(one of the open air cafes at germany...pro.they dont put locks on their bikes.)
(the city tour taxi.looks nice, but its like in an english china.its the same as trisaws man!!)
bt one thing i like abt this pic is that couples beside.i could come out with a dialog:
taxi driver:(in german)city tour!city tour for tourist and civilians!city tour!
man: hey dear,we come to this place everything so expensive.look at that?just 2.40!!we could save some money and later have a tenderlising tenderlion steak at jones!
wife:oh really?so cheap meh?quick.lets get on it.
man:wait looks like nobody get on it.like that very paisei...if u noe wat i mean.
wife:hanh?then how like that must take that stupid taxi arh?
man:(looks around frantically)lets get on it luh.who cares anyway...
(the couple get on the cart and paid the driver.the driver was happy as it was hes first customer in the whole afternoon.)
driver:(in german)where do you wanna go?
man:to jones eating house.
after 1 hour....
wife:aiyo.dardar ar.when reach?very hot leh..
huh?bear with it for a while...
they reached the stop abt 20 meters from the cafe.
man:thank u arh!
when they reach there,the shop says:
does the pic match my dialog?we were in the streets of munchen
this is the arial view.i dunno how and when we took this pic.this is funny.
there are streets around it. cool.anybody can invade luh!
the street of munchen;rathaus castle(i think?)and that man was angry cause i took a pic of him.hes popularr...
a tower with a bell on the top.shakes the whole of munchen.see the two towers popping frm behind th shorter buildings?its called the frauenkirche.
the horses that r fat but they brought mi back to the hotel stop.
tell u smthin,the horses pee is like the watre hose.its pee can go on for 2 minutes!!the whole road was wet with pee before they start off.
ok...after this i went back to hotel to pack my things.
we took the air port back and shit. fuck?its school again.
the end.