its funny that some mommys and aunties start to get grouchy and angry when they start to age.there are some,that really,are great and are still getting the hang out of the teens.

so,the mommys and aunties wouldnt mind shooting their minds out loud.

they wouldnt mind.they are their country's citizen,and they must stand tall ,proud and teach those naughty rascals out in the society how to be good.

they would scold,in public.

let me tell u abt one of da things i've seen..:D:D

me,and my friend,zayne,was out,doing our own things.(and when i say that,i mean it.)

games gamesgamesgames.

we took mrt to jurong there,but imm is abt 100 meters away frm us,so zayne suggested we use the shuttle bus.

after getting off and played our games,we were in a hurry and we waited for the shuttle came,and it was really crowded.yeah,the rule,and the basic law for people when getting off and up the buss is to let passengers that are alighting get out first,and those who r abt to board,wait till all passengers alight.if they dont,it will cause tremendous every body was doing the same thing when passengers are alighting during that time,and shuttle bus fill up like water when all passengers have alighted.its free,and who in the world wouldnt want if there is,they may be in another part of the world,and hey,i respect them though.they aint blood suckers like us but when it comes to free transport,even if its just a few cents,every body will get onto it.zayne and i was waiting for the people to alight,and an indian woman carrying a kid looked really desperate to get on it.she was the first though,to put her leg on the shuttle's stairs,and every body didnt mind,cause everyone has the same thinking.the a woman,alighting,was with a two kids,perhaps 6 to 8 yr old,shouted to the indian woman.
it was really funny,20 % wierd to be there.
the indian auntie didnt have any reaction,and just do watever she was doing.perhaps she doesnt even know wat tthe hell is the grouchy auntie toking abt...she was standing there,looking at the bus,as if a dog just barked.he crowd waiting was stunned,some were laughing.i really wonder why that auntie doesnt feel any shame for being so loud in public.she got down,i take a second glimpse at her,i remembered her half angry-half satisfied face and it kept me laughing just to think abt it.
yeah,so it came to the point that house wives...u can read the first bit again..:D:D:D.

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Monday, November 19, 2007, 2:00 AM

change no.2...
ive made another acc of,pls,add me at:


i'll be using that more often,cause ive gt lots of mails aand need another to make things right.
add me on msn too.
thanks.happy face. :D:D:D:D:D:DD:D:D:D:D:D:D:

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 1:55 AM

taxi drivers these days have a real sense of humour.sone r really grouchy,some r too friendly.yeah it can be awkward sometimes when taxi drivers talk to u so friendly and u dunno what to say to them(when they ask for your particulars like where u study,where u work,all ure personal stuffs.)well i dunno whether it has happened to u but it has happened to me.lots of times.
heres a example of a taxi driver that loves to joke:

me and my friends had oreadi decided where we want to go.west coast.we called a cab,and it was raining puddles and rivers of rainwater that time.i had a friend that wants to go with us but we didnt allow him cause we had to revise(for the upcoming exams)the taxi came,we got onto it.that friend of mine wanted to get on it.but we closed the door and asked the driver to drive out of the school compound quickly.we're mean,eh?not that moment of time,i had a feeling that we should bring that friend along,but the other two said no and was quick enough to convince the taxi driver that that friend was nt part of us.knowing that that frientd of mine has weak emotions(he gets sad or cry easily)i worried for him for the whole we headed off,the uncle was pissed,nt because of us,but the friend that was 'abandoned'by we drive past him, i can see him crying.this is how it may go:
(in speech:)

me:hey i dont think thats a good idea.
friend 1:no if he comes,he will disturb us and how r we gonna concentrate?
friend 2:(tellling the uncle directions & routes)
me:i feel guilty leaving him there.wat if he sabotage us because of this?no reallty i feel really guilty...u should see him there emoing...wat if he lost control and stay there crying the whole day?wha wholud the passer bys do?confort him?he wouldn't listen any way>..
friend 2:no.if we let him come,hes short of money, he will start demanding us to treat him to macdonalds and leaving our pockets empty.
me:(continue to brag abt feeling guilty)
friend 1:u think i nt guilty arh?im also scared!(looks out of da window,pissed.)
me ok ok..chill abt u ?u feel guilty?
friend 2:(giggles)seriously,i dont feel guilty..
(a few seconds later,we laughed.)
uncle:aye ,'ow come u all leave ure fren behin'?
(we explained)
uncle:u all 'ery bad eh..raining oreadi stillwant play ..u noe its 'ery dangerous on the road...
(as we headed front,a big accident that happened before was in front of us.)

me:wat the hell?

friend 2:wow

friend 1:wah knock until like that seh.

uncle:yeah u all see that ah very dangerous duh..u all betuh dont fool around ah u noe that car crash just not long ago u noe....u all dont play play... one would have survived that crash.hey y no reporters?

friend 2:where got one.

(we passed it and made a left turn)

uncle:aye u noe arh i just went past there u noe .saw the man get knock by the lorry u noe knock untill fly on top of tthe tree and hang tdown there..the ah u see all the police shoot tthe guy down but only shoot bird ah..hahaha..


F 1:0.

f 2:hahahahha!

(the uncle thinking that were interested in his jokes,continued)

uncle:haha..and the lorry hit the car and flip one side u noe!ueah then the lorry fall onto another car..

(we didnt answer.there was a moment of silence.)

f2:uncle go this way.

uncle:go wat way?u live where?

f2:nono,i going to macdonalds.

uncle:wah u live in macdonalds?every day got breakfast to eat ah!...ure father wear turban go macdonald work manager right?


f 1:laughs

F 2;nonono,my father work in (somewhere else.i forgot.sorry?)

uncle:no lar no lar.ure mother wear turban lah..hahahaha

(me and friend 1 laughs louder.)

F 2:haha uncle nooooo we going mac donalds!!

me:what is turbans?

f1:haha i dunno...(its actually a thing some sikh people wear as a hat,i think.)

me:me too.

uncle:haha u noe turban ahhhh ure father wear tturbans hahah yeah...

(he seems toking to himself.)

{we passed by some lanposts and then ,he suddenly said}

uncle:aye,u all got see ornot?the lampost there got phyton!!

me:(trying to go with the "flow")oh yeah,,really?where?

uncle:yeah at the lampost behind!!

(i kept quiet,and my frends and i started to tok abt our own subjects when he cut in)

uncle:u live here ahh?

f2:nono not here i live in blue horizon!

uncle:blue horizon....(thinks fere a while)oh at the west coast there ah?


uncle :ahhh your father wear turban live there right!


(he points to a condo that we didnt noe and said)

uncle:there ure mother live here right?

f2:hah u saw my mum?
uncle:yeah she also wear turban.

we all laughed,and i knew that this was the best taxi driver ive ever come across in making up jokes,that may not be funny.but hey sitting there driving frm morning to night needs some jokes to spice up ones life rite?

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, November 7, 2007, 4:59 PM

ive changed my blog to

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 4:26 PM