baby life was at stake. it all ended well, but why don't u go watch it yourself.

One things Bad and sad abt this show is, it's Trailer almost explains the whole show, (i did not watch the trailer, i was invited to watch) So it makes it not that interesting to watch if u have seen the trailer.

Here's the trailer:

u have practically seen the show oreadi. the trailer sucks, it shows all the interesting parts.

Derek has a Co-worker, Ben, who warns him of Lisa, and i was laughing all along in the theaters coz his character & personality is similar to mine. srsly. XD

It creeped me out BIG TIME. coz, somebody in real life, actually does some similar things to me like the show. And really, i was just being nice. Jarrett's part of it too.

1. initiated a game with jarrett, and asks him to play. trust me, the game ain't ordinary, it's like, she asks Jarrett to choose a friend he knows in jarrett's contact list and i got chosen randomly off course. she asks jarrett that we(me and her) can try guessing each others identity out.

2. we toked, and suddenly she asks me what's my height, where i live, what class am i in, what school i am in. (NOTE : I EFFING DUNNO HER AT ALL.)

3. She adds me on msn, facebook, without me asking her to.
4. She gave an excuse that she want's to see my face so facebooks the option.

5. randomly toks to me on MSN, without a proper subject, and says she want to see me and asks if i saw her. I played cool and nice.

6. She asks everybody in school whether they have seen me and wants me to meet her.

7. she has a freaky use of, HAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA used in her texts. like laughing at every stuffs (that when nothings funny.)

Stalking Me Much?Ain't it similar? U decide. Brrrrr...... im freaked. and creeped. Jarrett too.

Lols. gotta Mug HARD NOW. got a bunch of important test coming up next week :X


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Friday, July 10, 2009, 9:21 PM

Prollys the 1st time, Unfortunate.
Today's probably, in all of my history, the MOST Unlucky day of my life.
1. For the 1st time, Got my Handphone Stolen away from me by my physics teacher, Miss joanna ONG, So Don't Contact me through my number right now, i won't have a chance of answering. Haiz. i was keeping it in my bag when she saw it. Well She popped in the class just like that what! Dungfack. But i sweet talked till the point that she gave me leniency, and didn't confiscate the phone for a whole term, but going according to my behavior in class. XD

2. For the 1st time, I got a massive, big cut on my left middle finger (an open wound)straight after she confiscate my handphone. i was playing with my swiss knife ( i turned to it as some stress ball or something) and, Unfortunately, i sliced a small slice of my flesh away from my L.M.F. and it flew off and landed on the table. YUCKS. and i picked it up, still wondering what happened. Now i know the difference btwn a open wound cut and a normal cut. an open wound-deep cut is not pain at all, but u'll feel numb at that spot. now i've got problems typing, writing, eating, bathing. :(

I think my dad is Spying on me or something.he keeps on trying to Hack my Msn and facebook. He actually sniggered when i pointed him out so i'm sure it's him. HAHA. he fails. XD


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, July 8, 2009, 10:20 PM

Mass Hysteria and Wrong Attentions.

Believe it or not, I'm sick of posting Leah donna Dizon's pictures already. I think people get what i mean already from all the previous posts. Instead, I've got a brilliant plan, i'm gonna link Leah Dizon's Blog.(the one i think that's really hers, many dungfacks love to mimic celebs like her) I don't care that it's mostly in Japanese, i just wanna see her (eye candy). But she still writes English though.
So, to end off this thing well, i will post the last picture of her :D
Leah Studying
( i wanna study with her. teehee,) *o*
Her Blog is up on my Links by the time this is posted, so, wooo~ :D

HAHA, How 'bout that Haris? i tried my best to get a picture without her putting makeups and stuffs for her modelling career, - This is a pic taken of her , while she's studying/writing. :D

Title Related
I've been attracting the wrong attention that isn't what i desired. i don't feel good abt it at all, but i don't wanna be mean and create hatred. Hatred is the reason why our world has so many conflicts both in historical happenings and the present.

I am really frustrated. why can't the attention i'm attracting now be the proper subject? the subject that i really want? and why, when the time is right, the so called 'coincidence' is not there, and that attention that i attracted ain't from the subject at all? How much, i wished, that things were the opposite way round. All things would go alright.

"Every point of view, Has another angle, And every angle, Has it's Merit." - God Shaped Hole~Plumb

Everybody's typical. they cannot help but say something that's stuck in their hearts. they have to let it out, to feel better. i admit that even i do that sometimes, it's a sudden urge to let one man know what u know or feel inside. It's an inevitable action, and it takes great skill to actually hold stuffs in that shldn't be told at all.
Well, that's a skill many ppl needs to learn. And i have mastered it i think, coz i know i can keep things that are not meant to be told, inside. :D

Non-Title related
i think i managed to pickup abt 40-60% of British accent now, lols, i've been speaking to myself like some mad guy, :X

Today's Mr Ow's birthday. And he didn't come to school. XD
from here, I wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
he's Queer. Lame. but cool. And one of his FUNNIEST QUOTES is,(LOL) :

"Lameness Neutralizes all Emotions." -Mr Ow.
HAHAHA and i agree, everytimes he becomes lame, the whole class is like, -.- or ._.

That's all, this is prolly the wierdest post i have ever posted.


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 10:27 PM

Sing till the world smiles back, Son.
i haven't been blogging lately. haiz. partly because i am really lazy to blog and that stupid blogger doesn't upload pics properly anymore, But my motive is that i wanna see Leah Dizon everytime i come to update or visit my blog for the last post. weeeeeeee!

You're right. i'm obsessed with her. *o* she's soooooo beautiful and Hot... WAIT! the word! - Drop Dead Gorgeous. XD Sian. i can't get over her, so i'm gonna post a pic of her in every post i write now until i run out of photo or get sick of it. XD
(thanks to photobucket)
Leah in maskLeah and her Cat
hmph. i'm furious. + jealous. again. ._.
Well, this is two days old, but i still wanna blog abt it. I went out with Abrams, Jessica, Rachel Y, Brendy Lam and Jia Qi to Kbox to sing our hearts out. LOL. It's my first time going to a karaoke. Srsly. I'm honest here. We had SO much fun and laughter. i get to sing songs i wanna sing for a long time, and i found out my voice sounds really nice as an Emcee over the mic. I lost my pitch many times though, when i sang 'I'm Yours' and 'The Man who can't be moved.' haiz. so paiseh, but It was a great experience. and i wanna go Singing again. :D

Do i look like this guy??? SRSLY>>
gary cao Pictures, Images and Photos me
Lotsa ppl say i look like a cross between David Archuleta and this guy above, named Gary Cao. WTH. I don't think i look like them at all. -.- David's a fine looking guy, and that Gary guy looks queer. i don't think i'm up to their standards, but whatever. I better off with that Gary's hairstyle only. :D

I'm Thinking...i'm thinking...For every nap has a little small nightmare.


I'm trying my best. we'll see how it goes.
This has been going around my mind ever since marilyn told me what to do. Heheh.
NOW, just ytd i was playing Restaurant city- (YES that boring game) and i dozed off.
I dreamt abt :
1. A facebook notification i recieved that someone is listed as married with another person.
2. And a website, fully orange in color with someone names everywhere and undesired stuffs.....

I woke up panting, and went to check facebook. found out it was a dream. -.-
my, WTH is wrong with me. Haiz. ._.

British Accent.
I wanna adopt a british accent. SRSLY. it's useful and cool. useful for my drama club,and cool since many ppl mistake me as a caucasian and not really many has that accent. i just LOVE how those British speak. BUT, it's hard for me to learn it. i have to mix with UK ppl. but sadly, i have no UK friends, only an Eng teacher named Mr Rebbeck, who doesn't teach my class. HAIZ. right now, i'm just turning to UK singers in my music playlists to pick up the accent from...

Savers for pleasure.
HAHAHA. i found three ppl that wanna join hand together and save enough money to get an Ipod touch. Weeeee! we can update each other and stuffs. so cool. and we'll buy it together too!

HAHA thats all for now, i'm sorry for all the Leah photos, u gotta bear with me. teehee,


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Sunday, July 5, 2009, 8:02 PM

Unworthy Catch For Uglyfacks.

I'm MAD angry. and pissed. something like a cross between Jealousy, angry and discontentment.

It's frustrating when we men, living in world of beauties, Lose out to some guys that doesn't deserve a good catch.

Girls are like Fishes. many many different species. some are colorful and pretty and some are like rockfish, ugly and unattractive. men are like fishermens. and same theory, some are ugly, many are normal and little are special.
AND the stoopid thing is that some ugly GUY actually gets friggin lucky and gets the BEST of all fishes, and the fish are those that we normal men have been wishing and dreaming for so long.

For my Case,(seriously,really honestly. *o*), She's literally my Dream Girl,
LEAH DIZON. (click on pics to enlarge)

Two decent pictures i can get on the net of her. it's quite hard to get decent ones coz she does modelling and She's a gravure idol too, so many pics are maybe too sick or not appropriate for my audience here.

She's mixed blood. One glance i can guess that she is. :D
her ethnicities are: American-Chinese, French-Philipino.
She speaks mostly English And Japanese, and just basic French and Tagalok.

the Best combination of mixed ethnicities ever. Can create such a beauty.
Her jobs are as a Singer, Actress, Model for fast cars,(HOT), Gravure idol(mature for some ppl, but still HOT) and as a TV personality in Japan.
Wooots. her songs are nice too, the second pic is her newest album. :D

For More definition and info abt her, go to this link : Leah Dizon's Wikipedia Page.

SHE'S PUURRRRFECT. Everything. to me maybe, but really. SHE's HOT. I think someone has to create a word that compiles Hot, pretty and beautiful altogether. i only can think up of the word Drop Dead GORGEOUS... :S
OKay. she also have her imperfections lah. not everybody's perfect, but she is to me. my dream girl *o* ...

BUT all was lost when one day, i read her news,(i'm a fan i think) and she announced in one of her tours that she is backing out from the music industry due to her being MARRIED to a japanese stylist AND PREGNANT.
I was at my computer, with the O' face. :O

i can't believe someone actually fucked her. And it was an unplanned pregnancy.
i was completely shocked, and immediately she broke a FANs heart. :( i went to check on that guy's information and MY OH MY OH MY.

HE IS FRIGGIN UGLY. i was expecting a really hot and hunky guy, or some really stylish looking man. BUT DAMNED. he looked like some beggar who rented michael jacksons clothes.

OMGZOMGZOMGZ. i pity her & feel so sad for her. she married to this shit.
(click on the pics to get a better view of this uglyfack)

i bet she was drugged by that pervert looking guy. drugged, then found out she was pregnant and that Uglyfack is her husband. like a typical drama show, she doesn't want to let everybody know she's such a lousy woman and lose fame so she agree's to marry tht stylist to avoid suspicions. She tells the Media that she wants to be a mom and she is happy. but i think, deep inside, she isn't. judging from the picture y do they, as a married couple, have to stand so far apart? At least hug each other a little lah. Haiz. i really pity her.


and her baby's already born, April 24th, named Mila. haiz. :(

when i grow up, i wish i could get a girl like her. Probably. Maybe. Perhaps. *cross fingers*

And if i actually meet her in real life, i think i will get super hyper and excited OR she'll knock me out man. XD


By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, July 1, 2009, 12:19 AM