Went to the halo 3 opening at suntec tower one yesterdae.it was crowded with halo three fans,players,and purchasers.it was full of Xbox consoles there,estimated i think 40,and its hard to find one to play on.clarence,went to buy it,i wanted to buy it too,but im short of money.and the limited edition is only sold at that day.it was quite of a dissapoint ment,but,its the exam time duh,so i aint that desperate to buy.played the game for abt 4 hours.died.finished missions.fraged brutes.sniped brutes.meleed grunts.double killed.destroyed 5 scarab tanks.betrayed.carried new covenent and humans weapons.activated bubble shield.stepped on mines.And one more funny thing is,i played co-op with a 10 years old boy,and he can teach me the control,died lesser than i did,killed more,lead more than me.he is a pro frm young!wtf?he is so young and he has experience of a professional.salute to this ignorant boy mans!cheers.well, abram gt bored of watching me play and went off,alex rushed german exams just to be there,i played fer so long,clarence is desperate to touch the controls when he already bought the game,met some fairfield fwends,master chief appeared with sergent johnson,i gt the pic:

No choice.ive gt an improper view of the little stage in front.too crowded.

Halo fans out there should know what im talking in this post,provided that they have a little knowledege of it,and those that did nt attend ,it was quite of a pity.
it has a wonderful multiplayer,complete with forge,custom games where u can
customize ure disered type of terrain,maps weapons,armour,player and many others
if u want to find out more click on the picture on the right to go to the official halo 3 website,where u can have more information abt it,and click on the john 117 monument to see the spartan hero's tribute to his service,and get great screen shots frm it and videos of rememberence.i gt a few of ot,it may be a lousy one,(i took alot so don worry)and maybe u can preview it...

this is the most oi can put,and if u want more go to the website.
if u wantt the game u can pre-order it at bungie.com or xbox.com.

(aditional info)Check out the new spartan laser!!
it has a stronger the effect and damage as rocket launcher,more kills,lesser ammo,but the problem is,tit has lesser ammo,(said)charging takes hell long,it looks quite cool to hold,and the melee is quite devastating,its godlike to grunts,berserk for jackals,ownage for floods,running riot for brutes,killing sprees for hunters.but for the laser,its godlike for all.

ther r more cool weapons,but u must play the game to find out.go to http://www.halo3.com/ check out more abt the spartan laser and other weapons!!

thats it for this post.

thats all folks[old fashion]

mission aborted.
transmission terminated.

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Wednesday, September 26, 2007, 8:24 PM

went to my gran's house today,but its godamned boring there.imagine doing the same thing alll over again....haizzz...

saw my cousins fighting again...(don wory no actual human is harmed during this process..)they're just play-fight(if u noe what i mean) though..too bad i did'nt gt a shot of them..but i looking at them fight i makes me remember something that happened at dom's house last year..haha i think i still have the vid...

and another..
up loading......faster......posting the video is longer than i thought....dammit.

y cant it go faster!!

ok.i've still gt another...

all right....

the first one depics jerwin fighting with joel...wrestling to be exact...

and the second one is(viewers excretion)joel(again)squeezing brendans...u-knoe-what.

well thats all....

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Saturday, September 22, 2007, 3:23 PM

this was ia video i saw at alexanders blog...its quite funny so i wuold like to share..
(if u have seen it,dont bother to see it again.)

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 2:55 PM

pls link me at peppersteakandbutteredcheese.blogspot.com

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ , 2:40 PM

shit. im cursed.i owe mr guo 6 book reviews.
mr pang give me so many hmwk.chi composition when ive gt whole lots of other hmwks like math.
MATH.fin one whole wrksheet that is three pages long and textbook hmwk.

well,i can cope anyway.

todae saw wat was written on the board.

in blue ink:

Final Year Exam:17 days to go.

sheesh.im gonna go through sec 2?am i too weak?is it a challenge?

gotta buck up loysius.jeez!

im toking to meself!

i need my pills...i cant be a retard eh?or is it?

bang and the bullet goes through my head.

edited this before going to sleep. very boing luh.
cant sleep..hallucinations.i see...
lets nt tok abt it.good,it aint.remember her,i don want.
wats this?i am toking abt her!
no. i have to do more meditation.
don disturb...

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Thursday, September 13, 2007, 10:52 PM

you're popular in that whole dang group
jeez im just a minor cause
i woke and felt the morning breeze
said to myself 'its gonna be a good day
wat can i ever do to even influence u abit

im up,
im fresh,once again
maybe thats what u had in mind,
but being the only one in here thats never gonna be ok

you look up to the one u find,
you're fine and wont lose ure mind
but when i came in to ure life,
i made a mess and i bother u
but in watever i do i just can say
its love on first sight

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Saturday, September 8, 2007, 5:04 PM

a day at abrams house..

its it.i woke up damned early this morning at 8.i was drowsy then.i wanted to continue sleeping,but after recalling mrs ho's voice,i think i better nt....

got up, changed, head to mrt station.im one lazy kid.the the road to the station is abt a 10 minutes walk and i took a bus.DEAR lazy me.i regretted luh,cause my ez-links gt nothing more than its own plastic and sensory chips after that.WHATS THIS?it was such a coincidence and i met that petros with his lot.abrams house is like 15 stops away frm bouna vista,which is gonna be a long ride.SHIT?he lives in pasir ris??

i didnt bring my psp,which is a great mistake,and all i did was just listen to music.all over and over again.

i reached.got out of the gate.stood there.in a daze.HOTDAWGS!ive never been to this place bfore!!i called abram like a million times and nobody answers.i waited,went to buy a few buns to snack on,had a drink,a beggar keeps harassing me,toking some kind of wierd out of the world language that i dont understand.after abt half an hour,i gt abram's message.he said that he will be coming to the mrt station and have i eaten.=.=waddahell!!

i replied,and he suggested that i go to the nearby shopping centre to look at some gaming products coz his bus i damned freaking long.it was long indeed,i browsed through comics conection abt 4 times when i gt his message,saying the he had arrived.

he was with me and he said that clarence and ifraq had nt arrived at his house yet.and hey its abt 1.30 at that moment...

we had nothing better to do,just to wait for them to come.we needed to do our maths project by this holiday.if nt we will gt noisy,irritating scioldings.i actually knew it.clarence will definitely be late.he has a father that controls him like a worker in a control room.when any of the switches defy the worker,all the worker has to do is just flick the switch back,which means that clarences father can just do things like confiscating his hp,cancelling computer usage,or even cofiscate his pencilbox.PENCIL BOX!too strict.if he was my father,i would have left my family.so, his dad, stops him frm going to abrams house,coz its too far.so i came up with a cunning plan....

  1. i asked him to lie to his father that he go to ifraqs house.his dad agreed,coz its nearer and let him go.

  2. his dad will fetch him after we finish at abrams,but his dad foolishly thinks that we did the project at ifraqs. so,i asked him to come out earlier,and take a bus to ifraqs.

  3. ifraq agreed to wait fer him till he comes.

  4. frm there,they will head to abrams.then after doing our project, they will head to ifraqs and frm there,clarence pop will fetch him.

complicated yeah?
it works,suprisingly,yeah,but on the way sm thing happened to the two morons.

on the other side of this whole thing,me and abram was quite pissed abt clarence and ifraq and we went to explore the shopping centre.we saw an arcade and went in.i brought 30 bucks and used it all into the arcade games.we played alot, and some are wasted coz for some games we r nooob.after abt 2h,ifraq gav a call to abram and said they r at holland mrt station. all that fuss and they r still at the mrt station.well,me and abram went extremely bored,and we didnt bother to wait so....we took a bus to abrams house and we waited for the left out guys.i had a drink.watched a few shows.ate udon.did some work.then,we gt a message that clarence lost his wallet in the taxi.whats this?i was quite pissed at that moment,cause its abt 2 that time(i think)and we havent even started. then after a long wait(and i meann LONG)they came in a taxi.i dunno how they did it,and i don really wanna go into this matter.but,what we did at abrams was just call the peeps up,make a fool of ourselves,play nintendo ds(yes i sdmit.)we went home with?nothing.

By Loysius Gräfenberg @ Tuesday, September 4, 2007, 8:09 PM